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Chris Kotsiopoulos https://greeksky.gr |
The unexpected shook the universe, when Lucifer led a third of the angels, in rebellion against the Heavenly Government. Spiritual warfare cast the rebels into a place of bondage called Tartarus. (2Pe 2:4)
ESL G 5020 ταρταρόω [Tartarus]is mistranslated as hell, Tartarosas: means to cause to remain in a state of restraint, to hold in Bondage in Gloomy Dungeons with Chains of Darkness; waiting for Judgement
Ge 1:26; Hope for the Eloheyem Family, renewed with the restoration of the earth. A man was formed, and pattern, in the image and likeness of the Father and Son. The Son breathed spirit into the man of dust. Life is now powerful and sensitive, self–propagating, yet fragile.
Psa 8:4-5; 6; Adam was different than the Angels.
ESL H 121 אָדָם [ʾadam /aw·dawm/] translates as “man”
Ge 1:31; 2:2-3; The Eternal protected the reordered creation by His Spirit of Peace. And life was very good. Logos the Eternal Son, rested on the Sabbath day. The creator, walked with Adam in the garden paradise.
Ge 2:1; The original Hebrew sentence states]
The Heavenly and the earthly the Eternal restrained (KaLaH); even the angels (TSaBaH).
ESL H 3607 כָּלָה [kalaʾ /kaw·law/] KaLaH: translates as “shut up”, “restrained”
ESL H 6635 צֹבֶה [tsabaʾ, tsâbaʾah /tsaw·baw/] TSaBaH: translates as “host”, “war”, “army”, “battle”
(Job 38:4-16; 2Pe 2:4; Ro 8:19-20; 21-22; )
Restraining Lucifer, would give Adam and Eve, the opportunity to grow in love. Safely protecting, the nurturing of children, that would be taught, the laws and government of the Eternal Father.
[The spiritual realm, is portrayed as a vast ocean. And life, within each person, may be moved like waters of the rolling waves.]
(Job 9:8; Ps 42:7-8; 107:29; Is 48:18; 51:15; 16; Je 2:13; Zec 10:11; 14:8; Jn 7:38; Is 11:9; Ps 42:2; Is 55:1; Re 21:6; 7; Jn 4:14; )
Ge 2:15-16; 17; Logos the Son: taught Adam, about the spiritual laws, that govern creation. Logos demonstrated, a caring nature, sustaining all of life. Adam understood, his personal responsibility, in making choices. Logos warned, Adam about the danger, of wondering away,, from the clear instructions, he had received. Adam was commanded, "Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, that would bring death.
Ge 2:18; 21-22; 23-24; 25; Logos knew, Adam needed to understand, his purpose for life. The first woman was formed, to be a help mate. The marriage bond, is a powerful union, of hearts and minds, in body and Spirit. Designed within a loving relationship, is the gift of conceiving and nurturing children. Mirroring the parents union. Love is like a reflection, and reveals the deep nature of the heart.
TWOT 137a{ אִשָּׁה (ʾiššâh) woman, wife, female}
SIN - that - DIVIDES
ESL H 5175 נָחָשׁ [nachash /naw·khawsh/] From 5172; "enchanter", translates as “serpent”
(Jn 8:38; 44; 1Jn 2:4; Job 3:8; 41:1-3; 4-6; 7-9; 10-12; 13-15; 16-18; 19-21; 22-24; 25-27; 28-30; 31-34; Ps 74:12-14; Is 27:1-5; Is 51:9-11; 2Co 4:4; 11:14; Re 12:3-9; 12:13-17; 13:2-4; 11; 16:13; 20:2; Jn 12:31; 16:11; )
Ge 3:1; Lucifer, is now called, Satan, which means, adversary. Satan, is described as a, (NaCHaSH), serpent, Leviathan, and great Dragon. Satan's spirit, opposes the laws, of the Heavenly Father.
(Jn 8:44; )
Satan craftily, corrupts truth, and creates lies that destroy life.
