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(Ge 4:3; 18:14; 21:2; Ex 13:10; 23:15; 34:18; Le 23:2; 3-4; 44; Nu 9:2-3; 13; 10:10; Psa 61:7; 75:2; 78:5; 102:13; Isa 33:20; 42:6; Jer 1:5; 33:14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21;
La 1:15; 2:6-7; 22;
Eze 33:7; 36:33-34; 35-36; 37-38; 44:24; 45:17;
Da 7:9; 10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19; 20; 21-22; 23-24; 25; 26; 27; 8:19;
Hab 2:2-3; Mk 13:33; Ac 3:20; 17:22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31;
Heb 1:1-2; 3; Heb 2:7-8 NASB; Heb 3:2; 7:28; 9:27)
ESL H 4150 מֹועֵד [mowʿed, moʿed,] AV translates as “congregation”, “feast”, “season”, “appointed”, “time”, “assembly”, “solemn”, “days”, “sign”. 1 appointed place, appointed time, meeting. 1a appointed time. 1a sacred season, set feast, appointed season. 1b appointed meeting. 1c appointed place. 1d appointed sign, 1e tent of meeting.
[Note: Sabbath Rest, is an Appointed time. For the people, of Yehwah. Assembling, to meet with, EL elyon the Most High Father, in Oneness, of His Holy Spirit.]
See also: New Moon n Appointed Times
Exodus from Sin
Genesis 15:13-14; Acts 7:6-7; 8; Ex 3:8; 6:6; 12:17; 12:40-41; 42; The Eternal Yehwah Logos, predicted, the future enslavement, of the descendants of Abraham. And the appointed time, for their Salvation. Yehwah Elohe, chose Moses, to be a spokesman. Witnessing the Eternal's power, to free the children, of Israel, from captivity in Egypt. The Eternal, instructed Moses. Teaching him, the way to recognize, the first month, beginning the yearly calendar. Commemorating, the appointed assemblies, for the nation of Israel. The month of Abib, ( Abib, is the time when barley is ripening. Just before the spring equinox.) The sign of a completely dark, un-illuminated, New Moon. Establishes the first day. The New Moon, is day one, beginning the 29 1/2 days, counting, the monthly lunar cycle. On the 10th day of Abib, the Israelites, were instructed, to select a lamb. And care for the lamb, until the eve of the 14th Day.
(It is important to understand: The Eternal creators, established sunset. As the designated, “End”, of one day, and the “Beginning” of a new day. Each new day, “Begins”, after sunset, at the evening twilight. The 24 hours, continue from nighttime, to dawn, then the daylight hours, come to their “End”, at the following sunset.)
Exodus 12:1-2; 3; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12; 13; 22; 23; 24; 46-47; As the sunset on the 13th day, the Israelites, slaughtered the “Passover Lamb”. And placed the lamb’s blood, on their doorpost. Trusting Yehwah Elohe’s miraculous protection,from the death Angel. The firstborn in Egypt, suffered Yehwah’s punishment of death. During the midnight hours, of the 14th of Abib. The Israelites, were commanded, "do not, leave your dwelling, until daylight”. By morning, the Egyptians cried out, in fear of the Eternal Yehwah. And the Egyptians, gave the Israelites, gold, Silver, and precious possessions. Hasenning, the Israelites, departure.
Exodus 12:14-15; 16; The Israelites assembled, in orderly family divisions. The Exodus, from slavery, began after sunset, “Ending” the 14th day, as twilight, commenced the 15th day.
(Nu 33:3; ) The evening full moon, glowed brightly. As the host, of Israel, marched forth, like an army. With the banner, of the Eternal's “Pillar of Fire”. Lifting their hearts, like an eagle, taking flight.
(Ex 13:20-21; 22; 14:13-14; 23-24; Dt 16:1; ) The 15th of Abib, is forever memorialized. As the night, of Israel's Exodus, from slavery. And the Eternal, assigned the first Commandment. Reminding Israel, Yehwah Elohe, is their Savior.
(Ex 20:1-2; Isa 45:21; 33:22; )
Exodus 13:1-2; 3; 6-7; 8-9; 10; The 15th day of Abib, is an appointed assembly. And Holy Sabbath, commencing the seven days, of “UnLeavened Bread”. Remembering, Israel's departure, from the sins, of idolatrous Egypt. The children of Israel. Consumed the unleavened bread. Then Yehwah Elohe, provided miraculous bread, from heaven, called “manna”.
On the 50th day, from parting the “Reed Sea”. Yehwah Elohe, enter into a Covenant, at Mount Horeb. Pentecost memorializes, Yehwah Elohe’s, marriage Covenant, with the nation of Israel. Revealing, the Spiritual Laws, producing Oneness of heart, and Holiness in the mind, of Israelite worshipers. Yehwah our Elohe, Yehwah, is ONE, Spirit of Holiness. Uniting the hearts, and minds, of the Obedient children, of the Eternal Family of Eloheyem.
(Ex 16:4; 17:6; Dt 8:3; Ps 78:15;Neh 9: 20; 1Cor 10:1-2; 3-4; 5; Dt 6:4-5; 6-7; 8-9; Mk 12:29-30; 31; )
See also: 7 Sabbaths 3 2 1 Exodus
& 7 Days of Unleavened Bread
Leviticus 23:4-5; 6-7; 8-9; The law given to Moses, established counting, to the 14th day, in the month of Abib. Reaching, the evening twilight, When the Passover Lamb, is sacrificed.
(Nu 33:3; ) The nation of Israel, remembers their departure, from Egypt. On the evening of the 15th day, of Abib. Gathering for a twilight,, (Seder), supper, on the first Day of UnLeavened bread. Seven days, are ordained by the Eternal, for eating unleavened bread. The 15th, is a High Holy Sabbath. And the 21st, is also a High Sabbath day. of rest, for the children of Israel.
(Nu 28:16-17; 18; )
Numbers 9:2-3; 4-5; The Israelites, continue to celebrate, the Passover, and UnLeavened Bread. During their 40 years, journey, in the Sinai wilderness.
Deuteronomy 16:1; 2; 3; Near the end, of 40 years, of wandering, in the wilderness of sin. Moses, prepared a new generation, of Israelites, before they enter the “Promised Land”. Moses, had instituted, the Levitical priesthood. The priest, performed the ordained, sacrificial ceremonies. Originally, the Israelites, prepared the sacrificial lambs, on Passover eve. Later, the priest presented sacrifices, at the chosen place, for Israel's required assembly. Before, the Eternal's tent of meeting. The Levitical Priestley mediators, presented offerings, prescribed by the law, at the appointed times. The original, evening Passover sacrifice, performed by the Israelites. Gradually combined, with the daylight hours, of the 14th day of Abib. When the ceremonially clean, levitical priest, sacrificed the lambs, for the Seder. The Israelites, celebrated, the evening, of the 15th. Feasting on the Seder supper. And remembering their departure, from enslavement in Egypt. Passover and the 7 days of UnLeavened Bread, blended together. As one unified, celebration. UnLeavened Bread, was also eaten, on the evening of the original Passover. At the appointed time, as twilight, began the 14th of Abib.
