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NASA Photo: James Webb Telescope 2022 Justification of Righteousness Deuteronomy 6:4 (AFAT) — 4 שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יהוה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יהוה אֶחָד׃ Deuteronomy 6:4 (NASB95) — 4 (“Hear = שֶׁמַע = obey), O Israel! The (Lord = Yehwah) is our (God = Elohe), the (Lord = Yehwah) is one! [Mark 12:28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; Messiah Yeshua identifies the greatest Commandment is, “ שֶׁמַע H 8085 = here and obey” by quoting (Dt 6:4;). (Dt 8:3; Mt 4:4; 5:17; 18; 19; 20;) Messiah, is confirming the command, to live by every word of Yehwah Elohe. Messiah does not exclude or diminish any of His Covenant Commandments. (Isaiah 33:22; 42:21; Jas 4:12; Rev 19:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12;) Scripture affirms that Yeshua is the “Lord God = Yehwah Elohe”, Who spoke the Covenant Law to Israel at Sinai.] ( John 15:9-10; Ex 20:6; Eze 44:23; 24; Isa 2:2; 3; 4; 5; 9:6; 7;) ESL H 8085 שָׁמַע, שֶׁמַע [shamaʿ /shaw·mah/] v n m. A primitive root; 1159 occurrences; AV translates as “hear” 785 times, “hearken” 196 times, “obey” 81 times, “publish” 17 times, “understand” nine times, “obedient” eight times, “diligently” eight times, listen to, obey. 1a (Qal). 1a1 to hear (perceive by ear). 1a2 to hear of or concerning. 1a3 to hear (have power to hear). 1a4 to hear with attention or interest, listen to. 1a5 to understand (language). 1a6 to hear (of judicial cases). 1a7 to listen, give heed. 1a7a to consent, agree. 1a7b to grant request. 1a8 to listen to, yield to. 1a9 to obey, be obedient. 1b (Niphal). 1b1 to be heard (of voice or sound). 1b2 to be heard of. 1b3 to be regarded, be obeyed. 1c (Piel) to cause to hear, call to hear, summon. 1d (Hiphil). 1d1 to cause to hear, tell, proclaim, utter a sound. 1d2 to sound aloud (musical term). 1d3 to make proclamation, summon. 1d4 to cause to be heard. 2 sound. ESL 8086 שְׁמַע [shâmaʿ /shem·ah/] v. Corresponding to 8085; Nine occurrences; AV translates as “hear” eight times, and “obey” once. 1 to hear. 1a (P’al) to hear, have a sense of hearing. 1b (Ithpael) to show oneself obedient. See also: COVENANT of LIFE or DEATH Justification of Righteousness! Obtained in Messiah’s Blood? Romans 5:9; 10; must be understood as a process of reconciliation that leads to salvation to complete the work of justification. Paul begins in Romans 5:1;, by linking Faithfulness to the goal of Justification. See also: New or Renewed Covenant? Justifiable Faithfulness Romans 5:1 (corrected text) — 1 (Justification = becoming Righteous, therefore by faithfulness, peace experience within (God = Eloheyem) through our (Lord = Yehwah) Messiah Yeshua , [Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, must be examined by reading the full context of inter-related chapters. The complete message of Salvation, contain detailed building blocks. All scripture forms the structure of Yehwah’s Spiritual House. There is a treasure of “Good News” for everyone entering in by Faith. Paul opens the door of Salvation, by requiring repentance from sinfulness. Then emphasizes, Faith that leads to Righteous Obedience. Righteousness and Justification are synonymous terms, that represent spiritual growth, leading to sanctification and glorification. All of Biblical scripture proclaim the same “Good News”, of the Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness of Yehwah Elohe. (Psalms 32:1; 2; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11; 33:1; 4; 5; Psalms51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; ) Romans 3:19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; Romans 4:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; King David and Abraham Learned: that Yehwah Elohe is a Righteous Judge, and He is willing to show Mercy. A person may receive forgiveness, if they are truly repentant. Turning away from sinful lawlessness, begins spiritual conversion. Each person must learn Faithful Obedience to the Covenant Commandments, to be Saved from sin and eternal death. Romans 3:20; 27; 28; Ga 2:16; 3:2; 5; 10; 11; Acts 13:38; 39; Also, Scripture testifies that the symbolic sign of circumcision and animal sacrifices are the “Works of the Law”. The sacrificial “Works”, performed by the priesthood, could never save anyone. John 1:9; 10; Ro 2:13;Yehwah Elohe maintains “Justice and Mercy”. Judgment with correction will be administered with the purpose of leading everyone into Righteous Obedience. Justice and Mercy Will perfect the work of Justification.] Romans 5:2; Romans1:17; 2:4; 7; 10; 12-13; Step One, of Faithfulness, begins when a sinful person repents: 1 John 1:9; Confessing and forsaken sinfulness, and turning to Messiah Yeshua to receive (Mercy or Grace). The Forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Spirit of Holiness, plants the Seed of a future Hope. The Glorious revealing of Yehwah Elohe’s Love, will sustain, Faithful Obedience in the pursuit of Eternal Life. ( Acts 2:22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38;1 John 1:9; 10; 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; Php 1:9; 10; 11; 2:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; ) Romans 5:3; 4; 5; Prov 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 6:20; 21; 22; 23; Step Two, of Faithfulness, leads a person on the path towards learning Righteous Obedience: This Redemptive Faithfulness grows out of a heart of love, for Yehwah Elohe. The difficulties of overcoming sinful desires and Temptations Will produce a determination to be Faithful. Each person must persevere through the fiery trials of life. Spiritual discipline is the way to strengthen patient endurance, by building Biblical moral character. The pursuit of Righteousness is True salvation from sin, that encourages devotion to messiah. So that, everyone hopefully desires to be worthy of acceptance into the family of Yehwah Eloheyem at the first resurrection. ( Heb 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 1 Peter 1:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 1 Peter 2:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; Ga 5:22; 23; 24; 25; Col 1:27; 3:3; 4; ) Romans 5:6; 7; Romans 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; Romans 8:3; 4; 12:1; 2; Step Three, of Faithfulness: Messiah became a living example, of sacrificial Obedience, for His disciples to follow: John 1:1; 2; 3; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; Da 9:24; 25; 26;The Eternal Yehwah Elohe became the promised human Messiah, through a virgin conception. And He Faithfully lived a Covenant Obedient life. Messiah Yeshua resisted sinful temptation. And became the acceptable Lamb of Yehwah, that is offered at the appointed time of Passover. Faithfully Messiah revealed spiritual strength through weakness as He suffered and died on the cross. Yeshua’s resurrection on the third day, proved that He is Yehwah the Messiah and high priest Melchizedek the only Savior. Messiah Yeshua overcame sin and death, so that He is able to help disciples resist sinfulness. John 8:31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; Faithful