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Hubble Heritage http://heritage.stsci.edu/heic/1007/index.html see also: THE WORD ROSE or AROSE ? |
To What, Abandon Me?
Mark 15:34; was originally written in Greek:
Mark 15:34 (NASB95), “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”
The correct Hebrew wording is found in:
לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי Psalm 22:1; that should be translated, "to what - abandoned me”
Mark is probably the only person that accurately recorded Messiah Yeshua's final words. Yeshua cried out in Hebrew and Mark attempted to write the words phonetically in the Greek language. That is why the quote from:
Mark 15:34; (NASB95) “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?
Is not directly transferable to the Hebrew or Greek. Mark wrote, "lama that is the correct phonetic pronunciation of the Hebrew lamah = “ לָמָה “, that has a silent H at the end" and " sabachthani is the phonetic spelling of the Hebrew azabathani = עֲזַבְתָּנִי ." The Hebrew word,” עֲזַבְתָּנִי “ begin with “ עֲזַ = aZ” and would sound like an S; also the Hebrew pronunciation of “ תָּ = TH” would sound like chth to Mark.
Psalms 22:1; actually verifies that Mark's phonetic spelling of the Hebrew is accurate.
Eloi Eloi, Who?
That leads to an explanation, of Mark's phonetic spelling, of "Eloi”. A simple search in a Greek lexicon, would prove that this is a reference, to one of the Hebrew titles of EL. Also, Mark’s phonetic spelling of the Hebrew, begins with the silent “e”, that emphasizes the “L”, then a capital “O”, then the Greek “I”, that is pronounced like a capital “E”. Mark’s phonetic pronunciation, matches the Hebrew title, "Elohe = אֱלֹהֵי”. This title is a singular name, for one of the Eternal creators, and together they are called Eloheyem.
eLOI - Elohe or Eliyeh
Mark 15:35; records that bystanders assumed Messiah Yeshua was calling out to, “Elijah”. The correct Hebrew spelling of the prophet Elijah is Eliyeh-wu, " אֵלִיָּהוּ”. And the Greek, will use the phonetic spelling, “Elia” and adds the S ending, to personal names: Ἠλίας [Helias /hay·lee·as/].
But, Messiah Yeshua, did not cry out, Eliyeh-wu, " אֵלִיָּהוּ”.
Promise of Eliyeh
Mark's correct phonetic spelling of, "Eloi = eLOE = Elohe = אֱלֹהֵי”, is assumed to be closely related to, “Elijah = Eliyeh”.
This leads into a question, were the bystanders hoping that the promised Eliyeh:
In Malachi 4:5; was about to return?
eLOI - Elohe or my God?
To understand: Mark 15:34-35; Psalms 22:1; it is important to do an expanded study on the Hebrew words and their meanings.
The Root and Branches of a Name
The introduction in: Psalm 22:1; begins by announcing one of the titles of Elohe. (אֵלִי אֵלִי = Eli Eli) is a common abbreviation and similar to the name (אֵלִיָּה = Eliyeh). The Hebrew spelling of Eliyeh would be (אֵלִיָּה = ELYH). And is similar to (אֶהְיֶה = EHYH = I am who I am; in Ex 3:14; ).
But, the Hebrew name that refers to the prophet ( Eliyeh-wu) ends with a ( וּ = Wu). (אֵלִיָּהוּ = Eliyeh-wu) is an abbreviated phrase, announcing, “Yeh is El”.
(אֵלִיָּהוּ = Eliyeh-wu, iN Luke 1:17; ) is a reference to a person, led by the Spirit, and Power of the El Yeh.
El-I Am or Eliyeh-wu
But, in Malachi 4:5; (אֵלִיָּה = Eliyeh = El-I am), is a reference to Messiah Yeshua. Who is Spiritually One with the Father, in the Eternal Eloheyem Family of Yehwah. That is why the ( וּ = Wu) is not added to the title (אֵלִיָּה = Eliyeh).
See also: ELi-Yeha COMES FiRST
ESL H 452 אֵלִיָּהוּ אֵלִיָּה [ʾEliyeh, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410; translates as “Elijah” 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. Eliyeh = the Messiah. Eliyeh-wu = an, announcement, “Yeh (Wu = is) El”. An alternative expression, “El Yeh ( Wu = is or exist)!”.