(Ex 34:25; Dt 16:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; )
Joshua & Promised Land
(Ge 17:2-3; 4-5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10-11; )
Joshua 5:2-3; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; Yehwah Elohe Logos, re-instituted, the sign of Circumcision. As a Renewal, of the Eternal's Covenant, with Abraham and his descendants. Joshua circumcised the sons of Israel. So that, Yehwah Logos, would restore, the Promised Land, inheritance.
(Dt 10:11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 30:6-7; 8-9; )
Joshua 5:10-11; After Moses' death. Joshua prepared the Israelites, before they entered, the promised land, by celebrating the Passover. The Passover eve of the 14th of Abib, at twilight, began, the weekly Sabbath.
(Lev 23:3; 9-10; 11-12; 14; ) after Joshua’s Passover, on the following 15th day. The high priest, presented a required, “Wave Sheaf” offering, on the day after the weekly Sabbath. The 15th day, of Abib, is also the High sabbath, and first day of UnLeavened Bread. On that day, of “Wave Sheaf”, the Israelites, were allowed to harvest, the ripening barley. The Israelites ate, toasted barley, from the fields, surrounding Jericho.
Joshua 5:13-14; 15; Yehwah Logos, the commander, of the Eternal's army. Appeared, to Joshua. And ordered the nation of Israel, to March one time, around the city of Jericho. On that first day, of UnLeavened Bread.
(Jos 6:2-3; 4-5; 8; 14-15; 16; ) For 6 days, the Levites blew their trumpets, and led the Israelites, marching around Jericho. On the Final 7th day, of the weekly Sabbath. The priests carried the Ark of the Covenant, before the Israelites. As they encircled Jericho, 7 times. The Eternal Logos, caused the walls of Jericho, to collapse. When the last trumpet sounded, and the Israelites shouted, triumphantly. “Yeshua, Yehwah Saves”. The Eternal, provided a great victory. As Israel, began to take possession, of the “Promise Land”.
Forgetfulness & Remembrance
Yehwah Elohe, Logos, was Faithful, to lead Joshua. And the nation of Israel, to many victories. As they conquered, the land of Canaan. The Israelites often forgot, their Covenant promise. And their sinful hearts, wandered after other gods. Copying the idolatrous practices, of the surrounding pagan nations. The Eternal, sent prophets, and judges, to call the Israelites, to repentance. Turning them away from sin. Israel prospered, when King David obeyed, the heart of Yehwah. But, Solomon's idolatry, divided the nation. And led Israel, back into the bondage of sin.
(1 Ki 11:1; 2; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 11; )
2 Chronicles 30:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 15; 16; 17; 18; 35:17; 18-19; Temporary revivals, of Passover and the days of UnLeavened Bread. Occurred during the reign, of Hezekiah, and Josiah the good Kings of Judah. But, Northern Israel, rebelled against, the Eternal's Commandments. And they were conquered, by their enemies. Later, Judah would follow the disobedience, ofIsrael. And be led into Babylonian captivity.
(2 Ch 36:21; Jer 25:11-12; 29:10; )
see also: 666 the BEAST n U and ANTi-CHRiST
Mercy Restored
Daniel 9:2; 3; 4-5; For 70 years, Daniel lived in Babylonian captivity. Patiently waiting, for the promised time, for the rebuilding of the Temple, in Jerusalem.
( Da 9:9; 13; 16; 18; 19; ) Daniel prayed for Yehwah Elohe, to Forgive, and Redeem, His people.
(Da 9:21; 24; 25; 26; ) The Eternal, revealed to Daniel. The rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the Temple, would occur, over a 49 year period. Temple worship, will be reinstituted. And the Levitical priesthood, must continue their service. Another 434 years, until the appointed time. Awaiting the arrival, of the anointed Messiah.
Ezra 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; The Eternal, inspired Cyrus king of Persia, to authorize the rebuilding of the Temple, in Jerusalem. Fulfilling, the freeing, of Judah and the Levitical priesthood, from captivity in Babylon.
Ezra 6:19; 20; 21; 22; The exiles, of Judah, and the Levites, returned to Jerusalem. And joyously celebrated, Passover and the days of UnLeavened Bread. Just as Moses, in the prophetic Scripture, remind Israel, of Yehwah Elohe’s Covenant and Sabbaths.
(Eze 44:23; 24; 45:21; )
See also: Babylonian Chronicles n 70 yrs.
and Daniel Ezekiel Ezra Esther
and Daniel Un-Sealed
Appointed Holy One
(Jn 14:6; )
John 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; The apostle John, identifies the Messiah. By the title: “Logos, which means Spokesman or the Word”. Logos, is one member, of the Eternal Spirit Family, named: “Eloheyem or God”. The Heavenly Father, EL elyon the Most High, is the head, of the “Eloheyem” family. There are only two, Eternal Spirit Beings, “the Father & Son”. And together, They Created, everything.
(Jn 10:30; 15:9-10; 17:24; 25; 26; ) Messiah Yeshua, teaches the Way, to eternal life. Obedient Faith is oneness of spirit, with the Heavenly Father. Messiah Yeshua, came into the world. So that, humans might see the light, of True Love. Rescuing ,the human heart, held captive in darkness, by the deceitfulness of sin. Freeing, the mind, enslaved by temptation and lies. Declaring Liberty, by Obeying the True Words of Logos, Yehwah Elohe.
(Jn 1:9-10; 11-12; 13-14; ) Yehwah Logos, spoke to Enoch and Noah, before the flood. Yehwah Melchizedek, the Logos, approved, Abraham's fateful obedience. And Abraham, inherited, the promised Seed. Hope in the Resurrection of the dead. And the reward, of entrance, into the Eternal Kingdom, of Peace.
(Mal 1:1-2; 6-7; 2:4-5; 6; 7; 3:1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 8-9; 10; 11-12; 16; 17; 18; 4:4-5; 6; ) Yehwah Logos, entered into a Covenant, with Moses and the children of Israel. By revealing, His Law of Love.
(Ge 22:18; Acts 3:25; 26; Ga 3:16; Heb 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; Acts 3:18-19; 20-21; 22; ) Logos, became the promised "Seed", of Abraham. Blessing, everyone, by turning them away from sinful lawlessness.
