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(Mt 12:6-7; 8; Lk 6:3-4; 5; 9; Jn 7:23; 24; Lev 12:2-3;
Deut 30:6; ) The Day of the Lord, may be a familiar term, describing the events, that will occur at Messiah Yeshua's return. Messiah Yeshua, stated, that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. There are seven High Holy Sabbaths. Commemorating the Heavenly Father, and Son, working out Salvation, for all mankind. The first and last Day of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement,the first Day of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day of Tabernacles, are the seven High Holy Sabbath assemblies, of Yehwah.
(Lev 23:33-34; 35-36;
Isa 7:14; Mt 1:20; 21; 22-23;
Jn 7:37-38; 39-40; 41-42; )
The two final High Holy Sabbaths, occur during the assembly, of Tabernacles. "Day One" High Holy Sabbath, of Tabernacles. Commemorates Yeshua's birth, as the promised Messiah King. Yehwah Immanuel, promises to Tabernacle, with His people.
(Mk 2:27-28; Ex 25:8-9; 29:45-46; Rev 21:3; ) Tabernacles, is a seven day celebration. That looks forward to Yehwah's Kingdom. And the restoration of the seventh Day Sabbath rest, for mankind. There is an additional 8th day, added to the Tabernacles assembly. Called the Last and Greatest "Day Two”, High Holy Sabbath.
(Rev 20:4; 6; 2 Pe 3:8; 9;) "Day One”, High Holy Sabbath, of Tabernacles, symbolically begins the first 1000 years reign, of Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom, on earth.
(Rev 20:5; Psa 90:3 NASB; Psa 90:4;
Psa 90:5 NASB;
Isa 5:15-16;) "Day Two”, High Holy Sabbath, of Tabernacles, portray the second 1000 year time period, when all of unsaved mankind, will be resurrected, to judgment. And receive their final opportunity, for salvation.
Resurrection, 1&2, Right Judgement
(Heb 9:27; 2 Cor 5:10;
Ro 3:3; 4; 5-6; 19; 6:20-21; 22-23;
1 Pe 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 4:17; 18;
1 Cor 15:21-22; 23-24; 25-26; 27; 28;
Zec 3:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9;
Hag 2:1-2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9;) All mankind, face the reality of death. The Day of the Lord, is "Good News”. Promising 2 future resurrections, of the dead. The first resurrection, is the time of favorable Judgment. When saints, will receive eternal life. The saints have learned, Righteous Obedience. And are prepared to serve, in Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom, as the 1st 1000 years, of His reign begins. The second resurrection, begins the time, of Judgment. When mankind’s past sins, will be condemned, and corrected. Most of mankind, will still need to repent, and overcome sinful desires. With the help of the Heavenly Father's Holy Spirit. Sinners will be offered salvation, as they arise from their graves, to renewed physical life.
see also: RESURRECTION of the DEAD!
(Ec 6:6; Dt 29:4; 29; 30:1; 2; 3; 6; 8; 10; 11; 12-13; 14-15; 16;
Psa 90:1-2; Psa 90:3 NASB ; Psa 90:4-5; 12-13; 14-15;
2 Pe 3:8; 9; Jn 7:37-38;) The 2nd 1000 years, continues the "Good News”, of Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom, on earth. Representing, the Last Great Day, for revealing Justice, and Mercy, to All of mankind.
(Mt 5:17; 18; 19; 20; 23:23;
Ro 3:23-24; 25;
Heb 4:6; 7; 9; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16;
1 Jn 4:17; )
Adam and Eve, & the Promise
(Ge 1:26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 2:9; 16-17; 3:9-10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24; ) Adam and Eve's sinned against, Yehwah, the Father's governing authority. By breaking His commandment, "do not eat of the knowledge, of good and evil”, or you will surely die. Yehwah Eloheyem's Tree of Life Covenant, would temporarily be withheld. Until the time, of the promised, future Messiah, (Seed of the woman). Messiah Yeshua, would crush, the head of Satan's evil spiritual dominion, over mankind.
(Ge 8:20; 21; 22; 9:1-2; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15; ) Noah, was commanded, to teach the government, of Yehwah, to his family. Yehwah, continued His Covenant promise, to Noah, after the flood.
(Ge 12:1-2; 3-4; 17:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9-10; 11-12; 18:17-18; 19;
Ga 3:15; 16; 17; 18; 19-20; 21; 22; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 29;
Lk 1:54-55; Ro 4:13; 16; 17; 18; 9:4-5; ) Later, Abraham, would learn Faithful Obedience, to Yehwah's Commandments. Abraham, passed the Covenant of hope, to Isaac, and Jacob. Revealing the future, for Israel. Very few of mankind, have received the knowledge of salvation or understand, the Covenant, of Yehwah's promise. Most of mankind, live under the spiritual influence, of Satan's dominion, of deception.
see also: ABRAHAM and YeHaWaH's PROMISE
(2 Cor 11:14-15; ) Satan, disguises himself, as an angel of light. And pretends, to impart knowledge. But, only promotes the rebellion of Evil, against the Good.
In the Beginning, Life or Death
In Genesis 1:26; 27; the Eternal Father and Son, (One Eloheyem Family), created the first, man and woman.
(Ge 2:2-3; 7; 9; 22; 24; ) Yehwah Elohe, the Son, breathed temporary physical life, into Adam and Eve.
(Ge 2:16-17; 1 Jn 3:4; ) Yehwah Elohe the Son, warned, that there is spiritual Evil, that will lead mankind, into sin. The consequences of lawlessness, will bring suffering, and death, to the family, of Adam and Eve.
