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Chris Kotsiopoulos https://greeksky.gr |
(Job 38:4–6; 7-9; ) The Angels rejoiced, when the universe, burst into existence. All Wisdom and knowledge, is a gift from the Creator. The angels, increased their talents, as they worked with the physical creation. Lucifer, was spiritually powerful, exerting influence and leadership. He desired to replace the Son, and motivated a third of the angels, to rebel, against the heavenly government, of the Father and Son. This great rebellion, brought destruction upon the creation.
(Genesis 1:2; ) The earth became chaotic and lifeless. Darkness covered the surface of the Earth. And the Spirit of the Eternal hovered over the waters. In six days, the Heavenly Father, renewed the face of the earth.
(Psalms 104:30; )
The climax on the six day, is the creation of Adam. Completely formed and gifted with knowledge, of the laws of creation, and their creator. When the first man and woman, opened their eyes, they were greeted by Logos. The Eternal Son of the Heavenly Father. Logos performed the marriage of Adam and Eve, in a garden paradise. Logos pronounced a blessing, upon the first husband and wife. Saying, “be fruitful and multiply” and “Carefully govern the earth”.
(Genesis 1:28; )
The seventh day, of renewing creation. The Heavenly Father, rested from all His work. There is a mystery, hidden behind the obvious pleasure, expressed from within the Father's heart. By, His establishment, of everything as very good. The Hebrew word, very denotes the quality of greatness. And the action of exceeding, an earlier event. The word, good conceives a moral character. Nurturing life, in a spiritually protected environment. There is A spiritual danger, that threatened the renewed creation. Portrayed by the metaphor, of the “Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”.
Logos walked in the garden paradise, with Adam and Eve. Logos spoke the words of Truth, and there was, Peace and Love, in their Fellowship. The Spirit of the Heavenly Father, surrounded them. Adam and Eve, realized the spiritual nurturing, that held their hearts, in unity. Like the fruit from the Tree of Life. The first husband and wife, tasted of eternity, in a relationship with their Heavenly Father. The Tree of Life, symbolizes the spiritual food, that nourishes agreement, with the Father's commandments. Filling the hunger, for unity, oneness, and True Love.
Ge 1:1; 2;
(Rev 12:7; ) The war in heaven, brought destruction, upon the earth. So that the earth, became chaotic and empty of life. The Spirit of Eloheyem the Father, (trembles) over the troubled turbulence, of the waters.
Hebrew GK 8173 רָחַף (rā∙ḥǎp̄) tremble, shake, quiver, (as grieved or sorrowful)
(Jer 23:9; Ge 6:6; )
Ps 104:30; The Heavenly Father and Son, began to renew, the earth.
(John 5:19; 20; )
Ge 1:3; 4; 5; DAY 1 )
The earth was completely covered with oceans and dark clouds filled the sky. Logos the Son, walked upon the surface of the waters.
(2 Pe 3:5; Ps 24:2; Psa 89:9; )
(Job 9:8; 9; 10; Matt 14:25; Jn 6:19; )
Logos spoke the Father's desire; and said, “let there be light.” The illumination of the Spirit of the Father radiated from Logos.
(Lk 9:29; 35; )
Ge 1:6; 7; 8; DAY 2 )
The saturated atmosphere. Thundered. And the oceans surface, raged.
(Mk 4:39; )
Logos said, “let the clouds, gather the waters above,; and be separated from the oceans beneath.
(Job 26:12; 13; 14; )
Ge 1:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; DAY 3 )
Then Logos said, "let the land, rise up, from the oceans.” And “let the earth, produce all kinds of vegetation, and seed bearing fruit.”
(Ge 2:9; )
Ge 1:14; 15-17; 18; 19; DAY 4 )
Logos commanded, the dark clouds above, to rain, upon His garden. The sky became clear, and the sunshine warmed, the face of the earth. And the veil of night, was illuminated, by the moon, and stars.
Ge 1:20; 21; 22; 23; DAY 5 )
Logos said, “Let the oceans be filled, with all kinds of creatures, and the sky, with birds.”