(Jn 8:42-43; 44; 45; 46-47; ) The prophetic appointed time, announced the arrival, of the promised Messiah. Logos, spoke to the people. But, they did not understand, His message of Salvation.
(Jn 10:14-15; 16-17; 18; ) Everyone, led by the Spirit, listens to Logos. And keeps His Commandments. Developing Love, for the Savior. And Loving the Father by becoming His Obedient children.
(Jn 15:9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 17:1-2; 3; 6-7; 8; 11; ) A child of the Father, is conceived, by His Spirit of Holiness. Receiving the knowledge, of His Mercy, Truth, and Love. Uniting a person, in the Oneness of Spirit, that is Eternal Life, in the Eloheyem family.
(Jn 1:17-18; ) Messiah Yeshua, is the Yehwah Elohe Logos, who wrote His Heavenly Father's 10 Commandments. Memorialized, in tablets of stone, and gave them to Moses.
(Jn 10:24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30; 36-37; 38; ) Messiah Yeshua, entered the world, in human flesh. So that, He might reveal, His Perfect Oneness of Spirit, with His Father.
(Dt 18:15; 18-19; Mt 5:17-18; 19-20; ) Messiah Yeshua, speaks His Father's Words of Truth. Leading mankind, into a deeper understanding, of the Law, Required Repentance, and the Merciful forgiving love. Proclaiming, His True message of Salvation.
(Eph 1:5; 7; 9-10; 13; 14; 1 Pe 3:21; 22; 4:1-2; 3; 2 Cor 10:5-6; 1 Cor 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14; 15-16; Ro 1:3-4; 5-6; 6:16; 17; 18; 22-23; 7:12; 8:3; 4; 11; 14-15; 16-17; 22; 23; 24-25; 29; ) The gift of Eternal Life. Comes from the Father, revealing the knowledge, of His "Holy Spirit". Uniting, faithful followers, with His Perfect Son, Messiah Yeshua. Becoming disciples, by Listening, Believing, and Obeying, His Teachings, and Commandments.
(Jn 14:6-7; 9; 10; 11; Mt 11:25; 26; 27-28; 29-30; )
The Israelites believed, there was only, one Eternal Yehwah Elohe. They did not understand, that it was Yehwah Elohe, the Logos, representing His Father. And Elohe, had been speaking to mankind, from the time, of Adam.
(Heb 2:1-2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; Php 3:20-21; 1 Cor 15:22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 28; )
Messiah Yeshua's Passover
(Lk 22:15; 16-17; 18-19; 20; )
John 11:55-56; 57; Lk 22:1-2; Mk 14:1; 2; The customary practice, of ceremonial cleansing. And the removing of leavening from Israelite’s homes. Occurred before Passover, and the days of UnLeavened Bread. Only unLeavened Bread, would be consumed, during the eight-day celebration.
(Mk 14:12;Lk 22:1-2; Mt 26:18-19; 20; ) On the 13th day, of the month of Abib. Messiah Yeshua's disciples, prepared the supper, before the evening twilight, began the 14th day, of Passover.
(Jn 13:1; 3; 4-5; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 20; ) For 3 1/2 years, Messiah Yeshua, revealed the Eternal Truth, and Love. Accompanied by miraculous signs, from the Spirit, of His Heavenly Father. The Father, entrusted, His Perfect Obedient Son, Yeshua. Giving Him, all authority, and power, to bring Salvation. The fulfillment of a Messiah, for everyone, hoping for His promised appointed time. Yeshua knew, He would soon return, to His Father. Yeshua desired, to leave His disciples, with a special remembrance, of His Love. Messiah Yeshua, began washing the disciples feet. As a humble example, of His willingness to serve others. Symbolically portraying, His assistance, in cleansing, repentant believers. And Forgiving sin.
(Ex 19:10-11; 19; 20:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-16; 17-18; 19-20; Isa 1:16-17; 18-19; Psa 51:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17; Eze 16:4; 5; 6-7; 8; Eph 5: 26-27; Acts 22:14-15; 16; 1 Cor 6:9; 10; 11; Titus 3:4-5; 6-7;n)
See also: BLOOD of the LAMB and BEARiNG SiN
Bread and Wine - Body and Blood
Luke 22:14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20; Yeshua, transferred new meaning, to the Passover supper. The breaking, of the UnLeavened Bread. Now symbolize, the sinless Messiah's broken body. As a remembrance, of His suffering crucifixion, death, and resurrection. The Passover wine, represents a “New Covenant”. Ratified by the Spirit, of Messiah, symbolized in the pouring out of His Life Blood. Renewing the Covenant, with repentant believers. Preparing disciples, before the Pentecost memorial. Fulfilling His merciful forgiveness and cleansing, through receiving His Holy Spirit.
(Ex 24:8; Heb 9:19; 20; 21; 22; 8:8; 10; 11; 12-13; 9:9; 10; 15; 23; 24; 25; 26; 12:24; 25; 26; 10:15; 16; 17; Acts 2:32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 38; )
True Love Glorifies the Father
(Jn 15:9-10; 12-13; 14; )
John 13:32-33; 34-35; After Passover supper, Messiah Yeshua, spoke of His Heavenly Father. As the source of True Salvation. Yeshua magnified Obedience, to the Law. And His Love Gloriously, reflected the Spiritual character of the Father.
(Isa 42:21; Mt 5:16-17; 18; 19; 20; 11:25-26; 27; Jn 6:44-45; 46-47; 48-49; 50-51; ) Yeshua's disciples, discipline their lives. Practicing, faithful obedience, to the Eternal's Commandments. Motivated by the Spirit of the Father, revealing the Love, of His Son. Mirroring his reflection, in the hearts of believers.
See also: GROWiNG PAiNS
John 14:6-7; Messiah Yeshua, lives by every word, of Yehwah EL elyon, the Father. Yeshua, teaches love, from the heart of faithful obedience.
(Ex 20:6; Dt 4:2; 6:17; 28:9; Mt 19:16-17; 18-19; 1 Ti 6:13-14; 15-16; Jn 10:17-18;Ps 91:14-15; 16; Jn 15:8-9; 10; ) Only Messiah Yeshua, lived a perfect sinless life. And was proven to be the (Christ), Holy Anointed One. By His suffering death, and His resurrection. to Eternal life.
(Dt 30:1; 2; Da 7:27; Mt 8:27; Mk 1:27; Acts 2:16-17; 19-20; 21; 22; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 30-31; 32-33; 34-35; 36; 38; 39; 3:18-19; 20-21; 22; 5:31-32; Php 2:8; Heb 5:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; Ro 1:4-5; 6:16; 17; 18; ) Messiah Yeshua, leads repentant sinners, into an obedient relationship, with the Heavenly Father.