(Ge 3:1; 4; 5; ) Satan's first lie, deceptively offered, Adam and Eve, eternal spiritual life. So they ate, of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan’s lie, still influences mankind, to believe, that they have an immortal spirit, soul.
see also: SOUL & IMMORTALITY ?
(Ge 3:14; 15; Jn 5:39-40; 8:43; 44;
1 Jn 3:8; Ro 5:12; 13; 14; 6:23; 16:20;
Jn 16:11; ) Yehwah Elohe, justly condemned Satan, for tempting Adam and Eve, into sin. The Eternal, also promised, that a future Messiah, (Son of man, born of a woman), would crush the head of Satan. And remove the evil spiritual influence, from mankind.
(Ge 3:17; 18; 19;
Psa 90:1-2; Psa 90:3 NASB; Psa 90:4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; Psa 49:7-8; 9-10; 14; 15; ) The knowledge of good and evil, would bring suffering, and death, to everyone. Adam's family, would return to the lifeless dust. Until the time, for the restoration, of all things. When the dead will arise, to renewed life.
(Ge 4:6; 7;
Pr 3:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 11-12; 13; 18; 11:30; 15:3-4;
Rev 2:7; 22:13-14; ) Everyone, that overcomes sinful desires, and learn to obey, Yehwah's Commandments. Will be allowed, to eat, of the Tree of Immortal Spiritual Life, in the 1st resurrection.
(Ge 3:14; 15; 21-22; 23-24;
Jn 1:29-30; 31-32; 33; Heb 9:22; 26-27; 28;
1 Pe 1:17-18; 19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 25;
Mt 25:34; ) Yehwah Elohe, justly condemns sin, and punishes the transgressors, of His Commandments. Resulting in death. Yehwah, also demonstrates His Mercy. Showing compassion, and loving kindness, to everyone, that repents. By turning away, from sinful disobedience.
(Ge 3:9-10; 21; Rev 13:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 17:8;
1 Pe 1:10; 11; 12; 13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25;
Heb 4:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 9: 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20-21; 22; 23; 24-25; 26; 27; 28;
Eph 1:4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23;
Jn 17:22-23; 24-25; 26; Ga 3:26-27;
Ro 12:1; 2; 13:9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14; ) Yehwah's Mercy, covered, Adam and Eve's spiritual nakedness, with the life of a sacrificial lamb. Portraying the promised, future Messiah Yeshua.
(Ex 20:5; 6; 7-8; 34:5; 6; 7;
Ro 7:12; 13; 5:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 6:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13;
1 Pe 2:21-22; 23-24; 25; 4:1; 12; 13; 14; 16-17; 18-19;
Heb 4:9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 5:7-8; 9-10; 7:24-25; 26; ) Yehwah Elohe, also promised, to help Adam and Eve's family, in their spiritual struggle, to choose the Good. And reject, the Evil temptations, of Satan.
(Job 13:15; 19:25-26; Isa 57:1; 2; Mt 22:31; 32;
Heb 11:10; 17; 18-19; 39-40;
1 Cor 15:12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 28;
Heb 2:14-15; 16-17; 18; 5:5-6; 7-8; 9; ) The reality of death, will limit the time period, in which, each person must resist Satan's evil. By obeying, Yehwah's righteous laws and judgments.
End Times, & ReNewed Beginnings
(Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23;
Jn 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; 9; 10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15; 16-17; 18; 29; 33-34;
Rev 5:5; 6; 7-8; 9-10;12; 7:9; 10; 14; 17; 12:3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 13:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 14:1-2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7; 17:14; 19:6-7; 8-9; 20:1-2; 3; 4; 6; 5; ) More than 2000 years ago, Yehwah Elohe, the Eternal Son, became the Emmanuel. A virgin gave birth, to Messiah Yeshua, the Lamb of Yehwah the Father. Yeshua, suffered the injustice, of crucifixion, by the hands, of sinful men. Yeshua’s resurrection to Eternal Life, proved that He is the sinless Messiah. The Heavenly Father, reveals the Spirit of His Holy Son, in the heart, and mind, of truly repentant disciples. Cleansing them from past sins.
see also: CURSE of the LAW
And BLOOD of the LAMB and BEARiNG SiN
(Mk 1:14-15; 4:11; 12; Eph 6:11; 12;
Col 1:13-14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19-20; ) Messiah Yeshua, proclaimed, the "Good News”. He will bring His Heavenly Father's Kingdom, to earth. And remove Satan's demonic rule, over mankind. For almost 6000 years, the family of Adam, has been divided, by sin. And the way of Cain, produced unjust forms of government. Cain’s descendant Nimrod, began the idolatrous worship, of Satan's Antichrist religions.
(2 Pe 3:3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9;
Rev 20:1-2; 3; 4; 6; ) The past 6000 years, are patterned after the six days, of creation. And soon, the promised Seventh Day, 1000 year, Sabbath, will begin. Messiah Yeshua, will "End the Time”, of Satan's evil spiritual dominion. Ending Satan, Leading mankind into rebellion, against Yehwah's Kingdom of Righteousness.
(Rev 8:2; 11:15; Mt 24:29; 30; 31;
1 Thes 4:16; 1 Cor 15:50; 51-52; ) At the 7th and last trumpet. In Revelation, Messiah Yeshua, will return to the earth, on the clouds. And raise from the dead, His faithful Saints, that will serve, in His Kingdom.