followers must pursue Truth and Righteousness. Then they, will no longer live in fear of death, if they overcome satan’s lawless temptation. Romans 5:6 (NA27 Int.) — 6 ἔτι γὰρ Χριστὸς ὄντων ἡμῶν ἀσθενῶν ἔτι κατὰ καιρὸν ὑπὲρ ἀσεβῶν ἀπέθανεν. Romans 5:6; (corrected text) Yet indeed (Christ - Yeshua), shared our weakness, yet (according to appointed Time) exceedingly died to godlessness. ( Heb 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; Heb 5:7; 8; 9; 10; 7:26; 10:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 15; 16; 17; Gal 4:4; 5; 6; Eph 1:10; 11; 12; 13; 14; Tt 1:1; 2; 3; 2 Ti 2:10; 11; 12; 13; 3:14; 15; 16; 17; ) Romans 5:7 (NA27 Int.) — 7 μόλις γὰρ ὑπὲρ δικαίου τις ἀποθανεῖται· ὑπὲρ γὰρ τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ τάχα τις καὶ τολμᾷ ἀποθανεῖν· Romans 5:7; (corrected text) With difficulty, indeed exceedingly, righteous one died, exceedingly indeed this goodness, perhaps someone also dares to die. ( 1 Pe 3:18Niv;1 Pe 2:19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 3:16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2; Ro 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; ) See also: How To Study Tools 1 2 3 Life, Death, Faith, and Justification? Romans 5:8; 9; 10; 1 Peter 2:21; 22; Ro 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; Step Four, of Faithfulness, trusting in Him who judges justly: Messiah’s Loving kindness and Mercy, draws people to repentance, so that anyone may receive forgiveness and help to turn away from sin. But, the work of salvation begins with reconciliation. Reconciliation represents the restoration of the Covenant agreement. Covenant renewal, will restore each person’s heart and mind to lawful Obedience, with the help of the Spirit of Holiness. The Passover bread and wine represent Messiah Yeshua Spiritual Life of Oneness with the Heavenly Father. This Oneness within the Father’s Spirit of at-One-ment must also exist within His disciples. John 4:23; 24; 6:42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 14:20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; John 15:9; 10; 16:13; 14; 15; 17:11; 17; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; The Father promises to lead repentant disciples into Faithful Obedience. True Righteousness will complete the work of Justification on the Day of Salvation. Justification only occurs when a person is declared Righteous. Perfected in Faithful Obedience to Covenant Law, from a Heart of Love and devotion. Righteousness and Justification are synonymous terms. A person cannot be considered Justified without also being proven Righteous. That is why each person is required to overcome Lawless disobedience. So that, they may be saved, from sin that leads to eternal death. Translation Errors are Misleading
Romans 5:8–10 (NASB95) — 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been (justified? = δικαιόω G 1344 = righteous?) by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. See also: Died for our Sins? Restoring Truth and Right Judgment ESL H 1341 δικαιοκρισία [dikaiokrisia /dik·ah·yok·ris·ee·ah/] n f. From 1342 and 2920; AV translates as “righteous judgment” once. 1 righteous judgment. ESL H 1342 δίκαιος [dikaios /dik·ah·yos/] adj. From 1349; 81 occurrences; AV translates as “righteous” 41 times, “just” 33 times, “right” five times, and “meet” twice. 1 righteous, observing divine laws. 1a in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God. 1a1 of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined. 1a2 innocent, faultless, guiltless. 1a3 used of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life. 1a3a only Christ truly. 1a4 approved of or acceptable of God. 1b in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of dealing with them. ESL H 1343 δικαιοσύνη [dikaiosune /dik·ah·yos·oo·nay/] n f. From 1342; TDNT 2:192; TDNTA 168; GK 1466; 92 occurrences; AV translates as “righteousness” 92 times. 1 in a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God. 1a the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God. 1b integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting. 2 in a narrower sense, justice or the virtue which gives each his due. ESL H 1344 δικαιόω [dikaioo /dik·ah·yo·o/] v. From 1342; 40 occurrences; AV translates as “justify” 37 times, “be freed” once, “be righteous” once, and “justifier” once. 1 to render righteous or such he ought to be. 2 to show, exhibit, evince, one to be righteous, such as he is and wishes himself to be considered. 3 to declare, pronounce, one to be just, righteous, or such as he ought to be. ESL H 1345 δικαίωμα [dikaioma /dik·ah·yo·mah/] n n. From 1344; 10 occurrences; AV translates as “righteousness” four times, “ordinance” three times, “judgment” twice, and “justification” once. 1 that which has been deemed right so as to have force of law. 1a what has been established, and ordained by law, an ordinance. 1b a judicial decision, sentence. 1b1 of God. 1b1a either the favourable judgment by which he acquits man and declares them acceptable to Him. 1b1b unfavourable: sentence of condemnation. 2 a righteous act or deed. Righteous Justification Romans 5:8–10 (correct translation) — 8 But God demonstrates His own (love or fellowship) toward us, in that, yet this sinfulness being ours, Messiah (Uper = surpasses) our death. 9 more so to a greater degree (justified), henceforth in the blood, he (delivers or saved -future tense) through him, from the wrath. 10 If then enemies, being (reconciled = change accordingly) to God through the death of His Son, much more (reconciled = change accordingly) (delivered oR saved) by His life. See also: BLOOD of the LAMB end BEARiNG SiN [Romans 5:8; establishes that Messiah sinless Life far surpassed, our sinful behavior. So that all of lawless mankind, justly deserve the punishment of death. Romans 5:9; begins with a phrase, that anticipates a future transformation: “much more to a greater degree Justified”. The next word: “henceforth” represents the beginning of a process of change. This, “reconciliation” occurs through the sacrificial blood that is poured out to renew Yehwah Elohe’s Covenant of Salvation. The term “blood” symbolizes the Spiritual Life in messiah that represents Oneness with His Heavenly Father. ( Lev 17:11; Jn 6:53; 54; 55; 56; 57; 58; 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 10:30; 14:9-10; 15:9-10; 17:11; 17; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; ) Romans 5:10; reveals that, “if enemies” repent and enter into the Spiritual Covenant Renewal. Then the process of “reconciliation = change accordingly” begins transforming mankind’s hearts and minds. The goal of Lawful Obedience will produce the Peaceful fruit of Righteousness and Holiness. This, “reconciliation = change accordingly” is only possible when truly repentant believers are baptized and receive the Spiritual Life of Messiah Yeshua. Salvation is a process of change that restores the Covenant agreement. This, “reconciliation = change accordingly”, leads to Righteousness, Holiness, and Justification.] ( Heb 5:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; ) Romans 5:9–10 (NA27 Int.) — 1. 