John 14:9; 10; 11; The disciples may have pondered the question: "if I obey the law, do I have eternal life?" Messiah Yeshua, revealed a deeper Spiritual reality, of Oneness with the Father.
(Ro 3:21-22; 23-24; 25; 26; 31; 5:15; 16; 17; 18; 19; ) Eternal life, is a gift of loving kindness, (or mercy.) Coming from, the Holy One, who Loves us. And we receive, that gift, through Faith. True Salvation, is given to repentant believers. When the Heavenly Father, reveals the Love, of His Son, in their hearts and minds.
(Ge 1:26; 27; Ro 5:6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; 8:28; 29; Ga 4:4-5; 6; 1 Jn 3:23-24; Col 1:26-27; ) The Father created mortal humans, with the purpose, of becoming like His Son. Hopefully anticipating their longing, to know True Love. Growing desire, for Eternal Life.
John 14:15-16; 17-18; Love is a reciprocal relationship. “If you love me, you will keep my Commandments”. True Love, is a Covenant agreement, and a Spiritual Union. Messiah Yeshua, came to reveal, the Holy Spirit of the Father, dwelling within Him. Salvation, is the Father, revealing His Spirit, to followers of Messiah Yeshua. Guiding their hearts, and minds, into Faithful Loving Obedience. Reflecting, His perfect Son.
See also: SPiRiT of HOLiNESS
John 14:20- 21; The Holy Spirit, is not, a third person of a Trinity. The Heavenly Father, is Spirit. Revealing Himself, and the knowledge of His Son. Opening the conscience of people, drawn to obey Spiritual Truth.
(2 Cor 4:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; Jn 4:23-24; )
John 14:24-25; 26-27; Jn 8:42-43; 44; 45; 46-47; If people do not, love Messiah Yeshua. They will not, follow His teachings, or listen to the Spirit of the Father.
John 16:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; The Heavenly Father, is the Consular, and Spirit of Truth. Convicting sinners, of their transgression, against His Eternal Commandments. The Father, also testifies. His Son, is the Holy, Righteous, and Sinless Messiah. Yeshua, has ascended into heaven, and is seated at Father’s right hand. Messiah Yeshua, is prepared to judge, all of mankind.
(Ge 3:14; 15; Acts 1:6-7; 3:19-20; 21; Mt 19:28; Ro 16:19; Rev 20:1-2; 4; Isa 9:6; 7; 2:2; 3; 4; 11:1; 2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; Eze 37:11; 12; 13; 14; 19; 21; 22; 23; 24; ) The appointed time, for judging the world. Begins with the removal of Satan's evil spiritual influence. By bringing the government, of Yehwah Elohe the True Messiah, to earth. Messiah Yeshua, will restore all things. Healing the earth, establishing His laws, justice, correcting sin, removing disease, and restoring the promised Sabbath rest, and appointed assemblies.
(Heb 4:6; 7; 8-9; 10-11; Zec 14:16; 17; 18; 19; Isa 56:6; 7; 8; Mk 11:15; 16; 17; )
See also: The LORD's DAY 1 and 2
John 17:26; Yeshua and the Father, promise, to be with faithful obedient, believers. Completing the work of Salvation. As the Saints, are resurrected, at the return of the Messiah.
(1 Cor 15:15-16; 17; 20-21; 35; 49-50; 51-52; 53; 54; 55-56; 57-58; Lk 20:35-36; Jn 11:24-25; Php 3:9; 10; 11-12; 13-14; Mk 4:22; Ro 8:17; 18; 19; 20; 21-22; 23; 24; 25; 1 Cor 3:13; Ga 3:26-27; 1 Pe 1:3; 4; 5; )
John 18:1; Messiah Yeshua, prayed that His disciples, would remain in His Love. After Passover supper. In the evening twilight, on the 14th day of Abib, They walked to the Mount of olives, garden, belonging to the family, of a young man, named Mark.
Messiah's Suffering & Forsaken by the People
Luke 22:39-40; 41-42; 43-44; 45-46; Heb 5:7; Midnight, moonbeams pierced, the olive garden. As Messiah Yeshua, intensely prayed for strength. To endure, the trial, of cruel accusations, and the injustice of crucifixion.
See also: CURSE of the LAW
John 18:3-4; 12; 13-14; Lk 22:66-67; 68-69; 70-71; Mt 12:38; 39; 40; 41; 22:41-42; 43-44; 26:63; 64; 65-66; 67-68; In a moment of betrayal, Messiah Yeshua, was arrested. And taken to the house of Annas. Tried before a religious consul. Condemned, by the high priest, Caiaphas. As a blasphemer. Because Yeshua, identified himself, as the, "Christ, and Son of the Almighty One”.
John 18:28; 29; Num 9:10; 11; Mk 7:2-3; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; The daylight hours, of Passover, on the 14th of Abib. May also be designated, as a preparation day. Before the High Holy Sabbath, begins on the 15th of Abib, at twilight. On the first day of UnLeavened Bread. Ceremonial cleansing is required, for the Israelites, to participate, in the Seder remembrance. So, the Jews gathered outside the house, of Pilate. Demanding that the Roman governor, execute their death sentence, upon Yeshua.
John 18:33; 36; 37; 38; 19:6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12; Pilate's judicial quandary, delineated between the Jews, jealous hatred. And the fear, of condemning an innocent man. Troubled by Yeshua’s, claim of being a king, and Son of Yehwah EL elyon, (their God).
See also: RiGHTly DiViDe_TRUTH vs LiES
John 19:13-14; Mt 27:19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 25-26; At mid-day, Pontius Pilate, tried to wash his hands. Absolving his responsibility, for deliberating the death sentence. And the Jews, accepted the blood guilt, for crucifying, their Messiah, and King.
See also: DiVORCE isRAEL?
John 19:17-18; 19; 12:23-24; 25-26; 28-29; 30-31; 32-33; 34; 35; 36; Messiah Yeshua, suffered public humiliation, beaten, brutally scourged, and crowned with thorns. Like a Lamb, led to the slaughter. Yeshua, was suspended from a cross, by the nails of piercing rejection.
(Isa 1:4; 52:13; 14; 53:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 8; Psa 22:6; 7; 8; 12-13; 14-15; 16-18; Jer 17:12; 13; Lk 23:34-35; 36-37; 38-39; 40-41; 42-43; 44; Isa 57:1-2; 3-4; 15; ) The Jews, cursed and mocked, "if you are the Christ, save yourself”.