Ge 1:24; 25; Then Logos said, “Let there be many kinds of animals upon the earth.”
Ge 1:26; 27;28-30; 31; DAY 6
The renewing of creation, was made complete. When Logos, formed Adam, from the clay of the earth. Logos, shaped the man, in His own image and likeness. Logos, breathed life, into man, and he became a living creature.
(Ge 2:7; )
The first man, was named Adam. Adam, was gifted, with intellect, and knowledge. Adam, was capable of understanding, spiritual relationships. Free will, requires responsibility, for making choices.
(Ge 2:16; 2:17; )
Ge 2:2; 3; DAY 7 )
The Heavenly Father and Son, rested from creating, on the seventh day. Logos spoke, to Adam and Eve, as they walked together, in the garden paradise. All of creation, reflected the Spiritual Peace, of logos. Logos revealed, to Adam and Eve. The way, to live together, in Love, and care for the creation.
Ex 20:8; (2,600 years) later: Logos, renewed His Sabbath covenant, with the descendants of Jacob. Logos spoke, from Mount Horeb, to Moses, and the tribes of Israel. Logos established, the 10 Commandments, that benefit right relationships, and promote peace.
(Ex 20:12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; )
Ex 31:12-14; The Sabbath, is a sign, of the commitment. The Eternal, has made to everyone, that trust, and obey, Logos’ Commandments.
Le 19:1-3; Keeping the Sabbath, honors the Heavenly Father. And reminds us to be Holy.
Le 23:3; There are six days to work, but the seventh day, is a Sabbath rest. Reminding us, of our Heavenly Father, and His commandments, for life.
Le 23:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; Logos established, 7 High Sabbaths, marking the yearly harvest festivals. These are Thanksgiving reminders, of the Great and Wondrous, Works of the Eternal. The spring Festival, of Passover and 7 Days of Unleavened Bread. Remind Israel, that the Eternal, freed them, from slavery in Egypt. Passover, also looks forward, to the promised, Messiah. Freeing everyone, from their captivity in Sin.
Le 23:9; 10; 11; The Wave Sheaf, represents the Eternal, meeting Israel. And begins, a counting sequence, of 7 Sabbaths, that culminate at the Feast of Pentecost. The Wave Sheaf, also portrays the Messiah, leading people to Salvation. Yeshua the Messiah, is the perfect example, of Oneness with the Heavenly Father. Which is, True Holiness!!! The symbolism,, of the wave sheaf. Pictures baptism, and the putting to death, the sinful nature. And the Hope, of the Resurrection, to renewed Life.
(1 Cor 10:1-2; 3-4; Ro 6:3-4; 5; 6-7; )
Le 23: 15; 16; The High Sabbath of Pentecost, is also called, the Feast of First Fruits. This Feast, celebrates the harvest, of people. That Truly, receive in their hearts, the Law of the Eternal. Receiving the Holy Spirit, of the Messiah, is the Law, that brings Liberty.
(Jer 31:31; 33; Lk 22:20; Heb 8:8; 10; 9:15; 12:23; Acts 2:1-2; 4; 17; 38; Jas 1:25; 2:12; Ga 5:22-24; )
Le 23:23; 24; 25; On the 1st Day of the 7th month, is the High Sabbath. The Feast of Trumpets. This celebration, portends the future, Day of the Lord.
(Rev 10:7; 11:15; )
And the Resurrection, of the Righteous, that have overcome Sin.
(Matt 24:31; 1 Thes 4:16; 1 Co 15:52; )
Le 23:26; 27; 28-31; 32; The Day of Atonement, reminds everyone, that only perfect Holiness, may dwell in unity, with the Eternal forever.
(Le 11:44; 1 Pe 1:16; Eph 4:1-3; 4-6; )
Satan and Sin, will be completely removed.
(Rev 20:1-3; )
Le 23:33; 34; 35; 36; The Festival of Tabernacles, is a High Sabbath. Representing, the restoring of the Kingdom, of Eloheyem, the Father, on earth. Beginning the promised, fulfillment of Eternal Rest, from the struggle against Sin. The Sabbath Mystery, is Perfect, Oneness in the Holy Spirit. The Heavenly Father and Son, will dwell forever. With everyone, that Loves, Eternal Truth, and keeps the Commandments.