(Jn 3:6; 8; )
The spiritual realm, is portrayed, like the air. Adam and Eve, were walking in the garden, when a wind began to blow. Then, Eve heard a voice, from the shadows. Saying,, "Did Eloheyem, really say, you must not eat of (ANY) tree in the garden?” Satan, tried to confuse Eve, and make her question, the instructions of Logos.
Ge 3:2-3;The quiet Voice, of the Eternal, reminds Eve, that there is a spiritual fruit, that causes division. The knowledge of good and evil, nourishes deception and sorrows, and brings Death to Loving Unions.
Ge 3:4-5; The shadowy voice seemed to echo in Eve's mind. You will not be put to death; when you listen to me. You will, perceive and, understand, and you will be like Eloheyem, “knowing good and evil”.
Ge 3:6; Eve guarded these thoughts, in her heart. I will gain value, and possess my desire, with selfish wisdom." then. Eve turned to Adam, and said, "can you do anything you want?" Adam said, "yes."
Ge 3:7; 8; 9-11; Suddenly a flood of desires, overwhelmed Adam and Eve. They felt naked, because the Peaceful, Spiritual, covering of the Eternal, had left them. Now Logos, was walking in the garden. And Logos, perceived what had happened. So He asked, "Did you disobey my commandments?"
Ge 3:12-13; Adam thought of blaming, his wife. Or maybe, even Logos, was responsible for his choice. Eve said, the deceiver, tricked her.
Ge 3:14; 15;
Logos said, to the Deceiver. "I know you do not serve mankind. But,, you feed upon their death, and destruction. So then, dust will be your food!" Logos promised, Eve that He would help her resist the deceiver. And that a future, child of a woman, would defeat Satan's spiritual influence. Until then, Satan is still dangerous, and strikes at mankind like a snake!
Ge 3:16; Eve, now understands, that the struggle against Satan, will be painful. And giving birth to children, may have many sorrows. Eve will still desire her husband. And Adam, needs to be a leader.
Ge 3:17; 18-19; Because, Adam followed Eve. He knowingly, disobeyed Logos. Now life, will be harder, and bad choices, produce consequences. Like briers, and thorns, in a garden. All of Adam's hard labor, will still end in Death?
see also: SOUL & IMMORTALITY ?
ge 3:20; Adam named his wife Eve, the mother of all the living.
ESL H 2332 חַוָּה [Chavvah /khav·vaw/] translates as “Eve”
Ge 3:21; Logos sacrificed, the lives of some animals, to make garments of skins, to cover Adam and Eve.
[The Passover sacrifice. is like a covering of Mercy,. Passing over a sinful past. And restoring a right relationship with the Eternal. Now, Adam and Eve. know that there is good and evil. So, they must learn to choose, the good. Only, a person that Loves Truth, and is faithfully obedient, will receive Eternal Life.
Ge 3:24; The way to the Tree of Life, is difficult. and only those, that love Righteousness, and Truth, will be allowed, to eat of Eternal Life.
Ge 4:1-2;Soon Eve gave birth to children. their first son was named Cain: which can mean possession. And Eve thought, she had received a man (The YeSH = Hero), from the Eternal. The second son, is named Abel: meaning breath.
ESL H 7014 קַיִן [Qayin /kah·yin/] Cain = “possession”Kenite = “smiths”
ESL H 376 אִישׁ [ʾiysh /eesh/] man, champion, great man
ESL H 1893 הֶבֶל [Hebel /heh·bel/] Abel = “breath”
Ge 4:3-4; The appointed time, is the continuing remembrance, of Logos sacrificing, innocent animal life. Symbolically portrayed, a merciful covering, of Adam and Eve’s nakedness, that was caused by sin. Cain and Abel, remembered to make an offering, to the Eternal:
(Ex 12:26-27; 34:25; 26; Le 23:4-5; 1Pe 1:19-20; Eph 1:4-10; Heb 11:4; 12:23-24; Jn 17:24; )
Logos, is Melchizedek the spokesman, for the Eternal.
(Gen 14:18; 19; 20)
Also, Abraham and Lot, remembered the appointed time, and the required Unleavened Bread offering?.