See also: NAILED to the CROSS
Mark 15:32; 33; 34-35; From 12:00 noon to 3:00. Hours of searing pain. Were eclipsed, by moments of Yeshua's compassionate words. As rays of light, tore at the cloak of darkness. Concealing His Father's Love, from the eyes of mankind.
(1 Ti 6:12; 13; 14-15; 16; Isa 50:3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 60:1-2; 3; Dt 5:22; Ex 3:15; 20:1-2; ) The Spirit of the Father, spoke powerfully, through His Son. When, Messiah Yeshua, cried out His memorial title: ” ELOI, Elohe, the Elowah”, which means: EL i, reveal. Yeshua, revealed His Oneness of Spirit with EL elyon the Father.
(Dt 32:15; Isa 33:22; 43:11; 12; 13-14; 15; 44:6; 8; 52:6; 7; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 53:1; 2; 3; ) But, the Jews, were abandoning the Elowah, their Rock and Savior. The Lord God, Yehwah Elohe, is King, Judge, and the Messiah Savior of Israel. Yeshua, cried out to the people, “towards what, abandoned Me. The Jews, thought Messiah Yeshua, was crying out, to Elijah, the prophet, for help.
See also: Mark 15-verse 34 ELOI ?
Mark 15:37-38; 39; Lk 23:46; Psa 31:1-2; 3-4; 5; 16; 19; 23-24; Mt 27:51; With His final breath, Messiah, roared like a lion, " Yeshua”, which means: Yehwah is Salvation! Yeshua, entrusted His Spirit, to His Loving Father, and surrendered His life.
(Jn 10:14-15; 16-17; 18; )
(Psa 22:3-4; 5; 8-9; 10-11; 19; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31;Heb 12:2; 3-4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; )
See also: Yeshua!!!
Mark 15:42; 43; 46-47; Messiah Yeshua, died, and was buried, in a tomb. Just before the sunset, on the 14th day of Abib, that Passover. On a Wednesday that year.
see also: How To Study Tools 1 2 3
and Hebrew ABC?
Paul & Passover
(Ro 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; )
1Corinthians 1:4-5; 6-7; 8-9; The Heavenly Father, revealed His perfect sinless Son. So that, believers, may become like, Yeshua. Participating in Spiritual Fellowship.
(1 Cor 1:18; 19; 20; 21; ) Messiah's Obedient, sacrificial death, on a cross. Demonstrates Faith, in His Father's love. So that, Yeshua’s followers, would learn to Trust, Obey, and not fear death.
(1 Cor 1:22-23; Jn 8:25-26; 27-28; 29-30; Acts 17:23; 24; 25; 26; 27-28; 29-30; 31; ) The Jews, would not believe, Yeshua is the Messiah. And they demanded, a sign. The Greeks, idolize human philosophy. Worshiping gods, formed in their own image. But, they did not know, the True Eternal Yehwah Elohe, the Savior.
(1 Cor 1:24-25; Ro 2:4; Jn 8:31-32; 12:28-29; 30-31; 32-33; 34; 3:13-14; 15-16; 18; 19; 20-21; Acts 1:2-3; 6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; ) To be called by the “Eloheyem”, family name. A believer, must be anointed, with the Spirit in Messiah. Yeshua's powerful Faith, is demonstrated through weakness. His humbly suffering, injustice. Draws people, to His loving kindness. The Father, and Son, revealed Their powerful love. By offering, mercy, and redemption, to repentant sinners.
(Psa 82:3-4; Mt 26:41; Acts 20:35; Ro 6:19; 8:2; 3; 26; 15:1-2; 3; 4; 1 Cor 1:25; 26; 27; 15:12; 17; 20-21; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 34-35; 42-43; 44-45; 46-47; 48-49; 2 Cor 11:29; 12:9; 10; 13:1; 2; 3-4; 9; 1 Th 5:14; Heb 4:15; 5:2; 7:28; Heb 12:4; 5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10-11; 12-13; 14; )
See also: Died for our Sins?
(1 Cor 2:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15-16; ) The Holy Spirit, is the Father, and Son, sharing Their Oneness, of heart and mind, with Faithful Obedient, believers.
(1 Cor 11:23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 29-30; 31-32; ) Messiah Yeshua, revealed to the apostle Paul. A deeper understanding, of the appointed Passover, remembrance. Paul instructed all believers, in the significance, of keeping the Command. The appointed Passover assembly. And the appropriate, participation in the bread and wine. Symbolizing Messiah Yeshua’s sacrificial offering. The UnLeavened Bread, portrays the broken body, of a sinless Messiah. He was willing to suffer, the cruelty of mankind. For the purpose, of becoming their Savior. By turning them all away from sin. Believers, must eat of the UnLeavened Bread. With a heartfelt conviction. Abstaining from sinful desires. The Wine, symbolizes a “New Covenant”, sealed with Blood. So that, Messiah's Holy Spirit, could be poured out. Convicting, and Cleansing, believers, from their sins.
(1 Cor 5:7; 8; 1 Jn 1:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; )
(2 Cor 3:6; Ro 8:3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; ) The Eternal Commandments, given to Moses. Establish, Righteous Judgment. Condemning sin. The “Renewed Covenant”, in Messiah's Spirit. Empowers believers, for Fateful Obedience. Leading to Eternal Life.
(Jn 5:39; 6:27; 32-33; 35; 40; 56-57; 12:50; 17:1-2; 3; Ro 6:16; 17; 18; 22-23; Ga 6:8; 1 Ti 6:12; 13; 14-15; 16; Titus 1:2; 1 Jn 1:2; Mt 19:16; 17; )
See also: Justification of Righteousness
Hebrews 2:14-15; 16; 17; 18; The Eternal Logos, became the promised, Messiah. By entering into His physical creation. Miraculously conceived in a virgin. And born, as a fleshly human. Messiah Yeshua, Obediently, overcame Satan's temptations. Opposing the cause of sin and death. Messiah Yeshua, revealed the Father's mercy and forgiveness. The Way of Atonement. Requires a shared participation, in the Fateful Sacrificial Offering, with the Savior. Messiah Yeshua, the perfect high priest, would lead repentant sinners, into Faithful Obedience. Freeing them, from fear of death. Perfecting hope in the Resurrection of the Righteous. And receiving Eternal Life.
(Heb 4:12; 13; ) Understanding Salvation, requires believing, Messiah Yeshua, is the Eternal Logos Yehwah Elohe,. The "Living Word”, of EL elyon, the Father. The Heavenly Father, examines the heart and mind. Testing each person, to see if believers, will truly obey, His Son's teaching. And follow His example.
