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NASA: Hubble Sparkles http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/ archive/releases/nebula/2012/35/ |
Php 2:1; 2-3; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12; 13)
What is True Love?
Here are 5 conditions that nurture loving relationships.
* The 1st essential quality for companionship is agreement. It may seem simply obvious that agreement is the beginning of a bond.
* The 2nd insight reveals character through the examining of foundational rules for life. EL elyon the Most High Heavenly Father established truth to nurture and preserve His Covenant union of love.
* The 3rd facet is love in action. Wisdom discerns the difference between good and evil by applying truth and behaving justly towards everyone equally.
* The 4th refinement is the building of trust. Patient observation of love is like a mirror reflection and what is offered in peace is returned in thanksgiving.
* The 5th offering of reconciliation, through gentle Mercy, mends broken hearts. Right judgment desires restoration and renewed agreement within all of the above; these are 5 Conditions of a covenant relationship. And a foundation for True Love.
Family Tree - the Story of Salvation
Good vs Evil: a sin-opt-us
Like Father Like Son
Imagine 2 Eternal Spirit beings living in perfect unity and love. The essence of their Spiritual Life, is knowledge that sustains oneness. Their unity reflect harmonious laws, that formulated patterns, for creating and propagating life. EL elyon the Most High Heavenly Father and the other Eternal Yehwah Elohe, planned to extend the Eloheyem family by creating beings in the image and likeness of a Son.
The Heavenly Father formed the 1st angel Lucifer to be a mirror reflection of the Eternal Yehwah Elohe. A glorious multitude of unique angelic beings expanded the Eloheyem family. The Father is the head of a Heavenly Kingdom and governs with His Spirit of power, truth, and love.
Lucifer devised an altered perception of life separate from the governing authority of the Heavenly Father and the Law giver Yehwah Elohe. Lucifer deceptively promised power and freedom, so that his followers would be enslaved to lies and self delusion. Lucifer became the Adversary Satan and the enemy of life.
Throughout Eternity EL elyon the Most High Father and the Spokesman Yehwah Elohe, never anticipated evil thoughts. The gift of life comes from unity of Spirit and True Love in the Eloheyem family.
Eclipsing the Son
Like a fading morning star, Lucifer, the son of the dawn, became a shadow of darkness creeping into the Kingdom of Light. Angelic beings were created with the perception of spiritual unity in the Eloheyem Family. And their free will became a choice to love truth or be divided by lies. And then, there was warfare in heaven. Satan the Dragon and his demonic followers were cast into spiritual restraint, within an earthly Tartaru, of bondage and chains.
2 Family Trees
The plan to shine light into the darkness, began restoring Harmony within the glorious expanse of the physical universe. An Eternal teardrop watered a spec of dust and life bloomed from the womb of an empty earth. The 2 Eternal Eloheyem said, "let Us create". Out of clay, Adam was formed in the image and likeness of a son. Spiritual breath of Eloheyem entered the man and he became a living creature.
The 1st Adam received spiritual intellect and knowledge of the physical creation. The Eternal intelligently designed Adam in a way that would promote a deeper spiritual understanding of unity maintained by true love. Adam realized the 1st marriage bond when Eve was formed from his rib. Adam and Eve would share in the Eternal's creative nature through the conceiving and nurturing of children in their image and likeness.
Yehwah Elohe the Spokesman, walked with Adam and Eve in the garden paradise. And the invisible Spirit, of EL elyon the Father, revealed knowledge of His presence. The Tree of Life is Spiritual Oneness in the family of Eloheyem.
Adam and Eve, were warned, “do not eat, from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or you will surely die.”
The Eternal creators, examine the thoughts and test the motivations within the heart of every person. Would Adam and Eve understand "True Love", and desire the "Tree of Life". Or be tempted by Satan the deceiver the father of lies.
A Weaker Vessel or Powerful Love?
Yehwah Elohe's teaching, revealed the image and likeness of a son. And instructed Adam and Eve in the way of the Heavenly Father's loving governmental authority.
The Eternal attributes of spiritual love accompanied the physical creation of man and woman. The complementary design of male and female anticipates a union of body, mind, and spirit. Adam was formed 1st to be the leader of his family and Eve is eloquently mated for the nurturing of children. The 1st man and woman were gifted with the responsibility and authority to raise children in the Image and likeness of the Eloheyem family. Adam and Eve would govern the earth in accord with the Heavenly Father's commandments and teach their children the way to eat of the Tree of Life.