Planting the Word Seed
ESL H 1961 אֶהְיֶה, [ayah /haw·yaw/] v. A primitive root translates as 1 to be, become, come to pass, exist. 1 to come into being, become. 1a2a to arise, appear. 1 to become like. 1a2b3 to be instituted, be established. 1a3 to be. 1a3a to exist, be in existence. 1a3b to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time). 1a3c to stand, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality). 1a3d to accompany, be with. [ Ex 2:24; 3:14; Yehwah Elohe reveals His existence "I am who I am" to Moses. And had promised Abraham that His Seed would become a, "Blessing to all nations”. Abraham’s descendants, would receive an inheritance,, in Melchizedek's kingdom. And Yehwah Eloheyem, (Father and Son), would Tabernacle with Their people.]
(Ge 12:1; 2; 3; 18:18; 19; Lk 8:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; Ga 3:16; 1 Jn 3:1; 2; 3-5; 6-7; 8; 2:4; Heb 7:1; 2; 3; 14; 15-16; 17; 11:8; 9; 10; 12:22; 13:14; Lev 26:11-12; 13; Eze 37:26; 27-28; Rev 21:3; 10; 11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20; 21; 22-23; 24-25; 26-27; )
See also: ABRAHAM and YeHaWaH's PROMISE
My Elohe?
Luke 1:17 (NASB95) “It is ( he = John the Baptist) who will go as a forerunner before ( Him = Messiah) in the spirit and power of ( the Greek name Eliyeh-wu is spelled "Ἠλίou [Heliou /hay·lee·ou/]”, that ends with the “Wu" as the Hebrew “ אֵלִיָּהוּ “).
John is announcing that, Eliyeh - (Wu = is), turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord = Yehwah Elohe = Messiah.”
[John the Baptist, was led by the Spirit, that was in the prophet (אֵלִיָּהוּ = Eliyeh-wu). John was not the (אֵלִיָּה= Eliyeh in Malachi 4:5; who is the Yehwah Elohe = promised Messiah).
John 8:58;The name Elohe is mentioned hundreds of times as the, "Lord God" that spoke to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets.
(Zec 14:5; Lord God = Yehwah Elohe " יהוה אֱלֹהַי “, Ge 9:26; 26:24; 28:13; 30:20; Ex 3:6; 15; 16; Jos 1:9; Isa 2:3; 17:6; 7; 10; 21:10; 17; 24:15-16; 29:23; 40:28; 41:17; 52:7; 10; 12; 13; Psa 69:6; )
Elohe is the promised Messiah, who came in the flesh, as the ( עִמָּנוּ אֵל = Immanuel), “with us is El”. The, Elohe = Messiah, will also return, and establish the Kingdom of Yehwah on earth. The fullness of Yehwah El elyon the Father’s, Spirit dwells in, Elohe the Son, Messiah Yeshua.
(Isa 7:14 Lk 1:31-32; 33-34; 35; Mt 1:20; 21; 22-23; Jn 1:1-3; 4-5; 9-11; 12-13; 14; Col 2:9; 1 Jn 1:1 NASB; 1 Jn 1:2 NASB; 1 Jn 1:3 NASB; )
See also: The LORD's DAY 1 and 2. And. Daniel Un-Sealed
ESL H 6005 עִמָּנוּ אֵל [ʿImmanuwʾel /im·maw·noo·ale/] n pr m. From 5973 and 410 with a pronominal suffix inserted; translates as “Immanuel 1 symbolic and prophetic name of the Messiah, the Christ, prophesying that He would be born of a virgin and would be ‘El with us’. Immanuel = “with us is El”.
See also: MESSIAH's TEMPLE in 70 WEEKs
and ADAM to MESSiAH in 6000 yrs.
El = Oneness of Father and Son
ESL H 410 אֵל, [ʾel /ale/] n m. Shortened from 352; translates as “God” EL is better understood to be the, "Power or Spirit" of Yehwah El elyon, as in Luke 1:17;
(Lk 1:17; Jn 1:19-20; 21; 22; 23; 29-30; 31-32; 33; 34; 4:23-24; 6:45; )
(The Hebrew word "Eli = my God" would be better interpreted: as the invisible presence of, the Spirit of Yehwah El elyon the Father, within a person. Just as the Father, spoke to John the Baptist. And identified the Lamb of El = God. Yeshua's baptism, revealed the Father's Spirit of Holiness, descending like a dove. And remaining with the Anointed One, Messiah. Yeshua Faithfully Obeys His Father's commandments and speaks the Father's Words of Truth. Yeshua, states that He is in the Father, and the Father is in Him. Yeshua, and the Father are One, and are perfectly United in the Spirit of Yehwah El elyon the Father. Yeshua, never sinned, so He can never be separated, from His Father's Love. When Messiah Yeshua, cries out, "Eloi”, translators assume, He is crying, “my God”. But, Yeshua is in the Father, and the Father is Forever in Yeshua. Also, Messiah Yeshua, is the, "Lord God or Yehwah Elohe" of the Old Testament. So when, Messiah Yeshua cries out, "Eloi”, He is identifying Himself, as the “Elohe”. And is asking the people, "to what, abandoned me”? Because He is the presence of El = God with us.)