(Heb 4:14; 15; 16; ) Yeshua, was proven to be, the Messiah. By His powerful resurrection, to Eternal Life. Yeshua, is seated, at His Father's right hand. On the throne, of grace. And is willing, to forgive, and free people, from their captivity in sin.
(Heb 5:7-8; 9-10; ) Messiah Yeshua, Faithfully Obeyed, all His Father's Commandments. And always spoke the truth, to lead sinners, to repentance. Yeshua, suffered, the cruel injustice, of sinful mankind. He is proved, worthy, of being recognized, as Melchizedek,”the Priest of EL elyon Most High” Father.
(Heb 7:11-12; 13-14; 15-16; ) The law, given to Moses, could only identify sin. And the animal sacrifices, performed by the priestly descendants of Aaron, could never cleanse the Hebrews from sin. Sacrificial works, never produce, Faithful Obedience. Yeshua, never sinned, and His life, could not be separated, from the Heavenly Father's love. Yeshua, remains forever, as the Messiah Melchizedek, Prints of Peace, and only Savior.
(Heb 7:26-27; 28; ) Yeshua, was proven to be Holy, set apart, from sin. And appointed, as the Merciful Judge. Offering forgiveness, to the truly repentant, believers.
(Heb 9:8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; ) Once a year, Aaron would offer sacrifice, before entering, the most Holy place. Making Atonement, by sprinkling blood, on the Ark of the Covenant. Cleansing the meeting place, from the sins, of the people. The ceremonial sacrifices, and sprinkling of blood. Could never cleanse the conscience, of people. Removing their desire to sin. Messiah Yeshua, offered His sinless life, as a pure sacrificial lamb. And His blood poured out, symbolizes the sharing, of His Holy Spirit. Cleansing repentant believers, and spiritually restraining, their sinful behaviors. Believers, are redeemed, by the sprinkling of Yeshua's Holy Spirit Life. And they, enter into a “New Covenant”, of Obedient service, to EL elyon, the Father.
(Heb 10:8; 9; Ro 12:1; 2; ) Messiah Yeshua, put an end, to the required, animal sacrifices. And He established, His example, of Obedience. As the “New and Living Way”, for believers. Making their life, a sacrifice pleasing and acceptable, to the Father.
(Heb 10:14-15; 16-17; ) Messiah Yeshua's perfect Oneness of Spirit, with the Father, Reveals Holiness, to repentant believers, so that they may participate in Atonement Oneness. The New Covenant, permanently writes, the Eternal's Laws, on the heart, and in the mind, of Faithful believers. Past sins, and lawless acts, are Forgiven. When, Obedience, is perfected, from the heart.
See also: At-One-ment Prophecy and LAW within LAW
Appointed Prophet & Passover Redeemer
(Ex 15:13; 2 Sa 7:21; 23; 26; 27; Job 19:25; Psa 19:14; 34:22; Isa 1:27; 49:5; 6; )
John 17:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; Messiah Yeshua, Faithfully Lived by every Word of His Heavenly Father. Yeshua's death, and resurrection to Life. Vindicated, Him, from all false accusations. And the Father, restored Yeshua, to Eternal Glory.
(1 Ti 1:5; 3:16; 2 Ti 2:19; Isa 50:3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; Psa 24:3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 43:1; 26:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 7:8; 35:27; )
See also: Melchizedek the Savior Elohe
Deuteronomy 18:15; 16; 17-18; 19; Moses, assembled the nation of Israel, at the appointed time. At Horeb, to meet the Eternal Yehwah Elohe, Logos. Yehawah's voice shook the earth. And the people trembled with fear. Moses, promised, in the future, a prophet like him, would arise. And teach the Israelites, the Eternal's Words of Truth.
(Acts 7:37; 38; 39-40; ) Many times, the Israelites failed to listen, to Moses. And they did not, obey, Yehwah's Commandments.
(Mal 2:1; 2; 4-5; 6; 7; 8; )
Malachi 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 13; 14; 15; Aaron and the Levitical priests, were instructed, to teach, the Eternal’s Righteous Commandments, to the nation of Israel. But, the people, did not, value the Living Words of Truth. And they even complained, that the wicked, escape the Eternal's Judgment.
(Acts 3:17; 18; 19-20; 21; ) Messiah Yeshua, proclaimed, the “Good News”. The kingdom, and government, of Yehwah, would be Restored, to Israel. And the appointed time, for revealing, the Mercy and Loving Kindness, of Elohe, has begun.
(Lk 4:17; 18; 19;21; Isa 61:1; Mt 11:5; 12:18; Jn 3:34; )
Malachi 3:16; 17; 18; The people that believed, the "Good News”. Repented of their sins, and received the Holy Spirit. Turning to Messiah Yeshua. So that, their hearts, and minds, would be renewed. By Learning Faithful Obedience. And preparing them, to serve in the Eternal Kingdom of EL elyon the Father.
(Ro 12:1; 2; )
See also: HOLY SPIRIT: WHO ?
Malachi 4:1; 2; 4-5; 6; Messiah Yeshua, is the promised, “Elijah = ElYeh”, the prophet. Messiah Yeshua, has come to Glorify Loving Obedience, to the Heavenly Father's Commandments. Messiah Yeshua, will bring Judgment, against the wicked, and Lawless. When He returns, to establish, His Kingdom, on earth.
(Mt 6:8-9; 10-13)
(Acts 3:22-23; 24-25; 26; Isa 42:21; 1 Pe 1:10; 11; 12; ) Messiah Yeshua, is the Yehwah Elohe, Logos. Who has been speaking, to mankind, since the time of Adam. Messiah Yeshua, is the promised, “Seed”, of the woman. He will crush, the head of Satan. And remove sin, and lawlessness, from mankind.
(Ge 3:14; 15; Ro 16:19-20; Acts 3:25; 26; 26:18; Rev 12:9; 1 Jn 3:4-5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10-11; 12; Ge 22:18; Ga 3:16; 7-8; Mt 12:25-26; 27-28; 29; Rev 20:1-2; 3; )
Yeshua, is the “Seed”, of Abraham. And Yeshua, will be a blessing to all nations. When, He brings the Kingdom, of EL elyon, the Father, to earth.
(1 Pe 1:2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 8-9;13-14; 15; )
see also: ELi-Yeha COMES FiRST
Law, Truth & Salvation
(Psa 91:11-12; Mt 4:7; )
Matthew 5:17; 18; 19; 20; Messiah Yeshua, did not abolish His Laws. He became a living example of Perfect Obedience. Yeshua, magnified the Law. Revealing His deeper understanding, and Love of Truth. Followers, of Messiah, must learn Obedience, to the Law. And reflect, His rejection of sin. With the hope, of obtaining, the Resurrection to Eternal Life.