Temptation to Rule
The Heavenly Father formed all life, with the aspect of free will, that is constrained by spiritual self-awareness, and the need for relationships that promote unity and love. True Love, willingly offered in self-sacrifice, reveals the heart's desire. Forming a perfect marriage covenant of mutual devotion and service for the Genesis of life.
While a lonely tree, stands temptingly in the midst of the Garden paradise. from the darkness of Tartaru, Satan the serpent whispers. Exulting self-will, is spiritual power. Manipulating relationships, and distorting perceptions, of values and goals. Satan desired to rule over Adam and Eve by altering their understanding of the Heavenly Father's revealed truth. Satan speaks a spiritual language of deception. And pretends to offer wisdom that will grant power to rule over others through temptation. Seductive lies may lead a person away from devotion to a covenant love. Spiritual unity grows through, obedience to the Eternal Father's commandments.
The forbidden fruit, of knowing good and evil, deceived Eve. Satan, offered a false perception of wisdom, that planted the seed of doubt, leading her away from the Father of Truth.
Spiritual Division
Listening to Satan's, Spirit of lies, distorted Eve's ability, to discern the difference between "Good and Evil". Eve desired to influence Adam with her new way of thinking.
Adam perceived the change, in his marriage relationship. Pulling Adam away from emulating, the Heavenly Father's leadership of the Eloheyem Family. Adam chose, to listen to Eve. And they became willing, participants in the seduction of "Evil against the Good". Satan's Mysterious Kingdom, manipulates the human family, with a spirit of lies. Leading them, into the captivity of sin, and rebellion, against the Heavenly Father's commandments.
Hope of Salvation
EL elyon the Father and Yehwah Elohe the spokesman, did not abandon, Adam and Eve. Yehwah Elohe prepared a way, to free them, from enslavement, under Satan's spiritual influence. The Eternal Yehwah Elohe continued to speak, to Adam and Eve, the words of Truth, Love, and Righteousness, that lead to Eternal Life. Yehwah Elohe warned serious consequences would occur. When the human family, chooses to follow the spirit of evil. Satan the deceiver, promotes sin, and lawlessness, that brings death.
Yehwah Elohe the Living Word, promised Adam and Eve. A "Savior", would crush, the head of Satan. And remove the spirit of Lies that promote Evil. The prophetic future "Savior, seed of a woman”, would be Messiah Yeshua. The incarnate, Yehwah Elohe, “,a 2nd Adam” and destined to restore the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father on earth. Yeshua the Savior would live a perfect life of obedience to the Heavenly Father and teach all mankind the way that leads to the Eternal Tree of Life.
Mystery of Lawlessness
The Holy Spirit of the Father, contends for the conscience, of every person. The Spirit of Truth, pulls their thoughts towards Righteousness, and away from Satan's spirit of deception. The farther a person wanders from truth; then their enslavement to sin becomes stronger. Satan governs his Mysterious Kingdom from the spiritual realm of, “Tartaru" a place of bondage and chains of darkness. Satan understands that mankind was created with the purpose of becoming children of EL elyon the Father. Mankind's destiny, anticipates replacing, fallen angels. Satan and the demons, have lost their position, in Eloheyem's Eternal government.
Satan masquerades as light, and pretends to offer humans, power and authority to rule. Satan's lies, promise Freedom from the Eternal's Laws, while leading people on a path of self-destruction. Satan's spirit of deception, is the mystic voice of the ancient gods. Speaking through false prophets, Worshiping Satan, with religious fervor. Corrupting hearts and minds of sinful mankind, that rejoice in rebellion against the Truthful, Yehwah Elohe the lawgiver, and EL elyon the Father.
Religion and Government
EL elyon the Heavenly Father is the head of His Eloheyem Family. Adam and Eve's creative nature, and spiritual inspiration, is designed to reflect, the image and likeness, of Yehwah Elohe the law giver. A family united, that governs in love and propagates life.