(Jn 1:1-3; 4-5; 9-11; 12-13; 14; 4:23-24; 6:44; 45-46; 8:28-29; 10:30; 14:6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 26; 27; 28; 15:9-10; 16:32; 17:1; 2; 3; 4-5; 6; 7-8; 11; 17-19; 21; 20:17; 28; Mk 12:29; Deut 6:4; Jn 8:58; Heb 1:1-2; 3; 8; 9; 5:7; 8; 9-10; 7:1; 2; 3; 14-15; 16; 17; Yeshua is the Eternal High Priest Melchizedek. The Prince of Peace )
ESL H 1933 הָוָה [hawaʾ, hawah /haw·wah/] v. A primitive root; translates as, “be”, “shall be”, “may be”, “to be”, “become”, “exist”.
(Yehwah = Yeh “(wah) = causes to be" or "brings into existence", "and entered into His creation", "The Word became flesh”.)
(Ge 1:26; Jn 1:1-3; 4-5; 14; )
Yeh is El
Luke 4:25 (NASB95) “But I say to you in truth, there were many widows in Israel in the days of,
(the Greek name: Eliyehwu, is spelled, "Ἠλίou [Heliou /hay·lee·ou/]”. That ends with the “wu" as the Hebrew, אֵלִיָּהוּ = yeh is El or ElYeh exist.)
when the sky was shut up for three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land;
El-I Am, is Messiah Yeshua
Matthew 11:13–15 (NASB95) — 13 “For all the prophets and the Law including John, proclaimed.
14 “That (everyone) may desire to receive. “Him”, that is ( Ἠλίας [Helias /hay·lee·as/] = Eliyeh = the Messiah).
In Malachi 4:5; Deut 18:15; Acts 3:17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; Messiah is the Holy One and the prophet that Moses promised, “was to come”.
15 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
(Mt 11:14; John's name is not in the second sentence. But, Messiah Yeshua, is identifying Himself, as the promised, ( Eliyeh = El I AM), that has come. Also, John the Baptist, is not Eliyeh, or the Messiah.]
(Mal 1:1-2; 3; 4:5; Jn 1:6-8; 9-11; 12-13; 14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19-20; 21; 22; 23-24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 6:28-29; 44-45; 46; 7:26; 8:42-43; 44; 45-46; 47; 10:30; Mt 17:10-11; 12; Acts 3:18-19; 20-21; 22; )
El with Us
If Psalm 22:1; is only a quote from David crying out Eli Eli. Then it definitely could be assumed, David is calling to the, “El” of Yehwah. But, Messiah Yeshua, is the promised, ( אֵלִיָּה= Eliyeh = El I AM).
In Mark 15:34; Messiah Yeshua, is crying out one of His prophetic titles: “eLOI = Elohe”.
(Deut 32:15; Eloi is also prophetically expressing, the same identity, by the Hebrew title: “אֱלֹוהַּ = Elowah”. Which means, “El” entered into His creation. The Elohe, who spoke to Abraham and Moses. Also, became “El”, who entered into the physical creation, by becoming Immanuel.
Careful examination of Mark 15:34; begins with the Greek phonetic spelling of the Hebrew name:
(eLOI = Elohe = אֱלֹהַי, who is also אֱלוֹהַ = Elowah)
In Deut 32:15; Elowah, is a singular noun, and refers only to Yehwah the spokesman, who is the Holy One, Messiah Yeshua, the Rock and Savior.
(1 Cor 10:1; 2-3; 4; )
ESL G 1682 ἐλωί̈ [eloi /el·o·ee/] n m. is the Greek phonetic spelling of the original Hebrew,, and assumed to be, from 426.; translates as “Eloi” twice. 1 the original Hebrew is the singular noun and name of, "Elohe or Elowah”. (Mk 15:34; )
ESL H 426 אֱלָהּ [ʾelahh /el·aw] n m. Eloh is a common name used for many gods.