( Rev 21:3; 5; 22; 23; 22:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 12; 14; )
Le 23:39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; The Feast of Tabernacles, also reminds everyone, the Eternal, gave us temporary physical life. So that, we should fear, His judgment against sin. And learn to trust, and obey, His commandments. The Heavenly Father, will only give, Eternal Life, to those who, Truly Love Him.
(Heb 8:5; )
Le 25:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; The Eternal teaches, that even farm land, needs a Sabbath Rest. Over working the soil, is an example of greed. And the absence, of trusting, the Eternal's ability, to provide.
Le 25:8; 9; 10-11; 12; 13-16; 17; Every 50 years, is a Sabbath Jubilee. All land is restored, to the heirs of the family. This is a year, to proclaim Liberty, and forgiveness of debts.
(Isa 61:1; 2; )
Le 26:2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-10; 11; 12; 13; Keeping the Sabbath, is accompanied with the promises, of the Eternal, to Bless, and Provide Abundance. The Eternal, will dwell with His people.
Dt 16:1; 2; Remember the Passover and the Holy Sabbaths. Maintain Justice, and do what is Right.
Neh 9:13; 14; 15; The Eternal's laws are just and righteous. And the Sabbath, is a covenant relationship, with the Creator, and giver of life.
Neh 10:31; The Sabbath, is not a day, to buy or sell, products to gain wealth.
Isa 56:1; 2-3; 4-5; 6; 7; The Seventh Day, is for maintaining Justice, and doing what is Right.
Isa 58:1; 2-5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; The Sabbath, is a time, to teach everyone, to reject evil. And learn to do good works. Free people, from injustice, and oppression. Help the poor, provide clothes, food, and shelter. Then the Eternal, will consider your work, to be Righteous. And your heart, will glorify His Holiness. Then the Eternal will listen, to your cry for help. If you delight in keeping the Sabbath. Then you will find joy, in Loving the Eternal.
Isa 66:23; The Sabbath, is forever,; a day to honor the Heavenly Father and His Son.
Jer 17:21; 22; 23; Jeremiah reminds everyone, do not carry products, the works of your hands, into the city, to sell on the Sabbath.
Eze 20:11; 12; 13; The Sabbath commandment, is a covenant promise, made by the Eternal. Obedience to the Sabbath, is a sign of agreement, with the Heavenly Father's laws.
Eze 22:26; 27; 44:23; 24; The Sabbath is a promise that the Eternal will preserve the Righteous, and remove all wickedness.
Amos 6:3; The wicked find pleasure in sin, and neglect doing good.
Amos 8:2; 3; 4; 5; 6-7; The Eternal will punish the wicked.
Mal 4:1; 2; 3; 4; Those who do what is Right are Righteous.
(1 John 3:7; )
Mt 12:1; 2; 3; Yeshua and His disciples, picked grain from the field, and ate it, on the Sabbath. And it was lawful to do.
Mt 12:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; The Temple priests, work on the Sabbath Day, and it is lawful to do.
Yeshua is Yehwah; Logos, of the Sabbath!!!
Mt 12:9; 10; 13; 14; Healing the sick and crippled, on the Sabbath is lawful.
Mt 12:11; 12; Helping animals or people in need, on the Sabbath Day, is lawful to do.
Mk 1:21; 22; Yeshua spoke with authority, and His teachings came from the Heavenly Father.
(John 12:49; 50; )
Mk 2:23; 24; The Eternal, cares for the true needs, of others, on the Sabbath. And teaches, everyone to follow, His example.
Mk 2:27; 28; The Heavenly Father and Son, established the Sabbath, to help mankind learn. By teaching a right relationship, with their Creator, and respect for each other.
Mk 3:1; It is lawful, to do good on the Sabbath. It is never lawful, to do evil.
