Aug 18, 2020

MiLK n MEAT - to EAT or NOT?

 A Cheesie Parable

There once was a Pharisee that observed Messiah Yeshua entering a McDonald’s. The Pharisee considered a divine way of trapping the do-be-us Messiah in a sin. So the Pharisee followed Yeshua in and asked, “is it lawful to eat milk and meat together”? Yeshua said, “Show me a cheeseburger”. So the Pharisee purchased a big Mac with cheese. And he told the cashier, “give it to the Messiah”. Messiah Yeshua said, “give it to the poor-hungry Samaritan Child standing behind me”. Then, Yeshua smiled at the Pharisee and said, “How do you judge”? The Pharisees’ face turned red and he began to burn with righteous indignation. Miraculously a small cloud appeared above the Pharisee and snowflakes began falling on his head. Suddenly a voice seem to thunder, “Chill out, do not boil over a kid nurturing a cheeseburger”!

Jun 9, 2020


 What causes division? 

Amos 3:3 NASB; 2 Ti 2:15; 19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 25-26; Can two walk together unless they are in agreement? The trustworthy Word of Yehwah establishes law that governs a covenant relationship between Eloheyem and all of mankind. Messiah Yeshua emphasized the requirement for Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness. Justly applying law with equity will propagate a shared moral conscience that protects the innocent and convicts the guilty. The Covenant agreement opposes the human tendency to pursue lawlessness and sin. People are easily mis-led by deceptive adversaries of Truth. Satanic lyers question Yehwah’s Righteousness, Justice and Loving kindness. Yehwah’s Covenant 10 Commandments are clearly expressed and understandable law. The sad reality of rebellion against authority produces the inhumanity of lawlessness that causes suffering, sickness, violence and death. There is also a desire in the natural man to establish religions that create gods in their own image. With Systems of warship that pretend to receive divine approval. Many seminary trained religious leaders  base their theological indoctrination on deceptive mistranslations of scripture and pose as ordained teachers with Biblical authority. So then, if there is only one Covenant 10 Commandments that reveal the unchanging law of Yehwah, then why is there so much Division among religions that claim to obey the Biblical Creator and Law giver

( Ge 2:3; 16-17;; 3:1-2; 3-4; 5; 13; 14; 15; Deut 8:2; 3; Mt 4:3; 4; 5:17; 18; 19; 20; 23:23; Mk 7:6; 7-8; 9; 13; Isa 29:11; 12-13; 14; 33:22; )

Apr 1, 2020


NASA picture: 2017 Solar eclipse over U.S.
The question: if Yehwah divorced Israel. Is it lawful for Yehwah to remarry Israel after divorce? Yehwah’s Covenant with Israel is considered a marriage betrothal. The purpose of Yehwah’s marriage agreement, is portrayed in the physical and spiritual union, of oneness, between Adam and eve. Yehwah desired faithful obedient children, for the Eloheyem Family. But, sin and death, placed the burden of Salvation, upon the mysterious seed of a woman. Messiah Yeshua, will crush the head of Satan.

See also:  Nephilim vs Satan

Seed of Holy Oneness