(The more precise origin of “ELOI = Elohe”, would be 433)
ESL H 433 אֱלֹוהַּ [ʾelowahh /el·o·ahh/] n m. prolonged (emphat.) from 410; poorly translated as “God.
(“Elowah” is better understood to be the name, that identifies the Holy One. Who came in the flesh, and is, "El with us”. Messiah the Savior, is United in Spirit with the Father in the Eloheyem Family
.(Deut 32:15; Isa 44:8; )
ESL H 410 אֵל, [ʾel /ale/] n m. Shortened from 352; translates as “God”.
(El is a reference to the, "Power or Unity of Spirit" with El elyon the Most High Father, as in:
(Luke 1:17; )
See also: SPiRiT of HOLiNESS
ESL H 352 אַיִל, [ʾayil /ah·yil/] n m. From the same as 193; translates as “ram (as sacrifice)”, “mighty (men)”.
ESL H 193 אֱוִיל a root meaning; to twist, i.e. (by implication) be strong. EL emphasizes; unity is strength! The second part of the name: el-heyem; (hey: is a personal pronoun Hey) (yem: can mean ; to Roar, or to be Right, or a body of Water
) TWOT # 644f (cheyyem: is similar; meaning Living Waters)
Abandoning Eloi, Elohe?
Mark 15:34 (NASB95) — 34 At the ninth hour Yeshua cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”
Mark wrote down what he heard, by phonetically spelling the Hebrew words. Using Greek letters, Mark quoted the words: ( lama = לָמָה = to what) and ( sabachthani = עֲזַבְתָּנִי = abandon me ). This means that, Messiah Yeshua, was speaking Hebrew, when He was dying on the cross. But, Mark attempted to write, His words, phonetically with the Greek letters. Later translators added the interpretation, "my God my God why have you forsaken me?"
(It is important to notice, that the translators added the word, "my" twice and the words, "have you”. These do not exist, in mark’s original quote, of Yeshua. Translators assume that God the Father, had forsaken, His Son, (Yeshua = Salvation). But, Messiah Yeshua, was identifying Himself, as the ( Eloi = Elohe = Elowah), who is the Rock of Salvation. Yeshua’s name means, “Yeh Saves”. )
Elowah the Suffering Savior
Mark accurately recorded that Messiah Yeshua said the Hebrew title (eLOI = Elohe who is also the אֱלוֹהַ Elowah) which refers only to the Messiah and Savior.
As in :
Deuteronomy 32:15 (NASB95) — 15 “But ( Jeshurun = Israel) grew fat and kicked— You are grown fat, thick, and sleek— Then he (forsook = וַיִּטֹּשׁ ) (God = אֱלוֹהַ = Elowah) who made him,
(Ge 1:26; Isa 53:1; 2; 3; Jn 1:1-3; 4-5; 9-11; 12-13; 14; )
And scorned the Rock of his (salvation = יְשֻׁעָתוֹ = Yeshua).
Also in:
Isaiah 44:8 (NASB95) — 8 ‘Do not tremble and do not be afraid; Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My
witnesses. Is there any (God = אֱלוֹהַּ = Elowah) besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.”
Jeremiah 2:4–5 (NASB95) — 4 Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel. 5 Thus says the Lord, “What injustice did your fathers find in Me, That they went (far from Me = מֵעָלָי). And walked after emptiness and became empty?
Jeremiah 2:13 (NASB95) — 13 “For My people have committed two evils: They have (forsaken Me = אֹתִי עָזְבוּ ), The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water.
(Jer 17:13; Jn 4:10; 11-12; 13-14; 7:37-38; 39; )
ESL H 5800 עָזַב, עָזַב [ʿazab /aw·zab/] v. A primitive root; translates as, “leave, forsake. (Qal). to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, (Niphal) to be left. to be forsaken. 1c (Pual) to be deserted. (Psa 22:1; )
ESL H 5203 נָטַשׁ [natash /naw·tash/] [v. A primitive root; translates as “forsake”, 1 to leave, forsake, cast off or away, reject,1a2 to forsake, abandon. (Niphal). 2 to be forsaken. (Pual) to be abandoned, be deserted. (Deut 32:15; Je 15:6; )
ESL G 1459 ἐγκαταλείπω [egkataleipo /eng·kat·al·i·po/] v. translates as “forsake” “leave”. 1 abandon, desert. 1a , leave helpless. 1b totally abandoned, utterly forsaken.
(The Jews, use this word, in their Greek translation of the Old Testament. Mark could have used the word, "ἐγκαταλείπω”, if he had simply translated, Yeshua words into Greek.)