Mk 3:4; Yeshua was sad, that people can be so uncaring, especially on the Sabbath.
Mk 6:1; 2; Yeshua reveals the wisdom, of the True Sabbath Rest. Nurturing Love, for the Heavenly Father,, and Love for others. The Father approves the teaching, of His Son. By, working miracles, on the Sabbath.
Mk 6:3; 4; 5; 6; People did not understand, that Yeshua, is the Eternal Son, of the Heavenly Father. And they have prepared the Sabbath Day, to bring His Kingdom to earth.
(Col 1:12; )
Lk 4:16; 17; 18; 19; The Spirit of the Father is
in agreement with His Son; When He Proclaims The Good News of The Kingdom. Yeshua announced, the Sabbath Jubilee. The year to Liberate everyone, that is held captive, in sin. Shining the light of Salvation, into the darkness of their hearts.
(Col 1:13; 14; )
Lk 4:20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30; Yeshua, began His ministry, of liberating people. From the rule of Satan. By, freeing them, from the bondage of sin. And bringing them, into His Kingdom of Light.
Lk 4:31; 32; Yeshua spoke with authority. Even the demons, knew he was the Holy One.
Lk 6:5; Yeshua is the Eternal Logos, and is the Lord (Yehwah) of the Sabbath.
Lk 6:9; It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath and to save lives.
Lk 13:10-12; 13-14; 17; Yeshua set people free from illnesses, on the Sabbath. And they gave thanks to their Creator.
Lk 13:15; 16; The religious teachers, knew it was lawful, to care for animals, on the Sabbath. But, their darkened hearts, did not care to help, people in need.
Lk 14:1-2; The religious teachers did not understand, the Eternal law of Love
(Le 19:18; Matt 19:19; 22:37-39; )
Lk 14:3; 4; Yeshua spoke the truth, to the religious teachers, but they would not listen.
Lk 14:5; 6; Yeshua hoped, the religious teachers, would at least care for their own children.
Jn 5:8-9; 10-11; 12-13; 14;15-16; Yeshua, healed a man on the Sabbath. And told him to pickup a mat and walk. It is lawful to carry a load on the Sabbath.
Jn 5:17; 18; 19-23; Yeshua said, to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day. And I, too, am working. Yeshua answer,: “I tell you the truth, the Son, can do nothing by himself. He can do only, what he sees His Father doing. Because, whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these. For just as the Father raises the dead, and gives them life. Even so the Son, gives life, to whom he is pleased to give it. Moreover,, the Father judges no one. But has, entrusted all judgment, to the Son. That all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son, does not honor the Father, who sent him.
Jn 7:21;22; 23; 24; Yeshua, tried to teach people, not to make judgments, by mere appearances. But, to judge righteously. Yeshua, understands the perfect law of Love, that Liberates people, from bondage. And restores them, to a right relationship, with their Heavenly Father.
(Isa 61:1; 61:2; )
Jn 9:13; 14; 15; 16; Yeshua, formed the first man from clay. And healed a man's eyes, with mud, on the Sabbath.
Ac 1:12; Yeshua, walked with His disciples, from Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives, on the Sabbath.
Ac 13:13; 14; 15; The apostle Paul, entered the synagogues on the Sabbath Day, and taught from the law and the prophets.
Ac 13:26; 27; 28-29; 30-31; 32-33; The prophets predicted, the suffering of the Messiah. And that the people, would reject Him.
Ac 13:42; 43; Paul reasoned with the people on the Sabbath. And many believed the message of True Salvation, that comes from the Messiah.
Ac 13:44; 45; Paul taught many people on the Sabbath.
Ac 16:13; Paul even walked outside the city, to meet people, and pray on the Sabbath.
Ac 17:2; 3; Paul continued to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Teaching the message, of True Salvation.
Ac 18:3; 4; During the other six days of the week. Paul was a tent maker. On the Sabbath Day, Paul served people, by proclaiming the Good News, of the Kingdom, of the Eternal. And Salvation, in Yeshua.