(Gen 18:6; 19:3)
1Pe 1:16-17; Logos desired, to continue helping mankind. overcome Satan's spiritual influence.
Le 23:1-2;Sabbaths are appointed times and for making offerings.
Ge 4:6-7;Logos spoke to Cain," if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”
ESL H 2633 חַטָּאת (ḥǎṭ∙ṭā(ʾ)ṯ) The basic meaning of the root is to miss a mark or a sin, wrong, iniquity, i.e., that which is an offense against a standard
Ge 4:8-9; 1Jn 3:12;Cain was jealous of Abel, and killed his brother.
Ge 4:10-12; The Eternal Logos confronts Cain's sin of murder.
Ge 4:13-14;Cain is cast out, from the presence of Logos, and his punishment is to be a wanderer.
Ge 4:15-16; Logos emphasizes, that the law against murder, also punishes anyone, that kills Cain. All sinfulness, requires justice and correction.
CAIN and ENOCH --- [Training Sons for Lawlessness]
Ge 4:17; Cain and his wife, have a son, and name him Enoch; which means to train. Cain also built the city, of Enoch, to be a place for training.
ESL H 2585 חֲנׄוךְ, [Chanowk /khan·oke/] Enoch = “dedicated”, "train up"
[Cain dedicated his son and trained his son to be like him.]
Ge 4:18; 19-20; 21-22; Six generations after Cain: Enoch, Irad, Methujael, Methushael, Lamech, Tubal-cain and the city becomes a place to train for war. Lamech is the first man to have two wives, and is probably the man, that killed Adam and Enoch.
(Ge 4:23-24; )
Lamech' son; Tubal-cain is a metal smith, and likely formed the weapons for war.
ESL H 5897 עִירָד [ʿIyrad /ee·rawd/] Irad = “fleet”,to be swift, a watcher or guardian of a city.
ESL H 4232 , מְחִיָּיאֵל [Mâchuwyaʾel, Mâchiyyaʾel /mekh·oo·yaw·ale/] Mehujael = “smitten by El”.
ESL H 4967 מְתוּשָׁאֵל [Mâthuwshaʾel /meth·oo·shaw·ale/] Methusael = “who is of god.
[ Satan is the god of Evil]
ESL H 3929 לֶמֶךְ [Lemek /leh·mek/] Lamech = “powerful”.
ESL H 5711 עָדָה [ʿAdah /aw·daw/] Adah = “ornament”.
[Adah is a wife of Lamech and mother of Jabal and Jubal.]
ESL H 2989 יָבָל [Yabal /yaw·bawl/] the son of Lamech by Adah and brother of Jubal; Jabal = “stream of water”, or to "lead"; dwellt in tents and raised cattle.
ESL H 3106 יוּבַל [Yuwbal /yoo·bawl/] the son of Lamech by Adah and the inventor of musical instruments. Jubal = “stream”, rams horn or trumpet
ESL H 6741 צִלָּה [Tsillah /tsil·law/] the 2nd wife of Lamech and mother of Tubal-cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron.:Zillah = “shade”.
ESL H 8423 תּוּבַל קַיִן [Tuwbal, Qayin /too·bal kah·yin/] son of Lamech by his wife Zillah and a worker of metal. Tubal-cain = “thou will be brought of Cain”.
ESL H 5279 נַעֲמָה, [Naʿamah /nah·am·aw/] daughter of Lamech by his wife Zillah and sister of Tubal-cain in the days before the flood. Naamah = “loveliness”.
[Some people think Naamah was the wife of Noah]
ADAM and SETH --- [The Sons of Righteousness]
Ge 4:25-26; These are the generations of Adam: He had another son named Seth. Seth had a son named Enowsh and they began to call on the name of the Eternal Yehwah for help.
Ge 5:3-4; 6-7; 9-10; 12-13; 15-16; 18-19; 21-22; 25-26; 28-29; 32; Adam had a son in his image and likeness; named Seth.