Mark 15:34; carefully preserved Yeshua's Hebrew words phonetically, so that they could not be mistranslated.
Abandoning the Father and Son
See also: Hebrew ABC?
If Psalms 22:1; is a reference to King David crying out, "Eli Eli" than it definitely would be translated, "my God my God." But there are two problems.
First, Mark 15:34; records Messiah Yeshua saying, "Eloi = Elohe or Elowah" that identifies Himself.
The second problem is that, "Eli Eli" can be understood as the presence of El in the person. Messiah Yeshua is perfectly One with the Heavenly Father. Messiah Yeshua is "Eli Eli." Anyone that is rejecting Messiah Yeshua is also rejecting the Heavenly Father. So then, the people were rejecting and abandoning the, "Eli, Eloi, Elohe, Elowah, Immanuel, Eliyah” there Rock and Savior.
(Mt 10:6-7; 16-17; 18-19; 20; 23-24; 25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31; 32-33; 40; Mk 3:20-21; 22; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 29-30; 9:11; 12; 13; 31; 37; Lk 9:18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 48; 10:16; 21; 22; Jn 6:45; 8:16; 17-18; 19; 28-29; 31-32; 40; 41; 42-43; 44; 45-46; 47-48; 49-50; 54; 55-56; 58; 10:30-32; 33-35; 36-37; 38-39; 13:20; 1 Jn 2:22; 23-24; )
See also: BEARiNG SiN and BLOOD of the LAMB
Mark 3:28–30 (NASB95) — 28 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Added Note: most of Christianity, believe that their Jesus, became their sins. And was rejected, by the Heavenly Father. Christianity profanes, the Holiness of Yeshua’s, sacrificial Blood. By teaching that Messiah, became "Unclean”, with their sins. As a "Scape Goat Substitution Sacrifice”, to appease the wrath, of their gods. )
(Heb 1:1; 2; 3; 10:26; 27; 28; 29; 30; Psa 110:1; 4; Isa 53:3; 4; )
See also, did Messiah Yeshua become sin?
Please visit: How To Study Tools 1 2 3
And Hebrew ABC?
Victorious Salvation
Psalms 22:1; is a prophetic revelation of Messiah Yeshua's words.
El I am = אֵלִי
El I am = אֵלִי
to wha = לָמָה
abandon me = עֲזַבְתָּנִי
far away = רָחוֹק
from Salvation - I am = מִישׁוּעָתִי
cry I = דִּבְרֵי
roaring I am (like a lion) = שַׁאֲגָתִי׃
Mark 15:34 (NASB95) — 34 At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which should be translated, “I am El, I am El, to what abandoned me."
Psalms 22:1; El I Am, El I Am, to what abandoned me, far away from, Salvation I Am, I cry, Roaring like a Lion, I M.
Messiah identified Himself as the: “Eli or Elohe”, and then asked the people, "to what abandoned me, far away, from" and then He, "Roared like a lion”, His name, "Yeshua”, that means, “I AM Salvation” and is a shout of Victory!
See also: Yeshua!!! And. At-One-ment Prophecy
The people of Israel were, “far away from, Yeshua and Salvation!"
The overwhelming evidence reveals, that Messiah Yeshua, is the, “Eli, Elohe, and Elowah”. He was, "abandoned and forsaken" by Israel. Israel represents the people of Yehwah.
plus MAN of SiN; iMAGE of JEALOUSY
But, generally all of mankind, have forsaken (Messiah Yeshua = Eli, Elohw, Elowah. The Rock, Savior, and fountain of Living Waters. ) The people had, “abandoned” the Messiah. “Far away from” Yeshua, who is Salvation. Yeshua’s, name means Salvation or Yeh Saves. Also, Messiah Yeshua, Trusted His Heavenly Father's Faithful promise, to Resurrect Him from death. Messiah Yeshua, ascended into Heaven, and sat down at the right hand, of the Father's throne, of Mercy and Lovingkindness.
(Acts 2:22; 23; 24; 25; 26-27; 28; 34; 35-36; 38;
Jn 8:28-29; 30; 31; 32; 10:11; 12; 13-15; 16; 17-18; 27-28; 29-30;
Heb 1:1; 2; 3; 5:5; 6; 7; 8-10; 12:1; 2; 3; 4; 5;
1 Pe 2:21-22; 23; 24; 25; )
See also: GROWiNG PAiNS
And. Melchizedek the Savior Elohe
Father's Faithful Love for His Son
Hear are some Bible references, verifying that the Heavenly Father, did not “abandon or forsake”, Is Perfect Sinless Son.
