Feb 20, 2025

1 Tithe 2 Tithe or 3?

 The agrarian culture of the ancient world, seems far disconnected from modern society. And mega churches, with televised media, websites, publications, and musical performances, are intended to attract members. Almost limitless, choices are available, to please any personal preference, for spiritual fulfillment. And the religious experience comes at a price.

So what is the biblical principle for funding religious worship?

The Tithe!

Jan 24, 2025

Yes - No or Not I ?

 The Hebrew word: “No or Not”, may sometimes Express a positive intention, or a rhetorical question. There are two main Hebrew words: “LE = לֹא or EL = אַל”, that are often used to express, “No or Not”. Sadly translators often make mistakes. An incorrect use of the word “No or Not”, occur in: 

(Ex 20:3; Isa 2:9-10; Jer 18:23; Neh 5:4; )

Exodus 20:1–2 (NASB95) — 1 Then (God = אֱלֹהִ֔ים = Eloheyem) spoke (E-tH = אֵ֛ת = Sign of Covenant) )all = כָּל = K-L) (these words = הַדְּבָרִ֥ים = Ha...D-B-R-Ye-M), saying, 2 “(I am = אָֽנֹכִ֖י֙ = E-N-K-Ye) (Lord God = יהוה אֱלֹהֶ֑֔י = Yehwah Elohe), who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

Jan 7, 2025

Alpha and Omega?

 Covenant אָת Sign

The “First” letter of the Hebrew alphabet: ( אָ = figuratively portrays the Father, as the “Head” of governing authority). The “Last” Hebrew letter: ( ת = tH = represents a sign or marker). Uniting the “First” and “Last” letters together: ( אָת = E-tH = is a Covenant Sign of agreement).

Even the Hebrew word: (Sabbaths = שַׁבְּתֹת = sh-B-tH-tH = Ends with the “ ת =tH = sign or marker”, of “ שַׁ = sh = Unity” within a “ בְּ = B = House =  ).

(Ex 31:13; 16; 17; Eze 20:12; 19; 20; )

See also:  Knowing Yehwah?

First and Last

Dec 18, 2024

Fountain of Youth?

NASA Photo

Proclaim:“Good News!”

Isaiah 61:1-2; “The LORD has anointed me

     to proclaim good news to the poor

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

    to proclaim freedom for the captives

    and release from darkness for the prisoners,

to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor” 

 This Bible study, on Isaiah 65:20; began with a question. Why was a son, considered Young, at 100 years old? 

Isaiah 65:20; is a reference to the Second resurrection and time of judgment. Translation errors caused confusion. Pursuing truth requires, careful examination, of the original Hebrew language and sentence structure. The Hebrew Old Testament, reveals the contrasting distortions, within modern translations.

Dec 11, 2024

Judge Angels?

NASA Photo:

There is a strange belief, that Resurrected Saints, Will become God’s. Transforming the Saints, to  be like the (Lord God Almighty = Yehwah Elohe the Messiah Yeshua. Will the Saints rule over, and “
Judge Angels?” What does scripture, Truly Reveal?

(Job 1:6; 2:1; Psa 82:1; 6; Jn 10:34; 35; 36; )

Nov 17, 2024

True Messiah vs 70 LXX Rabbi

NASA Photo

When investigating the original Hebrew and Greek languages, within the Bible. It becomes evident, within the diverse translations, that there exist misleading interpretations, and deceptive fraud. Restoring Truth, requires digging deeply, for the Root of the Word, within Hebrew and Greek.

the following Bible study, is a careful examination of the original Hebrew old Testament text. Comparing the (AFAT Hebrew), (LXX Greek translation of Hebrew), and (LES English translation of the LXX). The (NASB) English translation of the Old Testament Hebrew, has been added, for comparison with   the (LXX Greek Septuagint). The (LXX) has obviously been altered to corrupt the original Hebrew old Testament.