ESL H 8351 שֵׁת [sheth /shayth/] Seth: SHeTH = set in place or foundation of FAMILY (son of Adam and Eve) compensation.
ESL H 583 אֱנׄושׁ [ʾEnowsh /en·ohsh/] Enosh: ENoWuSH = husband and father of mankind (son of Seth)
ESL H 7018 קֵינָן [Qeynan /kay·nawn/] Kenan: QaYeNaN = possession (son of Enosh)
ESL H 4111 מַהֲלַלְאֵל [Mahalalʾel /mah·hal·al·ale/] Mahalalel: MaHaLaL-EL = praise of Eloheyem (son of Kenan)
ESL H 3382 יֶרֶד [Yered /yeh·red/] Jared: YeReD = descend or to bring down (he worked to defeat Evil). (son of Mahalal-EL)
ESL H 2585 חֲנׄוךְ [Chanowk /khan·oke/] Enoch: CHoNuWah = dedicate (son of Jared is dedicated to serve Eloheyem)
Ge 5:24; Enoch walked with Logos the Spokesman: of the Eloheyem Family
Jude 1:14; Enoch spoke, of the promised Messiah, that would establish the government of Eloheyem on earth. Enoch was a teacher of Righteousness. Enoch, opposed the Wicked, and Lawless behavior, of the descendants of Cain. Lamech the father, of Tubal-cain, is probably the murder of Enoch.
Heb 11:5; 6; Enoch was unaware of his death, when his life was taken. Stephen also, was freed from the pains of death, like Enoch.
(Acts 7:54-55; 56-57; 58-59; 60; )
ESL H 4968 מְתוּשֶׁלַח [Mâthuwshelach /meth·oo·sheh·lakh/] son of Enoch, 6th in descent from Seth, and father of Lamech. Methuselah = “man of the dart”. (a mighty defender)
ESL H 3929 לֶמֶךְ [Lemek /leh·mek/] Lamech: LaMeCH = powerful (son of Methuselah)
ESL H 5146 נׄוחַ [nuwach, nowach /noo·akh/]Noah: NoWaCH = resting place (son of Lamech)
Ge 5:29; Noah will bring Rest from the curse. Adam and Eve sinned by eating of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
(Ge 2:17; 3:16; 17; 18-19; )
When Adam and Eve listen to the lies of Satan ; then their hearts and minds were divided.
(Ge 3:4-5)
Now all mankind must choose. Will people listen to the Eternal and Love Truth.
(Jn 6:45; )
Or will they listen to Satan and Love Lies and Evil.
(Jn 8:44; )
The descendants of the family of Cain also brought a curse by all the blood of murder that was poured out onto the earth.
(Ge 4:11; )
Ge 5:32; When Noah was 500 years old,; He had 3 sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
ESL H 8035 שֵׁם [Shem /shame/] Shem: SHeM = name or renown
ESL H 2526 חָם [Cham /khawm/] Ham: CHaM = hot
ESL H 3315 יֶפֶת [Yepheth /yeh·feth/] Japheth: YePHaTH = he opens
GOOD - vs - EVIL
Ge 6:1-2; The descendant of Cain, considered themselves to be, the sons of The Eternal. But, they disobeyed the commandment, to only have one wife.
(Ge 2:24; )
Men lusted after beautiful women, and began taking many wives to each man. Lamech had two wives, and also boasted of killing two men.
(Ge 4:23; )
Both, Adam and Enoch's death, may have been caused by Lamech. Murder is sin.
(Ge 4:7; 10; )
Ge 6:3; Then Yehawah: Logos said, "My Spirit (RuWaCh) will not strive (duwon) with man or keep him alive forever. During the days of Noah the Logos allowed Mankind 120 yrs to Repent, of lawless wickedness. (1Pe 3:19-20)
HebrewGK.1878 דּוּן (dûwon) } DuWoN: dwell with or keep alive (also; rule or judge or contend with)
Ge 6:4; The Nephilim refers to descendants of Seth and the Righteous Ones, before the Flood, and after . Noah and his son Shem, continued their Heroic leadership in the new world.