(Rev 20:1-2; 3-4; 6; Mt 9:11; 12-13;
Hos 6:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 11; 7:1-2; 10; 13; 8:1; 2-3;
Isa 59:1; 2; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19-20; 21;
Jer 31:28; 29; 30-31; 32; 33; 34; Mk 2:25-26; 27-28;
Heb 4:6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 8:8-9; 10; 11; 12;
Acts 3:18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 26;
Zec 14:4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 16; 17; 18; 19; ) Satan, will be bound, for 1000 years. As Messiah Yeshua, heals the earth, and restores, a remnant of mankind, to the knowledge of True Salvation. The Heavenly Father's government, will be established, on earth, from Jerusalem. Messiah Yeshua, will Tabernacle with His people. And restore the Sabbath Rest, for all nations.
(Mal 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6;
Lk 22:24-25; 26; 27; 28-29; 30; Mt 19:28;
Rev 20:4; 6; Deut 33:1; 2; 3-4; 5; Eze 44:23; 24; Jonah 4:11;
Isa 29:17; 18; 19; 22; 23; 24; 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 11; 16; 52:1; 2; 6-7; 8-9; 10; 56:5; 6; 7; 8; 66:19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24;
Eze 36:32; 33; 34-35; 36;
Isa 1:16-17; 18-19; 26-27; 2:2; 3; 4; 5; 4:1-2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8:13-14; 18; 19; 20; 9:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 11:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 12:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; ) Messiah Yeshua’s 1000 year reign, will renew the earth, like the garden of Eden. The resurrected Saints, will teach, Yehwah's Covenant Laws. Proclaiming Salvation, to the unsaved remnant of mankind, that survived the great tribulations. The first 1000 years, of Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom, will prepare the Saints. Before, the second resurrection, and the continuing work, of Salvation. All of unsaved mankind, that are dead, will arise from their graves. For their time, of Judgment, and Restoration. The Law, will be taught, and Salvation, will be offered, to the truly repentant. Everyone, must turn away, from sinful lawlessness.
(Rev 20:5; 22:1; 2; 3; Mt 10:15;
Eze 16:44-45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 53; 54; 55; 60-61; 62-63; 36:25; 26; 27-28; 29; 30-31; 32-33; 34-35; 36-37; 38; 37:1; 2; 3-4; 11; 12; 13-14; 23; 24; 27; 28; 39:25; 26; 27; 28; 29;
Jer 48:47; Isa 29:18; 19; 22; 23; 24;
Rev 20:12; Psa 40:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; )
See also: GROWiNG PAiNS
and Melchizedek the Savior Elohe
Matthew, & The Good News
Matthew 10:5-6; 7-8;
Messiah Yeshua’s disciples, proclaim the, "Good News".
See also: Galatians GOOD NEWS
Matthew 10:14-15;
Instructing people, to repent, and turn to Messiah Yeshua. Be baptized, and receive His Holy Spirit, to be saved. The time of Judgment, will soon come upon all mankind.
See also: ELi-Yeha COMES FiRST
Matthew 10:20-21; 22-23; 24;
Yeshua, called people, to repentance. But, many refused, to believe, He is the true Messiah, and Savior.
See also: DOCTOR WHO?
Matthew 11:20; 21; 22; 23; 24;
During the future, time of Judgment. All the sinful nations, will be required to repent. Freeing people by, Transforming hearts, and minds, is the work of salvation. Yeshua's 3 1/2 years, of teaching, and many miracles. Did not, convince everyone, to turn away, from sin.
(Ge 19:24; 2 Pe 2:6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12-13; 14;
Jude 1:7;
Eze 16:48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 53; 54; 55; )
See also: Died for our Sins?
Matthew 11:25; 26; 27; 28-30; Yeshua, understood, that His Heavenly Father, chooses the proper time, to reveal Salvation, to each person. Yeshua, is the perfect representation, of the Father. The Son, is the True Spokesman, and Shepherd, of Spiritual Life. Messiah Yeshua, came to set people free, from the burden, of sin. Messiah Yeshua, taught everyone, to keep the Heavenly Father's Commandments. Leading to peace, and Eternal Life.
(Isa 29:23; 24;
Jn 6:67-68; 69; 8:31; 32-33; 34; 35-36; 12:44-45; 46-47; 48-49; 50;
Ro 6:16; 17; 18; 19; 20-21; 22-23;
1 Pe 2:21-22; 23-24; 25;
1 Jn 2:27; 28; 29; 3:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11;
Mt 5:17; 18; 19; 20; )
See also: Justification of Righteousness
Bread of Life, & Unleavened Passover
John 6:32-33; 34-35; 7:37-38; 39;
(Ex 20:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12-15; 16-17; 18; 19-20;
Lev 26:2-3; 11-12; Heb 8:7; 8; 9; 10; 11-12;
Isa 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 53:1-2; 3-4;
Jn 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; ) Yehwah, revealed, His Covenant Law, to the nation of Israel. Yehwah Elohe, promised to dwell with His people. If they, keep His Commandments. Then Israel, would shine the Light, of True Salvation, to the nations.
(Jn 12:14-15; 16; 19; Zac 9:9; 10;
Mt 3:9; 21:9; 10; 12; 13; 23:37; 38-39; 12:14; 17-18; 19; 21;
Lk 19:38-39; 40-41; 42-43; 44;
Ro 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; 15:9-10; 11-12;
Psa 18:49; 117:1;
Isa 11:10; 45:21-22; 23-24; 25; 56:6; 7; 8;
Phil 2:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12; 13; 14-15;
Ro 14:10; 11; 12;
Eph 1:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15; ) Messiah, the Passover Lamb, of Yehwah. Is also the bread of Life. And the Savior, of the Whole World.
