Apr 15, 2022

Died for our Sins?

NASA Photo:
James Webb Telescope
 Romans 5:10;. We are reconciled through Messiah’s death and saved through his life. This Bible verse focuses on the importance of repentant believers changing their life to conform to the likeness of Messiah. But, this verse does not say, that Messiah’s death paid their sin debt, as a substitution scapegoat? The statement, “Paid our Sin Debt” does not exist within the Bible. And the practice of a scape goat substitution sacrifice originates in pagan idolatry. So why is there so much confusion about the message of salvation?

Theology and Translation Errors

 Lk 23:43; Acts 7:4; 2 Cor 5:20-21; contain examples of a misplaced “,” that completely alters the intended purpose and meaning of a sentence. Some grammatical Errors may be easily identified. While other translations deliberately change the meaning of words, add additional words or phrases, and completely alter the original language word order, to corrupt a sentence, intended meaning or purpose. 

See also:  How To Study Tools 1 2 3

and  Hebrew ABC?