ESL H 5303 נְפִילִים [nâphiyel, nâphil /nef·eel/] Nephilim: NePH-YeLeYeM = powerful men (spiritual heroes in battles against evil;like Shem (renown
ESL H 1368 גִּבֹּור [gibbowr,] GiBoRiM: mighty men, champions, upright men and excellent, valiant
ESL H 8034 שֵׁם [shem /shame/] SHeM; means; man of renown, reputation, glory, memorial to Eloheyem
Ge 6:1-2; 3; 5; The family of Cain had become completely wicked, and they were killing the family of Seth the son of Adam.
Ge 6:6; 7;Yehwah: Logos and the Father, Judged, the family of Cain. And brought, a flood over the whole earth.
Ge 6:4; 8-9; Noah was a righteous man and walked with Eloheyem. Noah was the last leader of the family of Seth still alive. Noah's family are the only Nephilim, to survive after the flood.
Ge 6:11-12; 13; Yehwah: Logos speaks to Noah about the destruction coming on the whole earth. The Eternal, has judged the wicked, and will end the lives, of violent, and lawless people. By a great flood.
(Gen 6:17; 2Pe 2:5; 1Pe 3:20; )
See also: Justification of Righteousness
plus Died for our Sins?
Ge 6:14-15; Logos instructs, Noah, to build a great ark, to save his family. And preserve, many pairs of animals, to repopulate the earth.
(Ge 6:18; 19-20; 21-22; 7:1; 2-3; 4; 5-6; )
Ge 7:7-8; 9-10; Noah and his family, entered the ark. And waited seven days, as they witnessed Logos, gathering the seven pairs of clean livestock, and one pair of unclean creatures. when all had entered the ark, Logos shut the door, and sealed it tight. Then the rains began.
(Ge 7:11; 12-13; 14; 15-16; )
Ge 8:13-14; All air breathing creatures, man and animal, died in the flood. One year later, the waters had dried up. And Noah's family, and animals, were able to leave the ark.
(Ge 8:15-17; 18-19; )
Ge 8:20; 21; Noah, built an alter, to sacrifice clean animals. As, a thank offering, to the Eternal. Logos was pleased, with Noah, and promised he would never again, flood the whole earth, to destroy life. Logos understood, that the immature mind, of children, is inclined toward evil. All mankind, needs to be trained, to love what is right.
(Pr 22:6; )
See also: GROWiNG PAiNS
Ge 9:1; 2; Noah, receives the blessing, given to Adam and Eve. Be fruitful, and govern the earth.
(Ge 1:22; )
Ge 9:3; The correct Hebrew reads: All moving and living creatures that the Eternal (Ye-haYeh) has established for food; as the green plants; the Eternal gives you these also.
It is important to remember, that Noah understood, the law of clean animals. Only clean animals, are good for food, and acceptable as a sacrificed to the Eternal.
and RiGHTly DiViDe_TRUTH vs LiES
plus MiLK n MEAT - to EAT or NOT?
(Ge 7:2; 8; Le 10:10; 11:4-44; )
Yehwah: Logos instructed Noah, that all life is precious. The life of the animal. is in the blood, and eating blood is forbidden.
(Ge 9:4; 5; 6; Le 3:17; 7:26; 17:10-11; 14; 19:26; Dt 12:16; 23-24; 25; )
Also, Noah is commanded, to maintain justice. Requiring, that a murder of humans, must be put to death.
(Ge 4:10; Nu 35:19; Dt 32:43; )
Ge 9:12-13; The Rainbow, is a sign of the covenant promise. The Eternal will not destroy all life with a flood.
Is 43:27; Adam was a spokesman, and the first human father. And he, needed to teach, his family the laws of the Eternal. But, Satan tempted Adam to sin, through Eve.
Je 15:19; A Spokesman, must listen to the Heavenly Father, and live and speak, the Words of Truth.