(Jn 6:45-46; 47-48; 10:14-15; 16-17; 18; 12:23-24; 25-26; 31-32; 33-34; 14:6; 10; 15; 17; 18-19; 20-21; 23; 26; 15:8-9; 10;
Heb 2:9; 10; 11; 5:8-9; 10;
1 Pe 2:23-24; 25; ) Yeshua's Sacrifice of Obedience, demonstrates, Faith in the Heavenly Father's Love. Messiah Yeshua, trusted His Father’s Power, to raise the Dead.
John 6:37; 38; 39; 40;
Yeshua, will also, raise His faithful disciples, from the dead. On the last day, when they are freed, from Satan's evil spiritual influence. Messiah Yeshua's Spirit of Oneness, with the Heavenly Father, is the True Bread, that gives Eternal Life.
John 6:44; 45; 46;
The Heavenly Father's Spirit of Holiness, reveals the knowledge, of His perfect sinless Son. Messiah Yeshua’s Merciful Love, and Salvation, of Truth. Will free everyone, from Satan's dominion, of darkness, deceptive lies, and sin. The Heavenly Father's Spirit, instructs, His children. By reminding them, of Messiah Yeshua's Living Words of Truth. The Father, will Renew His Covenant. Writing His Eternal Spiritual Laws, on the heart, and mind, of His people, Israel.
See also: RiGHTly DiViDe_TRUTH vs LiES
John 6:50; 51; 52;
Messiah Yeshua, portrayed, His Life, as Bread, (manna from heaven). And His Flesh, as food, that gives Eternal Life.
see also: NAILED to the CROSS
John 6:53; 54-55; 56-57; 58;
Messiah Yeshua, is speaking, of the Holy Spirit, of the Father. The Spirit, abiding in Him, gives Eternal Life. Yeshua is Eternally One, with the Father. Because, Yeshua, lives by every word, of the Father. And obeys His Commandments. Drinking, Messiah Yeshua's blood, and eating, His flesh. Is a spiritual metaphor, revealed in the New Covenant, Bread and Wine. Messiah Yeshua, requires, that His disciples, live by the spiritual food, of the Heavenly Father's Words of Truth. Messiah Yeshua, is the living Word. And His Truth, must be living in His disciples. By the powerful, Oneness of Spirit, that is the Father, and Son, living in them.
see also: SPiRiT of HOLiNESS
(Lk 1:15-16; 17;
Jn 3:3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 15:7-8; 9-10; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18; 22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 16:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15; 27-28; 17:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11;
1 Pe 1:2; 3; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12; 13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 2:2-3; 4-5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 21-22; 23-24; 25; 4:12-13; 14-15; 16; 17-18; 19;
1 Jn 3:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10;
Mt 19:16; 17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24-25; 26; 27; 28; )
John 11:23; 24; 25; 26; 27;
Messiah Yeshua, demonstrated His authority, to raise the dead. By restoring Lazarus, (Mary and Martha's brother), to physical life. As an example, of the future resurrection. The triumphant return, of the Messiah, will establish His Kingdom. Beginning the restoration, and (renewal) of all things.
(Dan 11:33-34; 35; 12:1; 2-3; 10;
Mal 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 3:16; 17; 18; 4:1; 2-3; 4-5; 6;
Jn 5:25; 26-27; 28-29;
Acts 3:18; 19; 20; 21; 22-23; 24-25; 26; 24:15-16;
Mat 17:11; Rev 7:14; Ro 8:21; )
Spirit of Holiness, & Pentecost
Acts 2:16-17; 18-19; 20-21;
Yehwah, the Father, pours out the Truth, of Messiah Yeshua's Spirit, of Holy Oneness. The Spiritual Bread of (Salvation).
(Jn 16:7-8; 9-10; 11; Joel 2:28; 31; 32;
Isa 11:11; Jer 31:7; Mic 4:7;
Ro 9:27; 28-29; 30-31; 32; 33; 10:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 21; 11:25-26; 27-28; 29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 35-36; )
Joel 2:28; 29;
Acts 2:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22; 23; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31; 32-33; 34-35; 36; 37-38; 39-40;
On Pentecost, in 30 A.D. the apostle Peter, quoted, from Joel. Saying, "the Holy Spirit will be poured out to all mankind". The prophecy in Joel, announces, the "Day of the Lord”. And the Spirit of Holiness, continues to be poured out, to the people. In both, the first, and second, 1000 years, during the resurrection eras, of Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom.
see also: HOLY SPIRIT: WHO ?
(Joel 2:28; 29; Isa 32:15; 44:3;
Eze 39:29; Zac 12:10; Jn 6:44-45; 46-48;
Heb 8:7; 8; 9; 10; 11-12;
Jer 33:6-7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; )
Blood Moon Signs, & Trumpets
Joel 2:30; 31; 32;
Heavenly signs, are appointed to occur, before the 3 1/2 years, Tribulation. Proceeding, the Day of Messiah Yeshua's restoration, of His Kingdom, on earth.
See also: New Moon n Appointed Times
• A series of Blood Moon, warning Signs, will be completed, before the 31/2 years of Tribulation, begin.
see also: "BLOOD MOON"
(Acts 2:20; Luke 21:11; Rev 6:12, 13;
Joel 2:10; 31; 3:15; 16; 17; )
See also: Daniel Un-Sealed
• The 3 1/2 years of Tribulation, will come to an END. As the moon, and sun, darken again. As the Angelic "Trumpets”, shake the earth, at Messiah's return, to Jerusalem.