Satan creates division, in the human family, by perverting perceptions of the Heavenly Father's words of Truth. Human history, records 6000 years of mankind, forming religions and governments. The construction of social order, seemed to originate from their own imagination. Mankind has developed a limited perception, of Reality, formulated from observations, of the created universe. Human intellect may assume that knowledge is gathered through the examination of the laws governing the physical creation. The pursuit of knowledge, does not explain, the awareness of self examination. Personal “conscience” is the internal sensitivity, to spiritual influences. Only the Spirit of Truth, motivates human interaction, to facilitate the establishment of a just social order.
Government and religion, established by humans. Assume they have an independent right, to judge. What is "Good or Evil", for themselves.
But, Truth, Justice, and Righteousness is spiritually discerned. And humanity, is often spiritually deceived by Satan's lies. So then, the accompanying consequences, of false religion and government, brings suffering and death, to the human family, of Adam and Eve.
One Yehwah Eloheyem Family
The Heavenly Father, established all Laws and Authority, governing His creation. The Father's, Spirit of Holiness, sustains all life, by His perfect Law of Love. The Father's Commandments are spiritually imprinted within human conscience. And each person is aware of their choice to sin, and rebel against the Eternal's Covenant Laws. Sin, is a self deceptive attempt to deny awareness of the Heavenly Father's governing authority. Violating the Eternal Law of Love, will divide families, promote cruelty and violence. Sinfulness, is a disease, spreading lawlessness, warfare, plagues, and death. Human, religious and governmental leaders, promise peace and safety. But, they teach, rebellion and disobedience, to the Heavenly Father's, Covenant commandments.
The majority of mankind, are following the spirit of Satan.
Seeds of Salvation
Yehwah Elohe, the SaviorYeshua. The Living Word, is the Law giver. Proclaiming, the "Good News" of "True Love", announcing, the message of "Eloheyem's Kingdom" restoration, and the pouring out of the Father's "Spirit of Holiness". Salvation, begins when a person repents and listens to the Heavenly Father's Spirit of Truth.
Seth, Enoch, and Noah, became examples of courageous leaders, faithfully listening to the "Living Word of Truth". Yehwah Elohe, observed the tragic consequences caused by human sinfulness.
The "Good News" began with, Enoch and Noah living a righteous life. Eloheyem's message of salvation, was proclaimed to the lawless and rebellious, descendants of Cain the son of Adam. The Eternal Yehwah Elohe, brought judgment, against sinful man, with a flood of destruction.
But, righteous Noah and his family, were Saved.
Noah, was a faithful leader of his family. Later, Noah's righteous obedience, faded from memory.
Then a new generation, abandoned Yehwah Elohe's Covenant Law, and desired to follow the way of Cain. A grandson of Hamm; named Nimrod, portrayed himself as the promised, “seed of a woman" the 2nd Adam. Nimrod desired to rule mankind, by establishing his own government on earth. Nimrod's courage and great strength, represented a sanctuary façade with a false promise of peace and security to his followers. Nimrod was accompanied, by a female temptress. Seducing people, into excepting sexual perversion. Nimrod's followers, willingly violated, Noah's clear teaching, of Yehwah Elohe's Commandments.
The True Law of Love, protects; marriage, family, and life.
Nimrod and his Hi-priestess of prostitution, devised a pantheon of false gods, in their own image and likeness. The spirit of Satan, clouded the minds of Nimrod's followers. Satan tempts, with temporary pleasure, of sensual lust, and every form of self-destructive immorality. People began worshiping idols made of stone and wood, with religious fervor and devotion, to Satan's demonic kingdom of darkness. Nimrod evolved the “Babylonian Mystery Religion”. Nimrod attempted to fade the memory of the True Creator and the Salvation of Noah's Ark, and the flood of Judgment, that came upon sinful mankind.
Sacrifice of Faith
Yehwah Elohe, spoke to Abraham. Saying, "Leave your homeland. Walk with Me, to a new land, that I will give you". Abraham believed Elohe, and separated himself from the generational influence of Nimrod. Abraham began his walk of faithful obedience, to the voice of Yehwah Elohe, Melchizedek, the King of Peace, and Prince of Righteousness. Abraham looked forward, to the promised restoration, of unity of spirit, with the Heavenly Father. And the Kingdom of the Eternal Eloheyem family, on earth. Abraham loved righteousness and became a father of faithfulness. Abraham taught his children obedience, to the voice of Yehwah Elohe, the spokesman and Living Word, of Eternal Truth.