(Col 2:1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 1 Jn 2:3-4; 5-6; 7; Isa 8:13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19; 58:1; 2; 59:13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; Jer 8:7; 8; 9; )
Colossians 2:4; 8; Yeshua, opposed, the Jewish religious leaders. They taught disobedience, to the Commandments, given to Moses. And they created their own traditions. The Jews, even adopted, the pagan myth, of the immortal soul, and a spirit after life.
(Mt 22:23; 29; 30; 31; Jn 5:37-38; 39-40; 26-27; 28-29; 6:43-44; 45; Acts 2:16-17; 19-20; 21; Lk 20:35-36; )
see also: SOUL & IMMORTALITY ?
Mark 7:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13; The Jews, misused the law, of Moses. And added many humanly devised traditions. So that, they would appear righteous, in the eyes of men. Messiah Yeshua, confronted the Jew’s hypocrisy. And He said, their hearts, were far from, true obedience. The Jewish people, did not recognize, Yehwah Elohe, the Messiah.. The Jews, trusted in Ceremonial Washings. Symbolism, did not, purify their hearts, from sinful desires, or deceitful attitudes. Yeshua, said, eating bread, with unwashed hands, may allow dirt to enter the body. And then, the dirt would be eliminated. Yeshua, did not, put an end to the law of Moses. Yeshua, continues to prohibit, the eating of unclean animals. Yeshua, identified sin, as a deeper spiritual uncleanness, of the heart.
(Mk 7:18-19; 20-21; 22-23; Isa 65:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 66:16; 17; )
See also: UNDER the LAW?
Matthew 19:3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; The Jewish teachers of the law, gave approval. To Men divorcing their wives, for almost any reason. Yeshua, corrected the Jews, dishonoring of the holiness, of the marriage covenant. Yeshua, exposed, the unloving motivation, of their hearts.
(Mal 2:14; 15; 16; Isa 50:1; 2; 3-4; Jer 3:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9-10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; )
Matthew 12:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; Jewish religious leaders, added burdensome regulations, to the Sabbath observance. They refused to lift a finger, to help the poor, and needy. The Jews, condemned Yeshua, as a Sabbath lawbreaker. Because, He healed the sick, on the Sabbath day. Yeshua, said, it is lawful, to do good works, on the Sabbath. So, the Jews hated, the Messiah, and plotted to kill Him.
(Jn 5:16-17; 18; Mt 22:41-42; 43-44; 45-46; 23:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15; 23; 24; 25-26; 27; 28; 37; 39; 16:6; 11; )
Colossians 2:9-10; 11-12; 13; The apostle Paul, understood. Messiah Yeshua, revealed the True Freedom, in Spirit. Yeshua, declared Liberty, in Obediently observing, the Eternal's Law. Producing a heart of sacrificial Love. True Circumcision, occurs in the heart, of believers. When, they repent, and turn away from the sinful desires, of the flesh. Baptism, symbolizes cleansing, and rebirth, into a new life, of Obedience, to the Messiah, the Savior. The sign of Circumcision, and cleansing baptism, were practiced by Jewish religious leaders. But, they did not, obey from a heart, of love.
Colossians 2:14; Ga 5:11; The sinless Messiah's unjust, crucifixion. Testifies as a Memorial, Witness, against everyone rejecting Yeshua's offering of “Forgiveness, and Salvation”, to the truly repentant. Yeshua, is the Living Word, of Yehwah. Yeshua, is the embodiment of the law. His crucifixion, symbolically nailed a list, of all mankind's transgressions, to the cross. Convicting the world, of sinning, against the Holy One, Messiah, the Savior, Yehwah Elohe.
(Ro 8:2; 3; 4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; Jn 15:22-23; 24-25; 16:7-8; 9-10; 11; )
Colossians 2:15; 16; 17; The unrepentant Jews, relied on false tradition, and vain philosophy. Now, they are exposed as hypocritical deceivers. The religious authorities, have been removed, from being judges.
(Mt 15:6-7; 8-9; Isa 29:13-14; )
Messiah Yeshua's Commandments. Teach, the correct Way, to Obey the Law. Properly respecting, cleanliness, and clean food laws. Observing, New Moon, and Sabbath assemblies. The law given to Moses, looks forward, to the government, of Yehwah EL elyon, the Father. And the Restoration, of all things. Occuring, at the appointed time, of Messiah's return.
(Jn 8:28-29; 30-31; 32; )
and MiLK n MEAT - to EAT or NOT?
Isaiah 42:18-19; 20-21; Messiah Yeshua, was not persuaded, by Jewish religious leaders, false piety. The Jews magnified, their social practices, of human philosophies, and traditions. Messiah Yeshua, taught the Law, with Justice, and Mercy. Proclaiming, the "Good News of the Kingdom of Yehwah”. And calling, all people, to repentance. Offering, Forgiveness of their sins. Yeshua, Glorified, the Way of the Law.
(Eze 3:10-11; Isa 29:18-19; 23; 24; )
The Father is Spirit & the Eternal Life in His Son
(Jn 14: 24; 26; 28; Jn 16:13; 14-15; )
John 14:16-17; The original Greek, shows: Yeshua, stated, the Father, is the other, consular, encourager, and the Spirit of Truth.
“The Father, another encourager, (He) gives to you, so that with you - forever, (He) may be, the Spirit of Truth. the world - is not able to receive, because (they are) not perceiving Him and not knowing”.
(1 Cor 2:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; )
“You know Him, because beside you (He) stays and in you (He) will be”.
(1 Jn 3:24; )
John 14:18-19; 20-21; Messiah Yeshua, promised, to unite His disciples, with the Heavenly Father. So that, they would not remain orphans. Yeshua, ascended into heaven. Where unbelieving mankind, cannot see Him. Humanity cannot perceive, the presence of the Father's Holy Spirit. Yeshua, lives, forever. And He has revealed, the only Way, to Eternal Life. Offering, Oneness of Spirit, with the Father. True Love, is a Covenant agreement, in the heart, of believers. Perfecting Faith and Obediently keeping the Eternal Commandments. Yeshua's disciples, perceive the unity, of Spirit. As the Holy sanctuary, and appointed meeting place, with the Father of Eternal Life.
John 5:37-38; 39-40; The Jews, thought they knew, the One True Yehawah Eloheyem. Eloheyem, is a family name. Expressing, the Oneness of Spirit, with the Father of Righteousness. And Yehwah Elohe, Logos, is the Eternal Son. The Savior, Messiah Yeshua, who has been speaking, to mankind, from the beginning.