(Lk 21:25; Mk 13:24; Mt 24:29;
Isa 13:10; 13; 24:18-19; 20-21; 22; 23; 30:18; 19; 20; 21; 26;
Mic 1:2; 3; 4; )
See also: ADAM to MESSiAH in 6000 yrs.
• The "Day of the Lord”, will be 1000 years, of Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom. on earth. "Day Two of the Lord”, is the Time, of Judgment, extending another 1000 years. Until, the Great White Throne Judgement, is completed. Then, all the physical elements of creation, will be consumed, with fire. And a New Heaven, and Earth, will be created.
( 1 Tim 2:3-4; 5-6; 7;
Isa 30:18; 19; 20; 21; 26; 34:4; 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;
2 Pe 3:7; 8; 9; 10-11; 12; 13; 14; Psa 102:25; 26;
Heb 1:10; 11; 12; Mt 24:35-36; Rev 21:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7;
Ro 8:9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14; 15-16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21-22; 23; 24; 25; )
Acts 24:14; 15; 16;
The apostle Paul taught, that there would be, a resurrection, "One”, of the righteous. And resurrection, "Two”, of the wicked.
(Ec 3:17; 18; 19; 20; Isa 29:1; 2; 4; 57:1; 2; Dan 12:2; Jn 5:28; 29;
Pr 3:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; Ge 2:9;
Pr 11:30; 13:12; 15:4; Rev 2:7; Mt 11:29; )
1 Corinthians 4:5;
Day of Judgement, will bring to light, the thoughts in the hearts, of all mankind.
(Lk 2:34; 35;
Psa 94:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22-23; 139:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 51:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19;
1 Pe 2:9; 10; 11; 12;
Jn 1:1-2; 3-4; 5; 9-10; 11-12; 13; 17-18; 3:16-17; 18; 19; 20-21;
Col 1:13-14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19-20; 21; 22; 23-24; 25-26; 27; 28; 29;
Eph 6:12; Mt 7:1; 2-3; 4-5; 6; 12; 13-14; 18-19; 20-21;
Ro 2:1; 2:2-3; 4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; 12-13; 14-15; Ro 2:16;
1 Cor 3:10-11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20; Ro 16:25;
1 Pe 2:4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 4:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 17-18; 19;
1 Cor 5:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 1 Tim 1:18; 19; 20; )
Luke & Revelation
Luke 21:10-11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20;
The True Gospel, will be opposed, by followers of Satan's antichrist religion. And unholy, world ruling, governmental systems. Disciples, of Messiah Yeshua, will suffer persecution. Even to the "Time of the End". The Blood Moon, Heavenly warning signs, will occur, at the appointed times. Before and after, a deceptive, peace agreement, in the middle east. A weak union of nations, coalesce, over a seven year period, to form the final Antichrist, Beast Empire.
see also: ANTi-CHRiST and 666 the BEAST n U
(Da 9:26; 27; Rev 6:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 11; 12-13; 14; 15; 16-17;
Nah 1:8; )
Luke 21:21; 22; 23; 24;
The 3 1/2 year, peace agreement, will come to an end. As the Antichrist, Beast leader, sends his armies to surround Jerusalem. And conquer the Middle East nations, that oppose him. This is the time, for disciples, of Messiah Yeshua, to flee, to the place of safety, called Petra. Located south of the Dead Sea, in the nation of Jordan.
(Rev 12:5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15-16; 17;
Isa 16:1-2; 3-4; 5; 42:11; 12; 13; )
Revelation 11:3; 4; 5; 6;
During the 3 1/2 years of Tribulation. There will be, 2 Anointed Witnesses, proclaiming the Gospel, of Repentance, and Salvation, from Jerusalem, to the whole world.
(Zac 4:11; 12; 13; 14; )
Revelation 11:7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13-14;
The 2 Witnesses, will successfully oppose, the Antichrist, Beast leader, for 3 1/2 years. Before they suffer, being killed. After, 3 1/2 days, the 2 Witnesses, will arise to life, again, and ascend into the clouds. As the 7th "Trumpet”, calls them, to meet Messiah Yeshua's triumphant arrival.
(Mt 24:27; Rev 11:15; 16; 17-18; 19; Zac 14:3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; )
Luke 21:25; 26; 27; 28;
(Lk 20:34; 35; 36; 37;
Isa 66:6; 7; 8; 9; 15; 16; 17; 52:6-7; 8-9; 10; 11; 12; ) The 3 1/2 years of Woe, Woe, Woe; Tribulation, will draw near to the "END TIME”. As Yeshua, returns. The Heavenly signs, announce, the Messiah King’s, arrival. The High Holy Sabbath, of "Trumpets”, will assemble the resurrected Saints, in the clouds. To meet, Messiah Yeshua, as He descends, to the mount of olives. Before, the final battle, of Armageddon, on the "Day of the Lord".
(Psa 1:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 2:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 19:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 23:1-2; 3-4; 5-6;
Isa 30:29; 31-32; 42:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 14; 16; 21; 66:18; 19; 20; 21; 22-23; 24;
Isa 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 9:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 11:1; 2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 30:18; 19; 20; 21; 23; 24; 25;
Ps 25:8; 9; 11-12; Prov 3:6; Isa 35:8; 9;
Mt 24:37-38; 39-40; 41; )
Luke 21:34; 35; 36;
Disciples of Messiah Yeshua, must pray always, to be spiritually prepared, to resist Satan's evil influences. That will overwhelm, the people of the earth.