9 πολλῷ (adjective = Many, much, Great) 2. οὖν (conjunction = so, therefore, consequentially, accordingly, then, so then) 3. μᾶλλον ( ? = more, more than, better, to a greater degree, rather) 4.δικαιωθέντες (verb = to put right with, to obey righteous commands, to make righteous or justify) 5. νῦν (adverb -present time = now, present, henceforth, at this time)) 6. ἐν [preposition of means: a fixed position = in, among, on, at, into, in union with, with regard to, of, to, by, because, so that, when, during,) 7. τῷ (article = the) 8. αἵματι (noun = blood, death, sacrificial Death) 9. αὐτοῦ (pronoun -third person genitive-of source = same, he, she, it, self) 10. σωθησόμεθα (verb -future tense = to deliver, to rescue, to make safe, to heal, to save) 11. διʼ (preposition -of instrumentality = through, because of, by, on account of, during, in the course of, within) 12. αὐτοῦ (pronoun -third person genitive-prepositional object = same, he, she, it, self) 13. ἀπὸ (preposition -of separation = from, of, among or away from, apart of, sinse, because of, upon) 14. τῆς (article = the) 15. ὀργῆς. (known = wrath, anger, punishment) 16. 10 εἰ [if?) 17. γὰρ (conjunction -adverbial causal = because, verily, then, for) 18. ἐχθροὶ (adjective = being enemies, hostile to, in opposition to,] 19. ὄντες (ferb -present active = to be, be identical, exist, belong,) 20. κατηλλάγημεν (verb -passive = reconcile, to become right with another, or to change accordingly) 21. τῷ (article = the) 22. θεῷ (noun = God) 23. διὰ (preposition of means = through, because of, during, in the course of, on account of, within, by, for) 24. τοῦ (article = the) 25. θανάτου (noun -genitive = to die, death ) 26. τοῦ (article = the) 27. υἱοῦ (noun -genitive = son or male offspring) 28. αὐτοῦ (pronoun -third person genitive of relation = same, he, she, it, self) 29. πολλῷ (adjective = Great, many, much) 30. μᾶλλον (adverb of degree = more, more than, even more then, to a greater degree,) 31. καταλλαγέντες (verb -passive = reconcile, to become right with another, or to change accordingly) 32. σωθησόμεθα (verb -future passive = deliver, rescue, he’ll, save) 33. ἐν [preposition of means = in, among, on, at, into, in union with, with regard to, of, to, by, because, so that, when, during,) 34. τῇ (article = the) 35.ζωῇ (noun = life, to live life, be alive) 36. αὐτοῦ·(pronoun -third person genitive possessive = same, he, she, it, self) Romans 5:11 (NASB95) — 11 And not only this, but we also exult in (God = EL elyon the Father ) through our (Lord = Yehwah Elohe) Messiah Yeshua , through whom we have now received the reconciliation. See also: ATONEMENT; KAPORET QODESH Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness Romans 2:13 (NASB95) — 13 for it is not the hearers of the Law who are (just = δίκαιος G 1342 = Righteous) before )God = Elohe ), but the doers of the Law will be (justified = δικαιόω G 1344 = Righteous). Reckoning Accounts? Psalm 32:1–2 (NASB95) — 1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! 2 How blessed is the man to whom the (Lord = Yehwah) does not (impute = חֹשֵׁב H 2803 = reckoned ) iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! [John 15:9-10; Yehwah Elohe (imputes or reckons = to keep an accurate record) by recording a persons name in His “Book of Life”. Messiah remembers everyone that loves Him, because they keep His Covenant Commandments.] ( 1 John 1:9-10; 2:20; 21; Ex 20:6; Jn 15:9-10; 1 Ch 28:9; Psa 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 1 Cor 2:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; Rev 2:20; 21; 22; 23; 3:5; 10; 11; 12; 14:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; ) Day of Reckoning! Romans 5:13 (corrected text) — 13 (as far as -because of) Law; sin (being) in the world, (then) sin is not (imputed = ἐλλογάω G 1677 = reckoned) when there is no law. [Paul seemingly, makes a contradictory and paradoxical statement. Christian theologians, presumptuously assume sin does not exist, if people do not acknowledge Yehwah Elohe’s laws. Paul is referring to Covenant law, that existed before, Moses delivered the 10 Commandments to Israel. Then, Paul presents a contrasting (reckoning) that anticipates the future judgment that will convict all of mankind of their sins. Romans 1:17; 18; 19; 20; 28; 29; 30; 31; 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 13; 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Ro 5:12; 13; 14; 14:9; 10; 11; 12; 2 Cor 5:10; Heb 1:1; 2; 3; Biblical scripture establishes Yehwah’s laws sustain all of creation. And Yehwah Elohe could not judge anyone if there is no law. Also, Adam and eve’s sin, began a repeating pattern of human disobedience. Unrepentant Lawlessness will received the just penalty of death.] See also: HELL_O? HADES on FiRE!
ESL G 1677 ἐλλογάω, ἐλλογέω [ellogeo /el·log·eh·o/] v. From 1722 and 3056 (in the sense of account); TDNT 2:516; TDNTA 229; GK 1823 and 1824; Two occurrences; AV translates as “impute” once, and “put on (one’s) account” once. 1 to reckon in, set to one’s account, lay to one’s charge, impute. Believing in Living Truth! Genesis 15:6 (NASB95) — 6 Then he believed in (Lord = Yehwah Elohe ); and He (reckoned = חֹשֵׁב H 2803 ) it to him as righteousness. [When Yehwah Elohe spoke, then Abraham listened and Faithfully Obeyed. Abraham trusted Yehwah and it was (reckoned or credited) as Righteousness. Abraham’s (recorded account) of Faithful Obedience represents approval and Justification that fulfills the Covenant agreement.] ( Genesis 12:1; 2; 3; 14:18; 19; 20; 15:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 17:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 18:18; 19; 22:1; 2; 11; 12; 15; 16; 17; 18; 26:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; ex 3:14; 15; 20:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; ) See also: ABRAHAM and YeHaWaH's PROMISE ESL H 2803 חָשַׁב, חֹשֵׁב [chashab /khaw·shab/] v. A primitive root; 124 occurrences; AV translates as “count” 23 times, “devise” 22 times, “think” 18 times, “imagine” nine times, “cunning” eight times, “reckon” seven times, “purpose” six times, “esteem” six times, “account” five times, “impute” four times, “forecast” twice, “regard” twice, “workman” twice, “conceived” once, and translated miscellaneously nine times. 1 to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, make a judgment, imagine, count. 1a (Qal). 1a1 to think, account. 1a2 to plan, devise, mean. 1a3 to charge, impute, reckon. 1a4 to esteem, value, regard. 1a5 to invent. 1b (Niphal). 1b1 to be accounted, be thought, be esteemed. 1b2 to be computed, be reckoned. 1b3 to be imputed. 1c (Piel). 1c1 to think upon, consider, be mindful of. 1c2 to think to do, devise, plan. 1c3 to count, reckon. 1d (Hithpael) to be considered. Righteous Judgment Ezekiel 18:20 (NASB95) — 20 “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous (will be or credited = הָיָה H 1964 )upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself. [ Yehwah Elohe isJust and each person (Will be credited) and Judge according to their own righteousness or lawlessness.] ( Dt 24:16; Prov 6:16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; Eze 18:18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; ) See also: CURSE of the LAW ESL H 1961 אֶהְיֶה, הָיָה [hayah /haw·yaw/] v. A primitive root [compare 1933]; 75 occurrences; AV translates as “was”, “come to pass”, “came”, “has been”, “were happened”, “become”, “pertained”, and “better for thee”. 