Ac 15:1; 2; Some Jews tried to teach, that the Gentiles, must be circumcised, to receive Salvation. Paul disagreed, by quoting scriptures, that prove, True circumcision is of the heart.
(Dt 10:16; Dt 30:6; )
When people repent of their sins, and are baptized. They will receive, the Holy Spirit, for the renewing, of their hearts and minds.
(Ro 12:1; 2; )
Ac 15:5; 6-7; The apostles discussed the question, is circumcision required, for Salvation? By examining scripture, and the teaching, of Yeshua the Messiah. It becomes apparent, obedience, to the law, of the Eternal is Required
(Matt 5:17; 18; 19; 20; )
But circumcision, is only a symbolic practice. of obedience. The Heavenly Father requires, True circumcision of the heart. Which will bring, the whole mind, into obedience, to His commandments.
Another example of a change in the law. By transitioning, the symbolic act of animal sacrifices, as a sign of repentance.
The animal sacrifices, are replaced, by making our body, a living sacrifice of obedience.
(Psa 40:6; 7-8; Ro 12:1; 2; Heb 10:8; 9; 10; 15; 16; 17; )
True Salvation occurs, when the Holy Spirit, Tabernacles in our mind. Helping us, bring our whole body, into obedience, to His will.
The apostles agree, that the law given to Moses, will continue to be taught throughout the nations.
(Acts 15:21; Mal 4:4; )
They also emphasize abstinence, from the widespread sexual immorality. And the common habit, of eating unclean animals, consumed by the pagans.
(Acts 15:20; )
The clean and unclean animal, food laws, cannot change. Because, the Creator, did not change the design, or purpose for the animals. And He did not change the laws of nature.
Ac 15:8; 9; The Heavenly Father, examines the heart, of a truly repentant person. And gives His Holy Spirit, to help us, become like His Son.
Dt 10:16; True circumcision is of the heart.
Dt 11:13; True obedience to the Commandments, comes from a heart of Love.
Dt 30:6; Love the Eternal with all your heart, mind, strength and body.
Ac 15:19; 20; Do not be sexually immoral, or eat unclean, and polluted foods.
Ac 15:21; The law given to Moses is taught to all nations, even to this day.
Mk 7:13; 14-16; 17-18; 19; Yeshua said, that the religious teachers, tried to do away with, the law. By, substituting it, with their own traditions. Yeshua also revealed, that spiritual uncleanness, comes from the heart, of a person. UnCleanliness of heart, flows out of the mouth. The religious teachers, wrongly judged, and condemned others.
Earlier in
(Mark 7:2; )
the Jewish teachers said, the disciples, were unclean. Because, they ate food, without washing their hands. The example, discussed in Mark, has nothing to do with eating unclean animals! Yeshua, focused on the traditions, of ceremonial washing, that could not cleanse the heart. Yeshua explained, that if a person might, accidentally eat some dirt, it will go into the stomach. And eventually, pass out in the excrement. Yeshua, did NOT declare all foods clean. He did not change the laws, of nature. He did not make, unclean animals, clean for food. Yeshua quoted Isaiah”
(Mk 7:6; 7-8; )
The religious teachers try to do away with the commandments
Mk 7:10 by teaching their humanly created traditions.
(Mk 7:11; 12; Mt 15:3; )
Mk 7:19; The statement: Jesus declared, all foods “clean”. Was added by a translator, and does not belong, in the original letter from Mark.
Le 11:1-8; 9-12; 13-19; 20-21; 22-30;31-38; 39-43; 44-45; 46-47; Moses and the Levites, taught the people, to respect the laws governing nature. The Eternal has created some animals, to be biologically clean for food. There are other, practical health instructions, in the law, for the benefit of responsible society.
Ro 14:6; The apostles, encountered some people, that were vegetarians, and they did not eat any meat. But, others considered their faith to be stronger. Because, they knew the law, for clean animals, that are good for food. Established, by the word of the Eternal. Faith is based upon hearing, the instructions, of the Eternal, and obeying Him.