(Mt 24:42; 43; 44; Mk 4:19;
Lk 12:29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 36; 37; 38-39; 40, 45;
1 Thes 5:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 14-15; 16-19; 20-21; 22-23; 24;
2 Thes 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15-16; 17; )
Atonement,: Birth of the Kingdom
& Tabernacles, "Day One"
Isaiah 25:6; 7; 8; 9;
The Saints, in the first resurrection, will receive immortal spirit life. And enter into the "Atonement”, Marriage Covenant, that is Eternal Oneness, of Spirit, with the Father and Son. Satan, will be bound, for 1000 years, as the Kingdom of Messiah Yeshua, begins.
(Heb 2:13; 14; 15-16; 17; 18; 1 Cor 15:50-51; 52-53; 54-55; 56-57; 58;
Mt 22:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 25:1-2;3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13;
Lk 12:35; 36; 37; 38; 39-40; 13:22-23; 24; 25; 26-27; 28; 29; 30; 20:34-35; 36; 37; 38; 22:25-26; 27-28; 29-30;
Ro 8:16; Rev 19:7-8; 9-10; 11; 12; 13-14; 15; 16; 20:1-2; 3; 4; 5; 6;
1 Jn 3:1; 2; )
Isaiah 26:17; 18; 19; 20; 21;
From the time of Adam. Mankind has failed to establish, Yehwah's Righteous government, of Justice, and Mercy, on earth. Isaiah prophetically describes, the Birth pain, of the Kingdom, of Yehwah. The dead, will arise from the dust. The first resurrection, of the righteous, will serve, in Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom. The second resurrection, will bring Judgment, and expose the sinfulness, of mankind.
(Isa 33:13-14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 59:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20;
2 Ti 2:24; 25; 26; James 4:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 1 Pe 5:6-7; 8-9;
1 Jn 3:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9;
Isa 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 4:2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8:16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 9:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 11:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 66:23;
Zac 14:1;2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19;
Isa 19:16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24-25; )
See also: Blessings of Abraham
Isaiah 27:1;
(Mt 8:28; 29; Mk 1:24;
Lk 4:33; 34; 35; 11:20; 21; 22; 23;
Mk 3:23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 29;
Is 49:24, 25; Acts 26:18;
Ro 16:20; Rev 20:1; 2; 3; 7; 8; 9; 10; ) Satan, is bound, during the first 1000 years, of the Kingdom. Before, the second resurrection, Satan, is released, and allowed to cause a final rebellion. Then Satan, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, that Destroys completely.
(Rev 12:9; Isa 14:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15-16; 17-18; 19;
Jn 12:31; 16:11; 2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2; 6:12;
1 Jn 3:8; 4:4; 5:19; Jn 8:42; 43; 44;
Eze 28:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; )
Revelation 20:12; 13;
(Mt 19:28; Lk 22:28-29; 30;
Rev 20:5; 7-8; 9; 10;
Eze 38:1-2; 3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9-10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 39:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15-16; 17; 18; 19-20;
Jer 33:6; 7; 8; 9; ) At the end, of the first 1000 years. Messiah Yeshua, will defeat Gog and Magog, in the final rebellion against, Yehwah's Kingdom. Then, the second resurrection, of all unsaved mankind, will occur. This is, the Last Great Day, of the High Holy Sabbath, of Tabernacles. Continuing, a second 1000 years. The Books of the Bible, will be opened. And Messiah Yeshua, will offer Salvation, to all of mankind. If they repent, and receive the Spirit of Holiness, that is poured out, from the Father. The Covenant with Yehwah Eloheyem, the Father, and Son, will be, "Renewed".
(Mt 11:20; 21; 22; 23; 24;
Isa 29:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 13; 14; 22; 23; 24; 40:1; 2;
Eze 16:1-2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 45; 46; 47-48; 49; 50; 51-52; 53; 54; 55; 60; 61; 62; 63; 37:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20-21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 39:21-22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29;
Psa 51:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18;
Ro 6:16; 17; 18; 19; 20-21; 22-23; 11:26; 27Isa 45:16; 17; 18; 19; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25Ro 14:9-10; 11-12;
Phil 2:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12;
Psa 22:22-23; 24; 25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31;
Heb 8:10; 11; 12;
Jer 33:14; 15; 16-17; 18-19; 20; 21; 22-23; 24; )
Isaiah 27:2-3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9;
(Isa 40:1; 2; Ro 6:23; 11:26-27; Heb 8:10; 11-12; ) The wages of sin is death. The Penalty for the whole house of Israel's sins, are paid for, by their suffering, and death. Later, during the time of Judgment. All of mankind, will be offered, Forgiveness, and Salvation.
(Psa 49:8; 9; Isa 1:25; 48:10; Dan 11:35;
Ro 11:25; 26; 27-28; 29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 35-36;
Eze 16:52; 53; 54; 55;
Isa 59:21; Jer 31:33, 34;
Heb 8:7; 8; 9-10; 11-12;
Eze 37:1; 11; 12; 13; 14; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 39:1; 2; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; )
Isaiah 29:18; 19;
The Books are opened, to reveal Salvation. And the Holy Spirit, is poured out, to cleanse, people, from their sins.
(Rev 20:12; Jn 16:7; 8-9; 10-11;
Joel 2:28; 31; 32;
Isa 11:11; Jer 31:7; Mic 4:7;
Ro 9:27; 28-29; 30-31; 32; 33; 10:5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 21; 11:25-26; 27-28; 29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 35-36; )
Isaiah 29:23; 24;
Everyone, that comes to life in the second resurrection. Will receive instruction, and learn, from the Covenant Law. The way, that they should live, an obedient life. Pleasing to the Heavenly Father, and Messiah Yeshua.