1 to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out. 1a (Qal). 1a1——-. 1a1a to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass. 1a1b to come about, come to pass. 1a2 to come into being, become. 1a2a to arise, appear, come. 1a2b to become. 1a2b1 to become. 1a2b2 to become like. 1a2b3 to be instituted, be established. 1a3 to be. 1a3a to exist, be in existence. 1a3b to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time). 1a3c to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality). 1a3d to accompany, be with. 1b (Niphal). 1b1 to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about. 1b2 to be done, be finished, be gone. Credited as Righteousness Romans 4:21–25 (NASB95) — 21 and being fully assured that what (God = Yehwah Elohe) had promised, He was able also to perform. 22 Therefore it was also (credited = λογίζομαι G 3049) to him as righteousness. 23 Now not for his sake only was it written that it was (credited = λογίζομαι G 3049) to him, 24 but for our sake also, to whom it will be (credited = λογίζομαι G 3049), as those who believe in Him who raised Messiah Yeshua our (Lord = Yehwah) from the dead, 25 Who, delivered over. “On account of” this - our “transgressions”. And raised, “on account of” this - our “Justification”. [Romans 4:25; 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23;Messiah Yeshua’s unjust crucifixion, is intended to convict everyone of sins, “on account of” this - our “transgressions”. So that, a repentant and baptized follower of Messiah may learn to crucify their own sinful human nature. Faithful disciples Will be “credited” with Righteousness bye overcoming lawlessness, “through” Obedience. both, Abraham and Messiah, became examples for everyone that, Faithfully trust in the promised resurrection of the Righteous. Romans 1:16; 17; 18; Ga 3:11; 12; Heb 10:35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 11:1; 2; the Faithful Will be (credited = λογίζομαι G 3049) with righteousness. Romans 2:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 12:17; 18; 19; Rev 20:4; 5; 6; So that, they may anticipate the promised resurrection and “”on account of” this - our “Justification”. 1 Timothy 3:16; The Righteous Will be vindicated by their participation in the first resurrection when they receive Eternal Life.] ( Psa 7:8; 9; 10; 40:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; Isa 50:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; Lk 18:5; 6; 7; 8; Acts 2:22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 1 Ti 3:16; 2 Cor 10:5; 6; 1 Jn 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; Rev 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 10; 11; 17; 26; 27; 28; 3:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 18; 19; 20; 21; 6:10; 11; 19:2; 7; 8; 9; ) See also: BORN AGAiN ? ESL G 3049 λογίζομαι [logizomai /log·id·zom·ahee/] v. Middle voice from 3056; 41 occurrences; AV translates as “think” nine times, “impute” eight times, “reckon” six times, “count” five times, “account” four times, “suppose” twice, “reason” once, “number” once, and translated miscellaneously five times. 1 to reckon, count, compute, calculate, count over. 1a to take into account, to make an account of. 1a1 metaph. to pass to one’s account, to impute. 1a2 a thing is reckoned as or to be something, i.e. as availing for or equivalent to something, as having the like force and weight. 1b to number among, reckon with. 1c to reckon or account. 2 to reckon inward, count up or weigh the reasons, to deliberate. 3 by reckoning up all the reasons, to gather or infer. 3a to consider, take into account, weigh, meditate on. 3b to suppose, deem, judge. 3c to determine, purpose, decide. Additional Information: This word deals with reality. If I “logizomai” or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions. Righteous receive Praise 1 Peter 2:20; 21; (NASB95) — 20 For what (credit = κλέος G 2811 = glory or praise) is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with (God = Yehwah Elohe). 21 For you have been called for this purpose, since Messiah Yeshua also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, [ 1 Peter 2:20; Jn 15:8; Acts 3:13; Ro 8:17; 30; 2 Thes 1:10; 11; 12; (credit = κλέος G 2811 = glory or praise) Will be given to everyone that follows Messiah Yeshua’s example of suffering, “on account of” Righteous Obedience.] ( 1 Peter 1:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 2:2; 3; 4; 5; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 3:16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2; ) See also: Mark 15-verse 34 ELOI ? ESL G 2811 κλέος [kleos /kleh·os/] n n. From a shorter form of 2564; AV translates as “glory” once. 1 rumour, report. 2 glory, praise. Credited with Righteousness Romans 4:6 (NASB95) — 6 just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom (God = Yehwah Elohe) (credits = λογίζομαι G 3049 = an accurate record of) righteousness apart from works: [both, Abraham and King David learned that, “Righteousness or Justification” is not obtained “on account of” symbolic sacrificial “Works of the Law”. But, Christianity falsely assumes that animal sacrifices represents a portrayal of their Christ’s substitutionary sacrificial death. The True Messiah’s Life, Death, and Resurrection; “Did Not” represent a form of “Substitutionary Justification ” or replace the requirement for Obedience to the Covenant Commandments.] ( Psalms 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 40:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; Romans 3:20; 27; 28; Ga 2:16; 3:2; 5; 10; 11; Heb 10:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; ) See also: RiGHTly DiViDe_TRUTH vs LiES ESL G 3049 λογίζομαι [logizomai /log·id·zom·ahee/] v. Middle voice from 3056; 41 occurrences; AV translates as “impute”, “reckon”, “count”, “account”, Additional Information: This word deals with reality. If I “logizomai” or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions. Works of the Law (Romans 3:20 27-28; Galatians 2:16; 3:2; 5; 10-11; ) ESL G 2041 ἔργον [ergon /er·gon/] n n. From a primary (but obsolete) ergo (to work); 176 occurrences; AV translates as “work” 152 times, “deed” 22 times, “doing” once, and “labour” once. 1 business, employment, that which any one is occupied. 1a that which one undertakes to do, enterprise, undertaking. 2 any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind. 3 an act, deed, thing done: the idea of working is emphasised in opp. to that which is less than work. [the Greek word: “ἔργον = work”, can not be referring to the Covenant 10 Commandments. The Covenant Law, mostly consist of “thou shall not” commandments, that are in opposition to sinful behavior. Even the Sabbath commandment, forbidds working on the day of rest. So then, the 10 Commandments do not represent the “Works of the Law”. Only, the Levitical priesthood receipt sacrificial ordinances that required physical “ἔργον =Works according to the Law”.]