Psalm 22:2–3 (AFAT) — 2 אֵלִי אֵלִי לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי רָחוֹק מִישׁוּעָתִי דִּבְרֵי שַׁאֲגָתִי׃ 3 אֱלֹהַי אֶקְרָא יוֹמָם וְלֹא תַעֲנֶה וְלַיְלָה וְלֹא־דוּמִיָּה לִי׃

Between 300-100 B.C the Greek (Septuaginta = LXX the Roman numeral 70), was translated from the original Hebrew scriptures. The Jewish people, were influenced by Hellenistic mythological beliefs,  culture, and language, during the reign of the Greek Empire. Seventy Jewish rabbis published the Septuaginta, at the request, of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (the Greek Pharaoh of Egypt. Translating Hebrew to Greek, would seem to require, an equivalent word for word definition. Proper translations, maintain contextual representations, of the original language, Word order, and grammatical relationships. The addition of interpretation, reveals distortions within the understanding, of a person reading the original Hebrew.

Oct 29, 2024

Daniel 11 History of Mysteries?

NASA Photo

Daniel chapter 11 timeline? Here is a short Biblical history, focusing on Jerusalem, and competing world empires.

Daniel 12:10; The “History of Mysteries”, will be revealed at the “End Time”. By looking “Back to the Future”.

See also:  Babylonian Chronicles n 70 yrs. 

Oct 13, 2024

Day and Hour - Who Knew?

NASA Photo

Here is a perplexing question? Did Messiah Yeshua, instruct His disciples, that it is impossible to calculate the timing, for the restoration of Yehwah Elohe’s Kingdom, on earth. 

Amos 3:7 (NASB95) — 7 Surely the (Lord God = Yehwah Elohe) does nothing Unless He reveals His secret counsel To His servants the prophets.

Oct 11, 2024

Greatest Rabbi

NASA Photo

Matthew 23:8 (NASB95) — 8 

“But do not be called 

(Rabbi = ESL G 4461 αββί = ESL H 7229 רַב ); 

for One is your 

(Teacher = ESL G 1320, διδάσκαλος ), 

and you are all brothers.

Did messiah and His disciples, speak Hebrew or Aramaic? Answering this question is beneficial, for proving the accuracy of Scriptures with in the New Testament Gospels.

Sep 11, 2024

Knowing Yehwah?

NASA Photo

Did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, know the Eternal, by His name Yehwah Elohe?

(Ex 3:15; ) Yehwah, revealed to Moses. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, knew His name, (Lord =Yehwah = יהוה) (God = Elohe = אֱלֹהֵי). And Moses, often recorded Yehwah’s, Hebrew title, within the book of Genesis. The book of Genesis, is a revelation to Moses, from Yehwah Elohe. So, why, should anyone doubt, that Abraham, isaac, and Jacob, knew the name of Yehwah Elohe?

Exodus 6:3; Mis-translations of the Bible, often cause confusion. So, correcting error, requires a careful examination of the original Hebrew text. Searching for Truth, may lead to surprising discoveries.

Jul 11, 2024

Hebrew - Yehwah's Word

NASA Photo

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. And the Jewish people, have carefully preserved copies of the original Hebrew Scriptures, from the day of Moses. The modern Jewish State of Israel, has renewed interest in the Hebrew dialect, spoken by their ancestors Abraham and Eber. The preserved Hebrew text, is the language of the Jewish people, and spoken by Messiah Yeshua, and his disciples.

So, why would some language historians, claim that the first century Jews, spoke Aramaic?

Apr 4, 2024

Blessings of Abraham

NASA Photo

Abraham is called, the father of the Faithful. Abraham Obeyed Yehwah Elohe's, Covenant Commandments, and became a blessing to all nations. So then, is the blessing received, by just believing? Or, is Faithful Obedience to the "Covenant Law", required to receive the Blessing?