(Ro 10:17; 3:31; )
The Eternal, does NOT teach anyone, to eat unclean animals. Some people, try to say, that all meat, is forbidden. Paul taught, that lawfully clean animals, were created for food. The instructions of the Creator are Trust-worthy and True . Believers may eat clean animals and give thanks in prayer.
(1 Ti 4:3; )
The apostles, did NOT attempt to change, the 4th formcommandment, keep Holy the Sabbath day. True followers, of Yeshua, serve the Heavenly Father, and Son. every day. But, the Sabbath, is extra special, because it looks forward to the promised kingdom. And the restoration of all things. The True Sabbath rest will be complete. When the Heavenly Father, creates a New Heaven and a New Earth. Where, only righteousness, will dwell.
Ga 4:8; 9; 10; 11; Formally, before the Gentiles, came to know True Salvation, in Yeshua. The pagans, followed deceptive customs. Worshiping, demonic idols. Celebrating, celestial cycles. Influenced, by their societal mythologies.
Paul, is NOT instructing, newly converted Gentiles, to reject the Eternal’s, Holy Sabbaths, or High Festivals.
Col 2:16; 17; Paul does NOT teach, anyone to violate the Holy Sabbaths. He reminds, every believer, that True Salvation, comes from the gift of the Holy Spirit. With the Heavenly Father’s help, we will enter the eternal Sabbath Rest.
The earthly observances, look forward to the promised, Heavenly Tabernacle with the Father and Son. Paul and the disciples, continued to keep the Sabbath and High Holy Sabbath Feast.
(1 Cor 5:8; 5:7; 1 Cor 16:8; 20:16; 27:9; )
Heb 4:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest, for the people of the Eloheyem Family. For anyone who enters the Heavenly Father's rest. Also rests from his own work, just as the Father did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest. So that no one will fail by following their example of disobedience.
For the word of the Eternal is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from theFather’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Mt 5:17; 18; 19; 20; Yeshua said, He did NOT do away with, the law or the prophets. But, He glorified,
(Isa 42:21; )
The “Way of the Law”! And gave us an example to follow.
(Ro 6:16; )
(Mt 19:16-17; 18-19; )
When we pursue righteousness. We have hope, of entering the Kingdom, of the Heavenly Father. And receiving Eternal Life.
(1 John 3:2; 3-5; 6-7; Matt 5:48; )
Mt 6:24; Yeshua clearly states, that the love of riches or possessions, will prevent us, from loving the Heavenly Father.
(1 Ti 6:10; Lk 16:13; Mt 19:23; Mk 10:25; Lk 18:26-27; )
(Mt 21:12; 13; Mk 11:15; 16; 17 ; Is 56:7; Jer 7:11; )
The main violation of the Sabbath is the pursuit of money,greed and selfish desires.
(Jn 2:13-15; 16-17; Ps 69:9; )
Mk 9:35; Sabbath worship is an act of serving others. By promoting, Holy and Righteous behavior, and True Love.
( Jn 4:23; 24; Jas 1:27; )
Jn 5:17; Yeshua and the Heavenly Father, are working together, to draw all mankind to Salvation. By bringing His Kingdom, to earth. So that the Sabbath rest may be restored.
(Col 1:15-16; 1:17-18; 1:19; )
Mal 4:5; 6; Yeshua, is that prophet. And he is turning our hearts to the Heavenly Father and True Salvation.
Mt 17:11; 12; Yeshua,, is the Elijah, which means He is the Spirit of Oneness with the Heavenly Father.
(John 10:30; )
Yeshua will continue to restore all truth until everything is fulfilled.
(Acts 3:21; 22; )
Ac 1:6; 7; Yeshua said, the Heavenly Father will bring the Kingdom, at the appointed time.
Ac 3:21; 22; Yeshua, must remain in the Heavenly realm, until the time for the restoration of everything. The Heavenly Father's kingdom on earth. And the future, Eternal Sabbath Rest.
(Eph 1:9; 3:6; 3:12; 6:19; Col 1:26; 1:27; 2:2; Re 10:7; 1Co15:51; )
(Acts 26:18; Ro 16:20; 1 John 3:8; )