ESL G 3551 νόμος [nomos /nom·os/] n m. From a primary nemo (to parcel out, especially food or grazing to animals); TDNT 4:1022; 197 occurrences; AV translates as “law” 197 times. 1 anything established, anything received by usage, a custom, a law, a command. 1a of any law whatsoever. 1a1 a law or rule producing a state approved of God. 1a1a by the observance of which is approved of God. 1a2 a precept or injunction. 1a3 the rule of action prescribed by reason. 1b of the Mosaic law, and referring, acc. to the context. either to the volume of the law or to its contents. 1c the Christian religion: the law demanding faith, the moral instruction given by Christ, esp. the precept concerning love. 1d the name of the more important part (the Pentateuch), is put for the entire collection of the sacred books of the OT. Priestly Mediation and Sacrificial Works? Hebrews 10:1–4 (NASB95) — 1 For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make perfect those who draw near. 2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, because the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have had consciousness of sins? 3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year. 4 For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. See also: PRiESTHOOD vs MELCHiZEDEK [Hebrews chapter 6 through 9; focuses on the priestly descendants of Aaron and the obsolete System of animal sacrifices that are designated as, “(Works = ἔργον ) of the Law”. Romans 3:19; 20; 28; and Galatians 2:16; 3:2; 5; 10; 11; contain references to ,” Works of the Law” that became and obstacle and hindrance to the True “Good News” message of Salvation. Both Jew and Gentile, erroneously believe that the practice of animal sacrifices would appease the wrath of their gods. See also: MAN of SiN; iMAGE of JEALOUSY Amos 5:25-26; Acts 7:35-43; Gal 3:17; 19-20; Moses let Israel to the Sinai mountain, where they entered into Covenant with Yehwah Elohe. But, the Israelites hearts and minds never completely escaped the idolatrous practices of pagan nations. Galatians 3:14-21;So then, Yehwah established the priestly mediation of sacrificial “Works of the Law”. Symbolic sacrificial “Works” established a way, to forgive sins committed in ignorance. But, animal sacrifices “Did Not” Save Israel from continuing in sinful lawlessness. Leviticus 16:8; 9; 10; 20; 21; 22; 17:7; Sadly, most Israelites continually desired to follow the pagan practice of “Scape Goat” substitutions sacrifice to appease Yehwah. The Israelites remained unfaithful and continually disobeyed the Covenant Commandments. Self deceived Israelites trusted in the sign of “Circumcision” and the sacrificial “Works of the Law” to falsely claim their Righteousness and Justification. See also: NAILED to the CROSS Modern Christianity promotes the same form of pagan idolatry. Christian theologians teach, that their Christ became a “Scape Goat” substitution sacrifice. But, Scripture does not promote a superficial appeasement, by crucifying an innocent victim. Also, Messiah’s un-just death does not pay anyone’s sin debt. Christians deceptively claim that Christ’s substitutionary Death, will automatically impugned believers with, righteousness and justification. Christian theologians falsely Believe, the “Works of the Law” only represent Israel’s attempt to be Justified by Obeying the Covenant Commandments. So then, both Israel and Christianity trust in a “ScapeGoat” substitution, that will never save anyone from sin and eternal death. See also: 666 the BEAST n U and ANTi-CHRiST Jeremiah 31:31; 32; 33; 34; Heb 8:9;; 10; 11; 12; 10:15; 16; 17; The True “Good News” reveals that messiah will restore Israel to Covenant Obedience. Isaiah 2:2; 3; 4; 5; 9:6; 7; 42:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 49:5; 6; Messiah Yeshua’s Kingdom will Govern all nations on earth and establish His Covenant Laws. Messiah’s Justice, Mercy, and Righteousness will lead everyone to Salvation from sinful lawlessness, that leads to eternal death.] See also: PENTECOST to JUBILEE; SABBATHs of LIBERTY Symbolic Works vs True Righteousness Romans 3:20 (NASB95) — 20 because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin. [Hebrews 10:1; 2; 3; 4; the priestly mediation of animal sacrifices represent “Works of the Law”, that became a continual reminder of sin. Animal sacrifices could never “Justify” anyone, or produce Righteous Obedience in the hearts of worshipers. Romans 3:19; 20; Heb 3:12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Messiah came to redeem the remnant of Israel, that remained “Under the Law” of the levitical priestly mediation. Yehwah Elohe originally instituted the priesthood of Aaron. And at the same time, the sacrificial “Works of the Law” began, because Israel sinned after receiving the Covenant 10 Commandments. . See also: LAW within LAW Romans 3:21; 9:14; 15; 30; 31; 32; 33; Israel could not obtain righteousness or justification through the sacrificial “Works of the Law”. The “Works of the Law” were symbolic representations, that portrayed Yehwah Elohe’s perfect example of sacrificial Obedience. Messiah’s Life and Death established True Faithfulness for worshipers to follow. Romans 16:24; 25; 26; Acts 5:29; 30; 31; 32; The Living word of Messiah is revealed through the prophets. And Righteousness is (credited = imputed) to the Faithfully Obedient. Ephesians 2:1; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; but, Christian faith relies on “Grace” alone. And a superficial, “Scape Goat” propitiation that is “Not” salvation. 1 Peter 1:2; Heb 5:9; Jn 14:24; 15:9-10; Dt 4:30; 13:4; 30:2; 6; 8; Messiah’s Righteousness is not obtained through symbolic circumcision or animal sacrifices. The Righteousness of Messiah is available, through Faithful Obedience. Everyone that believes, Will be offered Salvation, that is Freedom from sinfulness that leads to eternal death. See also: PASSOVER APPOINTMENT Romans 3:24; Justification, (without cost of animal sacrifices) through Merciful Redemption within Messiah Yeshua . Romans 3:25; Whom, preplanned the Atonement through Faithfulness, (that we may be = United) within this, (His blood = Holy Spirit). So that proving (these = the Faithful) Righteous. Similarly on account of this (pass over - He overlooked), this previous sinfulness, in (union with this = Mercy), He is patient (God = Elohe). Romans 3:26; Regarding this proof of (His)Righteousness. Himself within this present appointed time, so that this being, Himself Just and Justifying everyone, (by means of Active obedience = Faith in Yeshua. Romans 3:27; never again, well anyone boast, that they are “Justified” by the sacrificial “Works of the Law”.] See also: Melchizedek the Savior Elohe Faith in Messiah Yeshua’s Righteousness Romans 3:28 (NASB95) — 28 For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. [Justification by Faithfulness, is proven to be True, when a person (Dt 6:4; שֶׁמַע = Hears and Obeys) Yehwah Elohe’s Covenant Commandments.] Galatians 2:16 (NASB95) — 16 nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Messiah Yeshua , even we have believed in