Isaiah 40:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11;
Suffering caused by sin, is coming to an END. The Good News, of The Kingdom, is proclaimed. Healing for all nations, begins with the first resurrection, of the Saints. And continues after, the second resurrection.
Isaiah 25:6; 7; 8; 9;
(Lev 23:36; Num 29:35; Deut 30:6; Neh 8:18;
Zac 14:4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 16; 17; 18; 19;
Jn 7:22; 23; 24; 37; 38; 39; 2 Pe 3:8; 9;
Rev 1:17; 18; 20:11; 12; 13; 14; ) Yehwah's Covenant, with Abraham, required, every male child, to be circumcised, on the eighth day. Yehwah, promises to circumcise, the hearts, of mankind, with His Holy Spirit of Truth. The 8th day of the High Holy Sabbath, of Tabernacles, is called, the "Last Great Day”. And will be, 1000 years. There is a promised, final banquet, That will (End Death), and begin a (New Heavens and Earth). Where only, Righteousness, and Peace, will remain for Eternity.
(Isa 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5;
1 Cor 15:21-22; 23-24; 25-26; 27; 28;
Eph 4:4; 5-6;
Acts 17:23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29-30; 31; Eze 36:32; 33; 34; 35; 36-37; 38;
Isa 51:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;
Jn 7:22; 23; 24; 37; 38; 39;
Isa 65:17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24;
Rev 22:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; )
Ezekiel, "Son of Man” & Tabernacles, "Day Two"
Ezekiel 18:26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32;
Ezekiel explains in detail, how Yehwah, applies, His Justice, and Mercy. Messiah Yeshua, brings Right Judgement. And cries out, "Repent and Live"! The Heavenly Father, has "No”, pleasure in the death, of anyone.
(Eze 18:20;
Isa 42:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 18; 19; 20; 21; 43:24; 25; 26; 27; )
Ezekiel 16:1-2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9-10; 11-12; 13; 14; 15;
In the past, the nation of Israel, felt abandoned, and enslaved, in the sin, of Egypt. Yehwah, fulfilled His promise, to free Israel, from captivity. Israel, entered into the Marriage Covenant, with Yehwah. The Covenant, cleansing of the law, prepares the bride, for the spiritual union, of love. The Israelites, eventually abandon, Yehwah's Covenant of True Love. And played the harlot, by worshiping false gods, of pagan nations. The law of Yehwah, was rejected. And the Israelites, pursued, the temporary pleasures of sin.
See also: DiVORCE isRAEL?
Ezekiel 16:38;
Yehwah judged Israel, like a woman caught in adultery. And they were cast into the darkness, and captivity, of sin, that brings death.
( Nu 5:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 1 Ki 14:22; 23; 24;
Psa 78:56-57; 58-59; 60-61; Eze 8:5; 6; )
Ezekiel 16:36; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41;
The nation of Israel, acted like an adulterous woman. By abandoning the Covenant law, of Yehwah. So, Yehwah, allowed Israel, to suffer, the cruel injustice, of lawless nations. Yehwah, hoped, Israel would repent. And turn away, from their sinful lawlessness.
See also: Babylonian Chronicles n 70 yrs.
Ezekiel 16:42; 43; 44; 45; 46;
Yehwah, says, that he will not remain angry forever. Yehwah, reminds, Judah and Israel. Their sins, are as common, as Sodom and Gomorrah.
Ezekiel 16:48; 49; 50;
Judah, and Israel's sins, were even greater, than Sodom. The Pharisees, and teachers of the law, were hypocrites. Just as Israel, did not, truly love, Yehwah, or keep His Commandments.
See also: Daniel Ezekiel Ezra Esther
Ezekiel 16:51; 52; 53; 54; 55; 56; 57; 58; 59;
Judah, and Israel's sins, have even made the time of Judgment, more favorable, for Sodom. All the nations, of the earth, have suffered the consequences, of their sins. The graves, of Sheol, are filled with their dead bodies.
See also: MAN of SiN; iMAGE of JEALOUSY
Ezekiel 16:60; 61; 62; 63;
Yehwah, promises to "Renew His Eternal Covenant”, with Judah, and Israel. The nation of Israel, will be ashamed, of their past sins. And return, to Yehwah, their Savior. Israel, will be renewed, as a light to the Gentiles. And a blessing to all nations. When, Yehwah, reveals His Merciful, Forgiving, Love. To all mankind, during the second resurrection.
Ezekiel 18:1; 2; 3; 4;
Yehwah, Justly Judges, everyone for their own sins. And the consequences of death, hopefully, will bring mankind to repentance.
Ezekiel 18:19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25;
Yehwah the Father, did "NOT”, punish, His perfect sinless Son, as a substitution sacrifice, for mankind's sins. Yehwah, requires, everyone to turn away, from their own sinful lawlessness. True Salvation, requires a change of heart and mind, producing righteous obedience, to the Covenant law, of Love.
see also: How To Study Tools 1 2 3
and Hebrew ABC?
Ezekiel 18:30; 31; 32;
Yehwah, will bring everyone, before His Righteous Judgment. Messiah Yeshua, says, "Repent and Live".
Ezekiel 20:33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38;
In the past, Yehwah, Judged the Israelites. By removing, those who sin, and rebel, against His Covenant law.