The blessing to Abraham, appears to have two separate parts. The first blessing, confirms that Abraham, would receive, the promised "Seed or Son". The Second blessing, represents a "Land Covenant",, that is promised to Abraham and his descendants.

The Promised "Seed", prophetically envisions, the future "Savior Yeshua" the Son, of the Most High.

The "Promised Land", portrays the future Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe on earth.

See also:  ABRAHAM and YeHaWaH's PROMISE

Jan 21, 2024

God or gods?

NASA Photo

Most Bible translations cause perplexing problems, by misrepresenting the original Hebrew or Greek language. Also, Jewish rabbis and Christian Bible teachers, add theological interpretations, that may alter the intended meaning or purpose of words. One question persists. Rabbis teach there is one God. But, most Christians believe, God is a Trinity. So then, is there, 1 God 2 Gods, or many gods?  

The Old Testament, was written in Hebrew, and the original text contains multiple variations of each word, that have been vaguely interpreted, and redefined as , "Lord" or "God".

Aug 4, 2023

Babylonian Chronicles n 70 yrs.

NASA Photo

"Babylonian Chronicles", Ending 70 years? 

A "Good" investigative "News", reporter, is trained to ask, 5 important questions.

Who: Identifies the subject, Judah.

What: Focuses on Desolation of Jerusalem and Captivity.

Where: Deportation of exiles to Babylon.

When: Is a complicated question.

Why: Becomes evident, that Violating Yehwah's Covenant Law, brings Judgment and Punishment.

Answering the question, When?

Jun 14, 2023

7 Sabbaths 3 2 1 Exodus

Nasa Photo

7th Day Sabbath 

(Genesis 2:2-3; Lev 23:2-3; )

From the beginning, Yehwah Elohe, established a pattern of counting 7 days to reach the weekly Sabbath. 

(Lev 23:15; 16; 21; ) 

Also, 7 represents the number of Sabbath weeks, or 49 days, that must be counted to reach Pentecost on the 50th day. 

(Lev 25:2; 3; 4; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; )

The pattern of counting 7 years, is repeated when calculating the sum total, of 7 "Land Sabbaths", equaling 49 years, that occur before the 50th year Jubilee.

(Lev 26:14; 15; 18; 21; 23; 24; 27; 28; 34; 35; ) 

This sequence of counting 7 days or years, also  represents a series of increasing punishments. Violating Yehwah Elohe's Commands, will receive correction, with escalating consequences. The repeating pattern of 7, reflects the importance of the Sabbath, Land Sabbaths, and Appointed Times.

See also:  New Moon n Appointed Times  

The Exodus story, contains a Hidden pattern of 7 Sabbaths. This mystery reveals a series of repeating events that portend the future coming of Messiah.

(Daniel nine:24; 25; 26; )

The 70 weeks prophecy follows the same pattern of counting 7 Sabbaths, that predict the 1st arrival of Messiah Yeshua, in 26 A.D...

See also:  Daniel Ezekiel Ezra Esther

(Daniel 9:27; )

There remains one Final Sabbath week, completing a 7 year cycle, that is described as the appointed "End Time".

This pattern of 7 Sabbaths, is pre-ordained to coincide with, Messiah Yeshua's, triumphant return. A jubilee celebration, will announce the Kingdom of Yehwah Elohe, restoring the earth, like the garden of Eden.  

See also:  The LORD's DAY 1 and 2 

May 15, 2023

Galatians GOOD NEWS

NASA Photo:
James Webb Telescope

 The letter to Galatians: 

Paul expresses detailed opposition to the miss use of Symbolism within the Sacrificial "Works of the Law". Jewish oral traditions, have added fables and storytelling, to their interpretation, of the written Law. Pagan mythological beliefs and idolatrous religious practices often influence the Israelites. The nation of Israel, abandoned the True worship of Yehwah Elohe, and their understanding of "Covenant Law" became corrupted. The northern 10 tribes of Israel, were cast out from, the Promised Land. Later, Judah and Levi, also suffered the punishment of exile, because of their sinful rebellion against Yehwah's Covenant Law.