Messiah Yeshua , so that we may be justified by faith in Messiah and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified. [Hebrews 5:7; 8; 9; 10; Jn 4:23; 24; 15:9-10; disciples follow Messiah Yeshua’s example of Faithful Obedience. So that, they may Faithfully worship the Heavenly Father in Spirit and Truth and abide in His Love forever. Romans 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 2:13; 6:16; 17; 18; Acts 3:22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 5:30; 31; 32; 13:38; 39; the symbolic “Works of the Law” requiring animal sacrifices, could never Justify or proof anyone Righteous.] Galatians 3:2 (NASB95) — 2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by (Dt 6:4; hearing with faith?) [Acts 2:38; Ro 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; on Pentecost 30 A.D. the Holy Spirit was poured out upon truly repentant believers, that are baptized into Messiah Yeshua’s death. Baptism is a symbolic portrayal of a person putting to death their old sinful nature.. Baptism also represents, spiritual washing by the “Word of Yehwah”. Jeremiah 31:31; 32; 33; 34;Elohe, has promiseds to restore His Holy marriage Covenant with Israel. The pouring out of the Spirit of Holiness, will cleanse the heart and mind of a believer. Spiritual purification is a process of growing in Faithful Obedience that leads to Justification, Righteousness, and Holiness. (Acts 1:5; 2:38; 11:14; 15; 16; 17; 18; Eze 36:21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 37:14; 23; 26; 27; 28; Titus 3:4; 5; 6; 7; Eph 5:26; 27; 1 Cor 6:9; 10; 11; 19; 20; 2 Cor 10:5; 6; ) Galatians 3:5 (NASB95) — 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? [John 10:30; 14:9-10; 15:9-10; 17:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 17; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; the Heavenly Father reveals His Spiritual presence within Faithful Obedient disciples of Messiah Yeshua. Romans 12:1; 2;The Spirit of Holiness regenerates the heart and mind of True worshipers. So that they may be conformed to the Image and likeness of Yehwah Elohe, Who is Messiah Yeshua the only Savior. Atonement is complete when disciples become “at-One-ment” with the Father and Son in the Holy Spirit.] (John 3:3; 5; 6; 7; 8; 19; 20; 21; 14:6; 1 Peter 1:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; Tt 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; Mt 19:28; Rev 2:7; 11; 17; 26; 27; 28; 3:5; 10; 11; 12; 19; 20; 21; 22; ; See also: YESHUA n FATHER r ONE Galatians 3:11 (NASB95) — 11 Now that no one is justified by (works of the law) before (God = Yehwah Elohe) is evident; for, “The righteous man shall live by faith.” [ Eze 44:23; 24; 45:20; Heb 9:7; Acts 17:23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; the sacrificial “Works of the Law”, were performed, to provide a way to receive forgiveness from sins that were committed in ignorance. Acts 13:38; 39; Heb 9:8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; But, the work of purification by the Spirit of Holiness, will perfect Faithful Obedience that produces Righteousness and Justification.] Galatians 3:24 (NASB95) — 24 Therefore the (Law of priestly sacrificial works) has become our tutor to lead us to Messiah Yeshua , so that we may be justified by faith. See also: UNDER the LAW? Father of the Faithful Romans 4:2 (NASB95) — 2 For if Abraham was justified by (works = animal sacrifices), he has something to boast about, but not before )God = Yehwah Elohe). [Psalms 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; Abraham and King David Learned that animal sacrifices can never be a substitutionary appeasement. Only, Righteous Obedience represents Faithful Love for Yehwah Elohe.] Establishing the Way Hebrews 10:5–9 (NASB95) — 5 Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says, “Sacrifice and offering You have not desired, But a body You have prepared for Me; 6 In whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You have taken no pleasure. 7 “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (In the scroll of the book it is written of Me) To do Your will, O (God = EL elyon the Father ).’ ” 8 After saying above, “Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You have not desired, nor have You taken pleasure in them” (which are offered according to the Law), 9 then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” He takes away the first in order to establish the second. See also: DOCTOR WHO? [Psalms 40:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; Messiah Yeshua “takes away the first” sacrificial “Works of the Law”. And then, He “establish the second” sacrifice that requires Faithful Obedience. The Eternal Covenant Law is within Yeshua’s heart. Messiah came to do the Father’s will and proclaimed True Salvation. The “Good News” of Israel’s Covenant restoration, Will liberate mankind from sinful lawlessness. Messiah will establish His Righteousness, by teaching mankind the Way to the Tree of Life. The promise of Spiritual cleansing of renewal, will Justify everyone that learns to Love the Law by doing the Father’s will.] Baptism in Spirit Romans 6:1–3 (NASB95) — 1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? 3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Messiah Yeshua have been baptized into His death? [Romans 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 8:3; 4; 12:1; 2; disciples are baptized into Messiah’s DEath. So that, followers of Messiah are learning to crucify their own sinful nature, by making their life a sacrifice of Faithful Obedience.] See also: GROWiNG PAiNS Fellowship of Suffering Philippians 3:10 (NASB95) — 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; [Leviticus 16:7; 8; 9; 10; 20; 21; 22; 29; 30; 31; 17:11; the Day of Atonement symbolically portrays, Messiah’s sacrifice, as the “sinless Lamb”. The “Azazel = scape goat” represents satan, as the source of sin, that must be completely cast out. The High Sabbath of Atonement also requires all worshipers to participate in the sacrifice. The self denial of Fasting, demonstrates their commitment to resist sinful lawlessness. John 6:50; 51; 52; 53; 54; 55; 56; 57; 58; 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 10:11; 17; 18; Mt 26:19; 26; 27; 28; The Passover bread and wine, also symbolizes Messiah’s body and blood. Disciples that participate in the Passover Covenant renewal, must receive Messiah’s “Spiritual Life Blood” within themselves. So that, followers of messiah, Will also make their life a sacrifice of Faithful Obedience. Hebrews 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; Col 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Faithful disciples must resist sinful Temptations, even to the point of shedding their own blood at death. Everyone that overcomes sinful lawlessness, Will also received the promise participation in the resurrection of the Righteous, at Messiah’s return. (Hebrews 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 5:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; Romans 8:12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 1 Peter 3:16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2; Col 2:11; 12; 13; 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 1 Cor 15:1; 2; 3; 4; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 50; 51; 52; 53; 54; 55; 56; Rev 20:4; 5; 6; ] Living Sacrifice Romans 12:1–3 (NASB95) — 1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of (God = Yehwah Elohe and EL elyon the Father ), to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to (God = EL elyon the Father ), which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of (God = EL elyon the Father ) is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. 