Ezekiel 20:39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44;
In the future, Yehwah, promises to Forgive, and Restore all of Israel, to His Merciful Covenant, of Love.
Ezekiel 22:26; 27;
The Levitical priests, had failed, to teach the nation of Israel. And turn them away, from sinful lawlessness.
(Eze 44:23; 24; ) During the 1st & 2nd resurrections. The Saints, will be faithful priests, in Messiah's Kingdom. And correctly teach, the Heavenly Father's Commandments, to all mankind.
Ezekiel 28:11-12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19;
Yehwah's anger, is directed towards Satan. Satan, was once called Lucifer, the bringer of light. Yehwah, must first remove, Satan's evil spiritual influence. Before, mankind, may be completely free, from their sins.
Ezekiel 34:6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17;
Messiah Yeshua, is the "Good Shepherd”, who rescues, the lost sheep, of Israel.
Ezekiel 36:22; 23; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38;
Yehwah, caused Israel, to suffer under the cruelty, of sinful, and lawless, nations. Yehwah, promises to restore Israel, and forgive, their sins. Yehwah, will pour out, His Spirit of Holiness. And cleanse Israel, from all their lawlessness.
Ezekiel 37:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27-28;
Ezekiel's vision, of the dry bones, coming to life. Looks forward to the second resurrection.
(Revelation 20:5; ). The "Son of Man, Messiah Yeshua”, will renew to physical life, all the lost sheep, of the whole house of Israel.
Ezekiel 38:1; 39:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15-16; 17; 18; 19-20; 21-22; 23; 24;
Before, the second resurrection, occurs. The nations following, Gog and Magog, will be led into rebellion, against Messiah Yeshua's Kingdom.
(Eze 39:1; 6; 7; 8; Rev 20:7; 8; 9; 10; ) Gog and Magog, will be defeated. And Satan, is cast into the lake of fire. Then, the second resurrection, begins, with the restoration of Israel. As the dry bones, are restored to life.
(Ezekiel 39:25; 26; 27; 28; 29;
Heb 8:7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12;
Ro 11:25-26; 27-28; 29-30; 31-32; 33-34; 35-36;
1 Pe 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 1 Cor 5:5; Isa 59:20; 21; )
Good News, 1 & 2
The Heavenly Father, and Messiah Yeshua, continually demonstrate, their Merciful, Forgiving, Love. And desire to restore all of mankind, to the Eternal Covenant, Tree of Life.
(Ex 12:1; 2; 5; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 13;
Nu 9:9; 10; 11; 2 Chr 30:1; 2; 3; 15; ) The Old Testament, gives an example, of a second chance. In Israel's participation, in the Second Passover remembrance.
(Ex 20:1-2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9-10; 11; 12-15; 16-17; 18; 19-20; 21-22; 24:3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8;
Jer 31:31; 32; 33; 34;
Lk 22:15-16; 17-18; 19-20;
2 Cor 3:6; 7; 8; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18;
Heb 8:8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 9:18; 19; 20-21; 22; 26; 27; 28; 10:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9-10; 15-16; 17-18;
Eze 16:60; 61; 62; 63; ) Yehwah, promises to Renew, His Covenant, with unfaithful Israel. Yehwah, disciplined sinful mankind. And allowed everyone, to suffer death. In hope, of bringing everyone, to repentance.
(Psa 1:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7:6-7; 8-9; 9:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 94:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15; 112:1-2; 3-4; 5-6;
Ec 12:13-14; Isa 3:12-13; 14-15; 4:2-3; 4-5; 6; 5:16-17; 18-19; 20;
Jer 2:35-36; 48:47; 51:9; 10; 11;
Eze 16:38-59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 39:21-22; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28; 29;
Da 7:22; 18; 26-27; Joel 3:1-2;
Zac 8:7-8; 13-14; 15-16; 17;
Mal 3:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 16; 17; 18; 4:1-2; 3-4; 5-6;
Mt 10:15; 11:21-22; 23-24; 12:8-9; 10-11; 12; 39-40; 41-42;
Jn 3:19; 20; 21; 5:25-26; 27-28; 29; 9:39; 40; 41; 12:31-32; 16:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15;
Ro 2:1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 25-26; 28-29;
1 Cor 4:4-5; 1 Tim 5:24-25; Heb 9:27;
1 Pe 4:5-6; 7-8; 12-13; 16-17; 18-19;
James 2:12-13; 1 Jn 4:7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18;
Rev 20:2; 3; 4; Mt 19:28; Lk 22:25-26; 27-28; 29-30; ) Yehwah, the Father, pours out the Holy Spirit. Revealing Messiah Yeshua. Convicting the whole world, of sin. And bringing mankind, to Judgment. The "Good News”, of Messiah Yeshua, is Truly the only Hope, for the Future, of all mankind. Messiah Yeshua, will reveal His Mercy. And offers Salvation, to everyone, in the second resurrection.
( Mt 24:35; 36; Rev 20:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 21:8; ) There will be a final, White Throne Judgment. That will forever remove, the unrepentant wicked. By casting them, into the Lake of Fire, that completely consumes. This is the second death.
(Rev 21:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; ) Then the Heavenly Father, will create a New Heavens and Earth. Where only those who Love Righteousness, may Live Eternally, with Messiah Yeshua. In the Eloheyem Family, of Yehwah EL elyon the Father.
(Acts 23:6; 7; 8; ) Paul looked forward, to the Promised Resurrection of the Dead. And the Renewed Covenant, Tree Of Life.
See also: BORN AGAiN ?