And RiGHTly DiViDe_TRUTH vs LiES
Psalm 22:23–24 (NASB95) — 23 You who fear the Lord, praise Him; All you descendants of Jacob, glorify Him, And stand in awe of Him, all you descendants of Israel. 24 For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from him; But when he cried to Him for help, He heard.
(Psa 22:3-5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10-11; 12-13; 14; 15; 16-18; 19-21; 22; 25-26; 27-28; 29; 30-31; 73:23-25; 26; 28; )
John 8:28–32 (NASB95) — 28 So Jesus said, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me. 29 And He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.” 30 As He spoke these things, many came to believe in Him. 31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 14:6–11 (NASB95) — 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” 8 Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.
John 15:9–10 (NASB95) — 9 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
John 16:32 (NASB95) — 32 Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
Psalm 34:17–20 (NASB95) — 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord hears And delivers them out of all their troubles. 18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. 20 He keeps all his bones, Not one of them is broken.
(Ge 6:5; 6; Isa 53:1; 2; 3; 4; 57:1; 2; Acts 2:22; 23; 24; 25; 26-27; 31-32; 33; 34; 35-36; 38; )
Psalm 40:3–11 (NASB95) — 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the Lord. 4 How blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust, And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood. 5 Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count. 6 Sacrifice and meal offering You have not desired; My ears You have opened; Burnt offering and sin offering You have not required. 7 Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me. 8 I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.” 9 I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation; Behold, I will not restrain my lips, O Lord, You know. 10 I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth from the great congregation. 11 You, O Lord, will not withhold Your compassion from me; Your lovingkindness and Your truth will continually preserve me.
John 17:17–26 (NASB95) — 17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. 20 “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 “The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; 23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. 24 Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25 “O righteous Father, although the world has not known You, yet I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me; 26 and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”
Psalm 68:19–20 (NASB95) — 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. 20 God is to us a God of deliverances; And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.
(Psa 69:8-9; 13; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 40:1-2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; )
Exodus 20:6 (NASB95) — 6 but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
See also: Blessings of Abraham
And LOVE Story
Saving the Lost?
Remember “John Smith”, who was in the beginning. Why was he abandoned?
Messiah Yeshua, came to redeem the lost sons of Israel. Demonstrating, Lovingkindness, Mercy, and Forgiveness of sins.
(Isaiah 61:1; Mt 4:16; 17; 23; 5:17; 18; 19; 20; 9:33-34; 35; 36; 11:5; 15; 25; 26; 27-28; 29-30; 23:13; )
Messiah Yeshua, proclaimed, "Good News”, and demonstrated miraculous powers. Representing the promised, future Kingdom of Yehwah, coming to earth. People were healed of diseases, demons were cast out. And everyone is called, to “Repentance”. So,, why did the people, not Love Yeshua's words of truth? The people, could not understand, that Messiah Yeshua, came to set them Free, from their enslavement, in sinful lawlessness.
See also: CURSE of the LAW
And Justification of Righteousness
John 11:47; 48-49; 50-51; 52-53; 18:14; The Pharisees and teachers of the law, hated their own, “Rock and Savior”. Most people do not truly desired, to be set free, from their sins. So they, crucified the Holy Righteous Sinless Lamb of Yehwah. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law,, cared more about their, position as religious leaders. And preserving the civil authority, granted to them by the Roman Empire. The religious leaders, desire to hold onto their control, over the people. So they, influence the crowds, to demand the death of Messiah Yeshua. They hope to cover up their sins, by killing an innocent Lamb. But, a “ScapeGoat”, would not remove the blood guilt from their heads.
See also: BLOOD of the LAMB and BEARiNG SiN
Luke 23:2; 3; Mt 2:2; 27:11; 18; 20; 22-23; 24; 25; 27; Mk 15:9-11; 12-14; Lk 23:37; 38; The proclamation of their sin, of “Forsaking” the Messiah, was nailed to the cross. Behold, the "King of the Jews!"
See also: NAILED to the CROSS
Isaiah 53:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; "to whom has the Arm of Yehwah, been revealed?" And, who really understands the "Good News”. Anticipating the Kingdom of Yehwah, by turning away from their Sins?
(Jn 8:28-29; 30-32; 33-34; 35-36; 37-38; 39; 40; 41; 42-43; 44; 45-46; 47; 48-49; )
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