3 For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as (God = EL elyon the Father has allotted to each a measure of faith. [1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Ti 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 4:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; all scripture is valuable for teaching, training, and correction. Biblical instruction Will prepare a person’s heart and mind, through Covenant Obedience. So that, the Faithful Will follow the Way, of living a Righteous life that leads to Salvation.] Spiritual Sacrifices 1 Peter 2:2–5 (NASB95) — 2 like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, 3 if you have tasted the kindness of the )Lord = Yehwah Elohe). 4 And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of )God = EL elyon the Father ), 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to (God =EL elyon) the Father through Messiah Yeshua . [2 Peter 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; the Heavenly Father shares His Spirit of Holiness. So that, disciples May grow in the grace and knowledge of the divine nature within Messiah Yeshua . Faithful followers of Messiah are being Spiritually transformed into His Image and likeness. This Spiritual anointing is the priceless hope of becoming a child of Yehwah Eloheyem . (Ephesians 3:16; 17; 18; 19; Col 1:10; 11; 2:2; 3; 3:10; Heb 5:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; Jn 1:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 18; ) Righteous Suffering 1 Peter 2:20–25 (NASB95) — 20 For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with )God = EL elyon the Father ). 21 For you have been called for this purpose, since Messiah also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, 22 who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; 23 and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 This sin of ours “He Himself (bore = suffered because of) in His body on the cross, so that “sin becomes dead” until this “righteousness becomes alive”; what this wounds; heals. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your (souls = psyche = minds). [Philippians 2:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 4:5; 6; 7; 8; 9; Messiah unjustly suffered crucifixion, because of our sinfulness. By following Messiah’s example, disciples learned to be Faithfully Obedient, even if they suffer because of their Righteous behavior. The unjust wounds that afflict the Righteous, will be healed. Faithful sheep follow the good shepherd and find rest for their souls. (Psalms 23:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 119:165; proverbs 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 4:23; 6:16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; ) See also: Hebrew ABC? Suffering because of Sin 1 Peter 3:16–18 (NASB95) — 16 and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Messiah Yeshua will be put to shame. 17 For it is better, if (God = EL elyon the Father ) should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong. 18 For Messiah also, “suffered because of” sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to (God = EL elyon the Father ), having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; Willfully rejecting Sin 1 Peter 4:1–2 (NASB95) — 1 Therefore, since Messiah Yeshua has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of (God = EL elyon the Father ). Sacrifice of Faithfulness James 2:21–24 (NASB95) — 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed (God = Elohe), and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of )God = Elohe). 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. [Genesis 22:11; 12; 15; 16; 17; 18; Heb 11:17; 18; 19; Abraham’s Faithfulness was tested. When Yehwah Elohe required Isaac’s Life as a sacrificial offering. Abraham reason that Yehwah Elohe was able to raise the dead. Abraham envisioned the future resurrection. Even though, Yehwah prevented the sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham’s intense love for Isaac, Open the eyes of his heart to see. Abraham was witnessing the future “Messiah Yeshua “ the trusting Lamb of EL elyon the Father. And he experienced, their inseparable bond of Love that transcends death.] (Genesis 22:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; Hebrews 11:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; ) See also: LOVE Story 1. Pre-destined, 2. Called, 3. Justified, 4. Glorified Romans 8:29–30 (NASB95) — 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. [Romans 8:29; 30; Ex 20:6; 19; 20; 1 Cor 2:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; Jer 17:9; 10; the beginning statement: “He foreknew”, represents Yehwah, examining the heart and mind of every person. Genesis 1:26; 27; Ro 12:1; 2; Php 3:9; 10; 11; 12; 1 Peter 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; The term: “pre-destined”, represents the future destiny for all of mankind. This preplanned Salvation, has “predestined” everyone to be conformed to the image and likeness of Messiah Yeshua. 1 Cor 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 2 Peter 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 2 Thes 1:10; 11; 12; Acts 2:38; 39; Ro 1:5; 11:29; Heb 2:10; 11; Yehwah Elohe the Son and EL elyon the Father will choose the appropriate time to “call” a person, to this spiritual transformation. The transition of regeneration begins, when a person is “called” to repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Spirit of Holiness. The process of Salvation Will convert the heart and mind of a believer. Forgiveness of past sins and Covenant renewal, establishes Law as the basis for a loving bond within the Family of Yehwah Eloheyem. Yehwah tests, each person’s Faithful Obedience and Love for Righteousness. Hebrews 5:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 10:15; 16; 17; Hebrews 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14;Spiritual maturity as required to overcome sinful temptations and triumphantlydemonstrate their Faithfulness is “justified”. Ephesians 4:23; 24; “Justification” reveals spiritual growth that produces the Peaceful of Fruits of Righteousness and Holiness, that will be “glorified”.] See also: Daniel Ezekiel Ezra Esther Washing of the Word 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NASB95) — 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the (Lord = Yehwah Elohe) Messiah Yeshua) and in the Spirit of our (God = EL elyon the Father ). [1 Corinthians 6:17; 19; 20; the work of salvation, begins when a person repents, by turning away from sinful lawlessness. The