Justice and Government
Abraham envisioned the promised, “Good News" of the Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe Melchizedek, theRighteous One. Abraham received assurance, of inheriting the promised land and a share in the City of Yeh-shalom.
Then,430 years later, Yehwah Elohe appointed Moses, as a spokesman, of Eloheyem's "Covenant Renewal", and a family reunion. Moses announced, Elohe's “Salvation”, to the tribes of Israel. Yehwah Elohe, rescued the children of Abraham, from slavery in Egypt. The Pharaoh believed, he was the son of the gods, and ordained king. Elohe fulfilled His promise to Abraham, by sending Moses. Israel's miraculous journey, looked forward to freedom, from bondage under Satan's deception, ending their captivity in sin. Moses' leadership of Israel, would be a difficult journey in the Sinai wilderness. Yehwah Elohe proclaimed, His Spiritual Laws of True Love, to Moses and the tribes of Israel, from Mount Horeb. Elohe recorded, His Commandments on tablets of stone, for all future generations of mankind. Abraham's descendants, must faithfully obey the Covenant Law, to inherit the promised land. The prophetic purpose of Yehwah Elohe's kingdom, looked forward to Israel, proclaiming "Salvation", to all nations.
Promised Land
Yehwah Elohe, performed miraculous wonders, and revealed His, powerful "Salvation", to the descendants of Abraham. The 12 tribes of Israel, often stumbled into sin. Following Satan's spirit of rebellion, against Elohe's Commandments. For 40 years, the Israelites wandered, in the wilderness of sin. They did not grow in faithful obedience, or learn to trust, the Living Word of Elohe. Yehwah Elohe instructed Moses, warn Israel, and correct their lawless disobedience. Moses endured 40 years, attempting to teach a new generation of Israelites, a life of faithful obedience. Moses proclaimed Yehwah Elohe's, Righteous Judgments, Loving Kindness, and the Merciful Revelation, of True "Salvation". Moses, viewed the "Promised Land", from mount Nebo, and died peacefully. Both, Abraham and Moses anticipated, their future resurrection, promise to the Faithful. The Righteous Saints, will serve in the Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe Melchizedek.
(Deut 18:18; Acts 3:15; 17-18; 19-20; 21; 22; 23-24; 25; 26)
Prophetic Word
After Moses' death, Joshua, was anointed with, EL elyon the Father's, Spirit of Holiness. Joshua, continue leading the Israelites, into the Promised Land. Joshua's, Hebrew name, “Yehwushua" means "Yehwah brings Salvation". Joshua's leadership, symbolically looks forward, to the promised "Messiah Yeshua". Yehwah Elohe, led Joshua and the armies of Israel, to many victories. Israel, entered the promised land, and began driving out the wicked, idolatrous, pagan inhabitants of Canaan. The nation of Israel, would continue to triumph over sin, if they faithfully trust and obey Almighty Yehwah Elohe's Commandments. Leaders in Israel, became Judges, and Prophets. Inspired by the, Spirit of Holiness, the prophets proclaimed, Spiritual Truth and envisioned future events.
Shepherd King
David's heart sang praise, to Yehwah Elohe's, Glorious Majesty, and Merciful Lovingkindness. A young shepherd's courageous faith, in Almighty Yehwah, gave him victory over a Giant enemy, named Goliath. Anointed with the Holy Spirit, David became king of Israel, and envisioned the Promise, of a Messiah King, reigning on His throne forever. David, desired to build a house, to honor Yehwah Elohe.
Later, David's son Solomon, would construct a magnificent Temple. Joyous worshipers witnessed, the "Shekinah Glory", of Yehwah Elohe, entering the most Holy Sanctuary. The Eternal's Light, was shining in Israel, and visible to all nations.
Wisdom and Unfaithfulness
Solomon, asked for wisdom, to govern Israel. But, he was not faithful to obey Yehwah's Commandments. Sadly, Solomon married many foreign wives, that led him to worship, the idolatrous false gods of pagan nations. Solomon's example, led Israel into sin. A divided, and faithless nation, was easily conquered, by their enemies. Israel's unfaithfulness, destined them to captivity, because of their sinful disobedience, against Yehwah's Covenant Commandments.
