Imagine a heroic knight in shining armor, in mortal combat with a fiery Dragon. This undefeated Ancient Serpent, has imprisoned a maiden within his castle of doom. Day after day the battle raged. The Knight's gleaming sword crashed against the iron scales of the Adversary. The Dragon's fiery breath scorched the shield of the Faithful Knight. His sword parried the iron claws, and valiantly deflected every advance of the demonic host. Till the cloak of dusk hastened, there is wisdom in the shelter of retreat. Evening spells, transformed the Dragon’s vestige into a dark and waxen armored knight, with a face resembling flickering embers. The serpentine knight spoke seductive words of love, as the fearful maiden served his nightly banquet feast. Then woeful shadows escorted the maiden to her tower of despair. Only, to be awakened as ascending fingers of a new day, lightly tapped upon the stains of glass in her window pane.