gift of the Spirit of Holiness, reveals the presents of the Eternal Father and Son, Tabernacling within a believer. Romans 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; Baptism, represent the death of the sinful human nature, also, baptism in the spirit portrays washing that is the transformation of a person’s heart and mind. Messiah promised that the Spirit of the Father, Will lead Faithful believers into all Truth. Romans 8:3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; Disciples of Messiah are (Sanctified = set apart) for the purpose of learning Righteous Obedience that perfects Holiness. Disciples that overcome sinful temptations Will be Justified and proven Righteous and Spirit. Glorification is “at-One-ment” in the Family of Yehwah Eloheyem, with the Father and Son.] Mercy and Justification Titus 3:7 (NASB95) — 7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. [Romans 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; the statement: “Justified by His Grace” represents Messiah’s Mercy, that draws a person to repentance. Messiah’s Loving kindness encourages disciples to resist satan spiritual Temptations. 1 Peter 4:17; 18;Justification may be described as a time of Judgment. Disciples that Obey the Covenant Commandments Will be declared, Righteous and justified. Disciples must become Faithfully Obedient, before receiving Eternal Life.] Holiness in Spirit Colossians 1:22 (NASB95) — 22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach— [The statement: “Reconciled through Death” is explained by apostle Paul. Romans 5:9; 10; Romans 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; Romans 8:3; 4; 12:1; 2; This Reconciliation represents a process of change that will transform a believer. Hebrews 10:15; 16; 17; Faithful Obedience to Covenant Law, will renew their heart and mind. Disciples of Messiah are being spiritually conformed to His Image and likeness. Disciples are baptized into Messiah’s death, by crucifying the sinful human nature. Hebrews 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; disciples learn spiritual discipline, that perfects Holiness and produces the peaceful fruit of Righteousness through Obedience.] Spiritual Oneness with the Lamb Ephesians 5:26–27 (NASB95) — 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. [Deuteronomy 6:4; The statement: “Washing with the Word” describes disciples living by every word of Yehwah Elohe. Rev 20:4; 5; 6; The Righteous and Faithfully Obedient, anticipate their future resurrection. Philippians 1:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; Rev 14:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 12; 13; 14; 19:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; The Faithful Saints will receive Eternal Life and become Spiritually at “One” with Messiah and the Father.] Glory, Honor, Immortality, and Eternal Life? Romans 2:4–8 (NASB95) — 4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of (God = Yehwah Elohe and EL elyon the Father ) leads you to repentance? 5 But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of (God = Yehwah Elohe), 6 who will render to each person according to his deeds: 7 to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; 8 but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. See also: Daniel Un-Sealed Resurrection of Judgment [Matthew 23:23; Deuteronomy 4:29; 6:1; 2; 5; 6; 10:12; 13; 26:16; 17; 18; 19; Dt 30:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 19; 20; Jer 29:11; 12; Joel 2:11; 12; 13; Mark 12:28; 29; 30; 31; Eph 2: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 12; 13; Col 3:23; 24; 25; Romans 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; Messiah Yeshua stated that he requires Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness. the biblical principle of justice is expressed as proper application of law that brings Blessings or Judgment upon mankind. (Romans 2:12-13 NASB; ) Justice may be applied with an intent to show Mercy as a way to restore people to obedience to Covenant Law. Merciful reconciliation demonstrates judicial restraint. Hopefully that people will be motivated to remain Faithful, to the Covenant agreement. Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness work together to complete the process of Justification. The term Justified is often misunderstood and improperly applied as an identifier of Salvation. As if Justification is completely separate from compliance to Covenant Law. Justification is only an expression of the intent of applying Judgment with Mercy to lead lawless mankind to reconciliation and Faithful Obedience. Justification that produces Faithfulness, leads to Sanctification. Justification and Sanctification are steppingstones that lead to Salvation. Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness are intended to produce Justification and Sanctification. These basic terms represent Yehwah's Judgement. A limited view of Biblical judgment only focuses on Yahweh's wrath that condemns the wicked and lawless mankind to the sentence of death. Many assume that Yahweh's judgment is a final damnation. Only pagan mythology, casts the wicked into fiery hell and eternal torment. The misguided view of judgment overlooks the facts. All have sinned and receive the same punishment of death for their transgression of the law. Genesis 3:19; Psa 9:8; 96:13; 98:1; 2; 3; 9; Ec 12:13; 14; Da 7:22; 12:2; 3; John 3:17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 5:19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; John 7:24; 9:39; 12:44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; Acts 17:30; 31; Heb 9:27; 2 Cor 5:10; Yehwah has promised a future resurrection of the dead. So then, just as all die because of their sins. There will be a resurrection when everyone will be made alive again. Revelation 20:4; 5; 6; 12; 13; Romans 5:12; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; Romans 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 1 Cor 15:20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; describes two separate resurrections. The first resurrection is the reward for the Righteous. This completes the time of judgment for Messiah’s disciples. They have, proven their Faithfulness, by Obediently overcoming sin. The second resurrection is called the time of Judgment, for the rest of mankind. Then, the unsaved dead, will be restored to physical life. Each person will have an opportunity to be reconciled to Yehwah. True repentance of sin, will receive Mercy. This leads to justification through their wholehearted faithful obedience to Covenant Law. 1 Peter 4:17; 18; 19; 2 Pe 2:9; 3:8; 9; Jude 1:15; 16; There is sufficient evidence within Scripture to identify two separate time periods for judgment. Yehwah will Justly and Mercifully judge each person, by correcting sin. . Matthew 10:15; 11:22; 24; 12:36; 41; 42; Acts 3:19; 20; 21; 25; 26; Messiah Yeshua came to bless everyone by turning them away from sinful lawlessness. Then, Faithful Covenant Obedience is restored within, His Righteous Laws.] See also: DiVORCE isRAEL? |
Jul 1, 2022
Justification of Righteousness
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