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1. Yehwah, does not change His laws, that govern physical reality.
2. Messiah Yeshua said, that he did not abolish the law, but came to magnify, the correct application, of Yehwah's Commandments, and teach obedience.
3. Messiah's apostles taught, from the books of the law, recorded by Moses. And the truth, revealed to the prophets. Messiah Yeshua, continually referred to, what was written in the law. Scripturally supporting evidence, for His application, of justice and mercy.
4. The apostle Paul, was falsely accused, of teaching disobedience, to the law of Moses.
5. The symbolic practices, of circumcision and animal sacrifice, are the "Works of the Law”. Symbolic “Works”, only pointed to the required Obedience, reflecting the law, from a Heart of Faithfulness.
6. The Spirit of the Father, teaches followers of Messiah, Obedience, to His “Word of Truth”.
7. Messiah Yeshua, Faithfully Obeyed His Heavenly Father, and remains in His Love, Forever. Repent and be baptized, and receive the Spirit of Holiness, so that you may be cleansed, from your sins. Sin is lawlessness.
Noah and Clean Food
In Genesis 8:20; Noah offered, acceptable clean animals, on an altar of sacrifice, to Yehwah. Yehwah, blessed Noah’s obedience. Noah, and his family, would continue in the Covenant agreement. And Noah, received authority, to govern the earth.
In Genesis 1:26; 27; 28; 29, Adam, was placed in authority, and received instruction. Yehwah identified, the green plants, that were edible for food.
In Genesis 9:2; Noah receives, the same authority, over all animals.
In Genesis 9:3 NASB; Ge 8:20; Noah offered, lawfully clean animals, to Yehwah. Now Yehwah, tells Noah, "all moving with the identified life, to you may be food, as green plants, you were given. The lawfully clean animals, were identified, as the only living creatures, that are edible, for food. Just as Adam, received instruction, to identify, the lawfully edible, green plants. Yehwah, instructs His family, in the way, to eat only lawfully clean, "Food”.
Law and Truth or Traditions
Mark 7:1; 2; 3; 4; Messiah Yeshua, corrected the Pharisees, for adding human traditions, and neglecting the correct application, of the law.
Mark 7:5; 6-7; 8-9; The Pharisees, condemned Messiah's disciples, for NOT washing their hands, before eating freshly picked Grain, from out of the field.
Mark 7:17; 18; 19; Messiah Yeshua, explains from the law. If a person, eats something unclean, that it will enter the stomach, and then pass out in the excrements. Temporary uncleanness, is explained in the law. And sometimes requires, the quarantining, of an unclean person. Messiah Yeshua, identified the serious sin, of rebellion, against Yehwah's commandments. Rebellion and Injustice, his the True Uncleanness, that enters the heart, and defiles a person.
[the statement, "thus Jesus, declared, all foods clean." Is a lie, that was added, by heretics, to promote the eating of unclean animals. Messiah Yeshua, did not mention unclean animals., his teaching, is focused on obedience to Yehwah's commandments.
(Isa 42:1; 3; 4; 6; 16; 21; 23; 24; Mt 5:17; 18; 19; 20; )]
Mark 7:20-21; 22-23; The hearts of the Pharisees, were full of hypocrisy, greed, and lies. They love their human traditions, and deliberately violated, Yehwah;s Covenant Commandments.
Common or Unclean?
Acts 11:5; 6; 7; Peter had a vision, of many kinds of creatures, and a voice, telling him, to kill and eat.
Acts 11:8; Peter said, he has never eaten anything, common or unclean. The word common, refers to clean animals, that have become contaminated, through sickness, or being killed, by wild animals. Even clean animals, can become unclean, and not lawful, for food.
Acts 11:9; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17:24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; Ro 1:5; 2:25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 16:25; 26; Peter, later learned, that the vision revealed, that Yehwah's Spirit, would cleanse the uncleanness, of the Gentiles. Purifying the hearts, of everyone turning to obedience, of Yehwah's commandments.
Abstinence from Contamination
Acts 15:20; 21; Peter, lists four types of contaminations, that Gentiles, must lawfully, abstain from defilement.
1. (1 Cor 10:18; 19; 20; 21; 23; 28; ) Idols are contaminated, by the worship of demons.
2. (1 Cor 6:15; 16; 17; 18; ) Sexual immorality is contaminated, by adultery, and diseases.
3. (Ge 8:20; 9:4; Lev 19:26; 1 Sam 14:33; ) Even lawfully clean animals are contaminated, by strangulation.
4. (Lev 3:17; 7:26; 17:10, 14; Dt 12:16, 23; 15:23; ) The consuming of blood, is forbidden, and is a contamination.
Acts 15:21; Peter continues, to identify, that the law of Moses, provides Yehwah's instruction, for abstaining from contamination, through obedience, to the truth. Peter also reaffirms, that the Gentile world, was familiar with Yehwah’s, Sabbath commandment.
(1 Cor 10:23 NASB; Lev 5:2; 3; 7:19; 21; 10:10; 11; 11:1-18:1; 20:25; 21:1-27:27; Isa 35:8; 52:1; 11; 64:6; 65:4; Eze 22:26; 44:23; 24; )
Clean Meat or Vegetables
Romans 14:1; 2; Faith is believing, and living, by every word of Yehwah, by keeping His Commandments. Yehwah's instruction, identifies lawfully clean meat, but some Gentiles, were vegetarians.
Romans 14:5 NASB; Ro 14:6 NASB; Mt 12:7-8; Lk 6:5; People generally, make judgments, day by day. A person, makes judgments, every day. Everyone, must be fully convicted, in their mind, to observe, the, "Sabbath" day of the Lord, and intentionally, eating or not eat, with Thanksgiving to Yehwah.
Romans 14:13; 14; 1 Cor 8:11; 12; 13; Paul taught, disciples of Messiah, not to judge, vegetarians, that did not eat, lawfully clean meat. If a person, was fearful of something, then it would be, unclean, to them.
Tabernacle of Holiness
2 Corinthians 6:16; 17; 18; Yehwah Tabernacles, in Faithful Obedient, followers of Messiah Yeshua. Keep the tabernacle, of your heart, mind, and body, clean, by abstaining, from sinful lawlessness, that contaminates.
(Ex 20:5; 6; 7-8; Dt 6:4-5; 6-7; 13-15; 16-17; 8:2; 3; 30:15; 16; ; Mt 4:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 8-9; 10-11; Mt 19:16; 17; Lk 10:26; 27; 28; Mk 12:28; 29; 30-31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36-37; )
see also: SPiRiT of HOLiNESS
Sanctified by Yehwah's Word of Truth
1 Timothy 1:6; 7; 8; 2:7; 4:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; The apostle Paul warned Timothy, that heretical teachings, come from people, following deceptive spirits, and doctrines of demons. Hypocritical liars, forbid marriage, and teach people, to abstain, from lawfully clean foods, that Yehwah has created, to be thankfully shared, by those who believe, and know the truth. From the beginning of creation, Yehwah designated, what is lawfully clean, and good for food. The written instructions, of Yehwah, sanctify the lawfully clean foods, according to His Word of Truth. The lawfully clean foods, are to be received, with prayer, and Thanksgiving. Sound doctrine, is based on the unchanging, and trustworthy, Word of Yehwah's Commandments, Laws, and Truth.
(2 Timothy 2:15; 19; 21; 25; 26; 3:5; 7; 14; 15; 16; 17; 4:1; 2; 3; 4; )
see also: NAILED to the CROSS and CURSE of the LAW