Ro 5:14; Adam disobeyed, the direct commandment, “do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Now all mankind is torn between listening to the spiritual influence of Satan the deceiver, or the Eternal's Holy Spirit of Truth. The Heavenly Father and Son, have not abandoned mankind, under Satan's rule. The Spirit of the Eternal, contends with mankind’s conscience, intentionally drawing them, away from evil desires. The consequences of choosing evil, brings suffering upon everyone. But, the Eternal, has limited human life, by the reality of death. Logos made a promise, to Adam and Eve. A future Messiah, and Spokesman, would crush the head of Satan. And remove, his evil spiritual influence.
(Dt 6:5-7; 10:12; 13; )
Seth, began calling out, to Logos. For spiritual guidance, needed, to lead his family. Noah also, continued to seek, righteousness, by obeying, the instruction of the Eternal Logos. The human family, is like a government, with the father, as the head. And his wife, is his help mate, perfectly designed, for nurturing and teaching their children. Logos, the spokesman, for the Heavenly Father's Government. Logos, is gradually revealing Spiritual Truth, to those who seek him. Renewing the covenant of love, in their heart. When they, ask for understanding of his laws, that lead, to the Tree of Life.
(Dt 4:29-30; 31)
If people do not seek the Eternal and His Truth. Then, they become like Cain, and their conscience wanders to lawlessness. The consequences of sinful behavior, becomes their teacher. Eventually, death, puts an end, to disobedience.
(Pr 3:5-7; Jer 29:11-12; 13; )
After the flood, Logos continued to speak, to Noah and the descendants of Shem, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Logos also spoke, to His servant Moses, and recorded his laws for life, and gave them to the nation of Israel. Logos continued preparing mankind, to receive the promised, Good News, of the government of the Eternal, on earth. There will be a future, resurrection of the dead. And the restoration, of everyone ,to the knowledge, of the unity of Spirit, with Eloheyem the Father and Son. Satan's influence, will be removed. Then, everyone is given a renewed opportunity, to learn, to love, and obey, the Heavenly Father's commandments. The Holy Spirit, is poured out to everyone. So that, each person, may be saved from sin that brings death, and enter into Eternal Life. And finally, Death will be no more.
see also: ELi-Yeha COMES FiRST
Lk 3:38; Yeshua’s. human mother, was a descendant from King David, and the family of Seth, the son of Adam. Yeshua, was tempted, by Satan. Yeshua, overcame every sinful influence, by obeying his Heavenly Father's commandments.
see also: THE WORD ROSE or AROSE ?
Plus Hebrew ABC?
(Mt 4:1-3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8-9; 10; 11; )
1 Co 15:45-46; 47-48; 49; Yeshua, is the second Adam, and promised, seed of Eve, the mother of all mankind. Yeshua, came from Heaven, and revealed, His Spiritual Oneness, with the Eternal Father. Yeshua, is also Logos, the Spokesman. Listening to His instruction. leads to Eternal Life. To become like Logos, requires repentance, and the receiving of the Holy Spirit.
(Dt 18:15; 16-17; 18-19; )
1 Co 15:21-23; 24-26; Logos promised, to raise everyone from the dead. And bring His Heavenly Father's government to earth. First, he will raise to Eternal Life, those who were faithful followers, and obedient to his commandments. Everyone, that has overcome sin, and is led by His Holy Spirit, will govern, with Him, in the Kingdom of Eloheyem. The rest of the dead, will be raised to physical life, and receive the opportunity to learn, obedience, that leads to Eternal Life.
see also: RESURRECTION of the DEAD!
(Ac 3:17-18; 19-20; 21-22; )
Mt 24:36-37; The time of Yeshua's return, is decided by the Father. Completing 6000 years, of the age of corrupt human government, and Satan's rule, over mankind. The reign of lawlessness, will suddenly, be destroyed. The END, will come like the flood, in Noah's Day. Yeshua, will return in Great Power and Glory. He will govern the earth, with Righteousness.
please visit: 666 the BEAST n U
see also: ANTi-CHRiST
And ADAM to MESSiAH in 6000 yrs.
Plus Daniel Un-Sealed