(Amos 5:25; 26; 27; )

Sacrificing to false gods of Babylon 

Acts 7:35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; )

rebellion against Moses and Yehwah Elohe.    

(Acts 7:51; 

Do Not resist the Holy Spirit. 

Dt 6:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; )

Obey Yehwah's Commandments.  

Scape Goat?

Apr 12, 2023

New Moon n Appointed Times


NASA Photo:
James Webb Telescope

Yehwah Elohe's "Appointed Times" are ordained, as commanded Holy assemblies. These Festival gatherings, commemorate Yehwah Elohe's plan of "Salvation" for all of mankind.

In Exodus 12:1-2; Moses received instructions, from Yehwah Elohe, establishing the "Appointed Times". The month of "ABiB" identifies the "First" day, beginning the "7 months" Circuit, within the yearly Festival cycle.

There is an assumption, that Jewish Rabbis, have preserved an accurate calendar, recording Yehwah Elohe's "Appointed Times". 

Most "Church of God" organizations, that originated from, "Worldwide Church of God", trust that the modern "Hillel II Festival calendar" is Biblically accurate. Careful examination, of the reliability of the "Hillel II calendar" will reveal serious flaws within the excepted Jewish traditions.

Feb 1, 2023



NASA photo:
James Webb telescope

John 19:30; Luke 23:46; Mark 15:37; The crucifixion narrative, within each gospel, appear to make conflicting statements about Messiah’s last word. Did? Messiah Yeshua say, “it is finished” or “What”!!!

Carefully examining each crucifixion account, will reveal important information. Discovering Mysteries, Hidden behind misleading translations of the original, Hebrew and Greek.

Nov 17, 2022

At-One-ment Prophecy

NASA photo:
James Webb Telescope

The Day of Atonement sacrifice is a prophetic portrayal of Messiah’s Holiness, that is required for Cleansing and the Purging of all Sinful Lawlessness. 


Conviction of Sin 


Atonement Cleansing


 Sin Offering?

Oct 7, 2022

ELiYeH or Eliyehwu?

ELiYeH or Eliyehwu?

NASA photo:
James Webb Telescope

ESL H 452
אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “EliYehwu” 69 times, and “EliYeh” twice. 1 the great (prophet = eliYehwu) of the reign of Ahab.  Additional Information: (EliYeh = the abbreviated title: Yehwah Elohe ) or (EliYehwu = is the announcement made by the profit, that is calling Israel to return to the true Savior, “eliYeh”) (eliYehwu = “my (God =EL) is Yehawah” or “Yeh(wu = is) God = EL”.

See also:  ELi-Yeha COMES FiRST

1 Kings 18:1 (NASB95) — 1 Now it happened after many days that the (word of the Lord = וּדְבַר־יהוה ) came to (EL-Eliyeh-wuu = אֶל־אֵלִיָּהוּ ) in the third year, saying, “Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth.”

1 Kings 18:1 (AFAT) — 1 וַיְהִי יָמִים רַבִּים וּדְבַר־יהוה הָיָה אֶל־אֵלִיָּהוּ בַּשָּׁנָה הַשְּׁלִישִׁית לֵאמֹר לֵךְ הֵרָאֵה אֶל־אַחְאָב וְאֶתְּנָה מָטָר עַל־פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה׃


and  DiVORCE isRAEL?

EliYeh-wu is Not EliYeh!

Malachi 3:1–3 (NASB95) — 1 “Behold, I am going to send My (messenger = Isaiah 40:3; John the Baptist), and he will clear the way before Me. And the (Lord = Yehwah = יהוה ) , whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the (messenger = Messiah Yeshua  ) of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the (Lord = Yehwah = יהוה )  of hosts. 2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap. 3 “He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the (Lord = Yehwah = יהוה ) offerings in righteousness.

See also:  DOCTOR WHO?