Promised Restoration
Prophets of Israel, had warned, of the consequences, resulting from sin. Later, Yehwah Elohe, revealed His Mercy. At a predetermined time, He Restored the tribe of Judah and Levi, after 70 years in Babylonian captivity. Judah rebuilt Jerusalem, and Levi restored Temple worship. The surviving remnant, of Israel, waited, over 500 years. Until the time, for the coming, of Messiah King. Hopefully anticipating, the restoration of the Israelite nation, to the Promised Covenant inheritance. While, 10 tribes, of missing Israelites, were scattered among the nations, and became, lost and forgetful, of the prophetic times.
Small Beginnings
Angels announced, the birth of a child, in Bethlehem Judea. Attracting Curious shepherds, that approached, to gaze with awe, upon a babe in a humble manger. Miraculously, the "Living Eternal Word of Truth", was Tabernacling with His people. Prophecy dawned, as a 12 year old,, Messiah Yeshua, questioned the teachers of the law, in the courtyard, of His Father's House. The "Living law of Love", was destined to be forsaken, by the orators of Torah. Scribes and Pharisees, competed for the empty profit of the praise of men. Religious leaders and governing authorities sit in judgment, as they condemn the innocent.
Messiah Yeshua, the Savior, reveals His Spiritual Power is perfected, through Weakness. The suffering, Righteous One, will be Vindicated, and convict mankind of sin. When, Yehwah Elohe the Messiah, Judges all the rulers of the earth.
Yeshua is Salvation
The "Promised Seed", fell to the earth. Planting the Word of True Salvation. Opening the hearts and minds, of believers, in Messiah Yeshua. As a "Seed" dies, it is "Renewed". Bearing "First fruit", a rising from the dead, and ReBorn, into Eternal Life.
The fruit of the "Tree of Life", nourishes "True Love", in Disciples of Messiah Yeshua, that keep His Covenant Commandments. And EL elyon the Father, Loves the faithful, and Tabernacles in the sanctuary of their hearts and minds. Messiah Yeshua, came to reveal the Father. Yeshua, declared the "Good News", of the restoration, of all things, through the Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe, coming to earth.
Zion Home Coming
The "Sting of Death" is Sin. and Satan's Spirit, motivates rebellion, against the Heavenly Father's governing authority. Satan, must be "Cast Out"! Then, mankind will be "Freed", from the deceptive lies, of Yehwah Elohe's enemy. The "Covenant Law", will go out from Zion. And all nations, will come to Messiah Yeshua, the Savior. The Prince of Peace and high priest Melchizedek, and He will teach His Righteous way of life. The Biblical Books of Truth, will be opened, for everyone to receive understanding. When, the dead, rise from their graves, with trembling, and bow before Yehwah Elohe, the King of Eternal Life. No human eye has seen, nor have their minds understood. What, Yehwah Elohe, has stored up, for those who Love Him. A new heaven and earth will be created, and only Righteousness will dwell there Forever. All wickedness, will be consumed, in a fiery judgment. Permanently ending, all the works of Satan the devil and his followers.
Mystery of Babylon, the Mother of Harlots
Satan disguises himself, as an angel of light; but, the fiery Dragon, teaches lawlessness. So, it is not surprising, that the antichrist religion, follows the dragon. Satan's Babylonian mystery religion, opposes Yehwah Elohe's Covenant Commandments and the Holy Sabbaths. Satan's followers, also believe in the "Scape Goat" substitution sacrifice, of injustice. The "Mother of Harlots", promises to cover up sins, with the sacrificial blood of the innocent "Lamb of Yehwah. Worshipping lies that cannot save, and trusting in sacrifices offered to demons. The antichrist religion, does not honor Messiah Yeshua. Another lie from Satan, deceives followers, that believe pagan mythology, pretending humans possess, an immortal soul. The "Mother of Harlots", promises the antichrist worshipers, they will go to heaven when they die. But, the unbelieving go to hell and eternal torment. The antichrist religion, does not teach, the "Good News" of the Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe, on earth. When, Messiah Yeshua, returns to continue His work of salvation for all mankind.
Why does most of Christianity, follow Satan's antichrist religion?
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see also: ABRAHAM and YeHaWaH's PROMISE
see also; 666 the BEAST n U and ANTi-CHRiST