Genesis 1:26; 27; 2:9; 16-17; 24; Mal 2:15 NIV; The Father and Son, made man and woman, in Their image and likeness. Adam and Eve, were offered the “Tree of Eternal Life”. Uniting them in, Oneness of Love. In the sanctuary, of the Father's Holy Spirit.
John 6:44-45; 46; The Heavenly Father, is invisible, Spirit. And He examines the heart, and mind, of humans. Testing their thoughts. To see if they, will listen to Him and love Truth. Messiah Yeshua, speaks His Father's Words of Truth. And the Father, draws people, to His Son.
(Prov 20:27; Psa 139:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 16-18; 23-24; 1 Cor 2:7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14; 15-16; Mt 11:25; 13:11; Psa 51:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-13; 15-16; 17; Ro 8:15; 2 Cor 4:3-4; 5; 6; Isa 1:17; 18; 19-20; )
Bread of Life
(Mt 4:3; Dt 8:3; 5-6; )
John 6:47-48; 49-50; 51; UnLeavened Bread, symbolizes the Exodus, from sin. And Messiah Yeshua’s body, represents the heavenly, Manna. Feeding believers, on their journey, to the promised, “Kingdom”. The Jewish Seder, celebrate traditions, that look to the past. Memorializing, Yehwah Elohe’s glorious work, of saving the children of Israel, from slavery. Messiah Yeshua's disciples, are fed the sinless, Bread of Life. Yeshua, is a New and Living Covenant. Looking forward, with a Hope, in the Resurrection, to Immortality.
See also: LOVE Story
John 6:52-53; 54-55; 56-57; 58; Messiah Yeshua, use the symbol, of His flesh. As an example, of food. Yeshua’s physical body, became a Spiritual metaphor, nourishing disciples. By giving His Life. Yeshua, did not, teach cannibalism. Yeshua, meant, His Life, of Obedience, to the Heavenly Father. Became an example, of Faithfulness to follow. And His Spirit of Life, is nourishing, like food. Yeshua's Words of Truth, represent His Life Blood. And come from His heart, of True Love. Faithful disciples, abide in Yeshua's Love. Renewing the Covenant agreement, to follow, His example. Keeping His Commandments, that lead to Eternal Life, with the Father.
John 6:63-64; 65; Messiah Yeshua, used symbolism, expressing Spiritual Truth. Being understood, with the help, of the Heavenly Father’s Spirit. The symbols, of bread and wine. Remind followers, of Yeshua's physical suffering, cruel crucifixion, and the pouring out, of His life blood.
(Lev 17:11; ) Sacrificial blood, was offered, for the cleansing, and forgiveness of sin. Symbolic blood, represents the spiritual life, within. Eating the Passover, Bread and Wine, is a required, act of remembrance. Passover symbolism, honors the Savior, Yeshua. But, it does not, Save.
(Acts 2:38; 39; Everyone must repent. And turn away from their, sinful disobedience. The symbolic purification of Baptism, is participation in Messiah's death. As a commitment, of putting to death, the sinful human nature. The Passover, Bread and Wine, portrays food, leading to Life. Nourished by the Holy Spirit, of the Father, in Yeshua.
(Mt 3:6; 11; 13-14; 16; 17; 28:19; Ro 6:3; 4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13; 14-15; 22; 7:12; 8:3; 4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14; 15; 12:1; 2; )
Oneness of Spirit with the Father is Holiness
(1 Cor 6:17; 19; 20; )
1 Peter 1:15-16; 17; 18; 19-20; 21-22; 23; Lev 19:2; 20:7; The word “Holy”: reveals awareness, of a Spiritual sanctuary. A meeting place, where a worshipers, encounter, the Father. Prayerfully, meditating, on His Word. Messiah Yeshua, is Logos the Living Word. Yehwah Elohe the Son, of EL elyon the Father. Messiah Yeshua, speaks the Words of Truth. Instructing worshipers, of the Heavenly Father. Teaching, the Way of Faithful Obedience. True Love, is Freedom to serve, the Father, without fear of death. The Hope of Eternal Life, belongs to Faithful disciples. Led by the Spirit, in Messiah Yeshua.
(Mt 19:17; 18; 19; Lk 10:25-26; 27-28; Jn 5:19; 20; 21-22; 23; 24 39-40; 6:27; )
Resurrection & Wave Sheaf Offering of First Fruits
(Mt 4:10; )
Messiah Yeshua, shared Passover, with His disciples. On the evening, beginning the 14th of Abib. Yeshua, suffered crucifixion, and died, during the daylight hours, on a Wednesday, that year. Yeshua, was placed in a tomb, before the sun set. Evening twilight, began the 15th of Abib, and the first day of UnLeavened Bread. Thursday was the High Holy Sabbath, celebration. Friday, is the preparation day, before the weekly 7th day Sabbath.
(Mt 12:40; Lk 11:28-29; 30; 32; 33; )
Messiah Yeshua, fulfilled His promise. he would be, three days, and three nights, in the tomb. And He arose, from the dead. Just before sunset, on the weekly Sabbath day. Messiah Yeshua, is Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath, represents the promised, restoration of all things. And the Kingdom, of EL elyon the Father on Earth.
See also: BORN AGAiN ?
Leviticus 23:6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; Jos 5:11; On the weekly Sabbath, occurring during the seven days, of UnLeavened Bread. The Spirit of the Father, revive the body, of Yeshua. The sun began to set, on that Sabbath day. As Messiah, walked out of the tomb. Evening Twilight, began the first day, of the week. When, Mary Magdalene arrived, to find an empty tomb. Messiah Yeshua, was praying to His Father, in the quiet shadows, of the night. Later that Night, Peter and John, also investigated the empty tomb., and returned home. Leaving Mary, alone. The silence stirred, as Yeshua responded, to Mary's weeping. “Mary”, He said, “I have not yet, ascended to the Father”. Messiah Yeshua, would fulfill the “Wave Sheaf”, offering, of “First Fruits”. As the sun arose, on the first day, of the week. Messiah Yeshua, ascended, to His Heavenly thrown, beside the Father. Returning to His Eternal Glory, as the Holy Lamb, who was slain.
(Revelation 5:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; )
1 Corinthians 15:20-21; 22-23; Ro 8:22; 23; 24-25; Messiah Yeshua, is the “First Fruit”, to rise from the dead. Yeshua, possesses Eternal Life. Everyone, that has received, the Holy Spirit, of Messiah. No longer fear death. They have hope, in the future, Resurrection of the Dead. At the return, of Messiah Yeshua. When He establishes, the Kingdom, of the Heavenly Father, on earth.
Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it Holy.
(Ex 20:8-9; 10; Heb 4:8-9; 10-11; 12; Php 2:12; 13; )
and ADAM to MESSiAH in 6000 yrs.